
Type for a single vchsEdgeGateway query result in records format.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<VchsEdgeGatewayRecord xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
        vdc="xs:string" numberOfExtNetworks="xs:int" numberOfOrgNetworks="xs:int" isBusy="xs:boolean"
        gatewayStatus="xs:string" haStatus="xs:string" externalIpAddress="xs:string" gatewayBackingConfig="xs:string"
        numberOfExternalIpAddressesAllocated="xs:int" numberOfExternalIpAddressesUsed="xs:int" vdcId="xs:string" vdcName="xs:string">
    <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
        <VCloudExtension required="xs:boolean"/>
    <Metadata href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
        <VCloudExtension required="xs:boolean"/>
        <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
            <VCloudExtension required="xs:boolean"/>
        <MetadataEntry href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
            <VCloudExtension required="xs:boolean"/>
            <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                <VCloudExtension required="xs:boolean"/>
            <Domain visibility="xs:string"/>
            <Key> xs:string </Key>


Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description Filter Sort
href anyURI No always 5.7 Contains the URI to the resource. Yes Yes
id string No always 5.7 The resource identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the resource, persists for the life of the resource, and is never reused. Yes Yes
type string No always 5.7 Contains the type of the resource. Yes Yes
name string No none 5.1 EdgeGateway name. Yes Yes
vdc string No none 5.1 VDC Reference or ID Yes Yes
numberOfExtNetworks int No none 5.1 Number of external networks connected to the edgeGateway. Yes Yes
numberOfOrgNetworks int No none 5.1 Number of org VDC networks connected to the edgeGateway Yes Yes
isBusy boolean No none 5.1 True if this Edge Gateway is busy. Yes Yes
gatewayStatus string No none 5.1 Yes Yes
haStatus string No none 5.1 High Availability Status of the edgeGateway Yes Yes
externalIpAddress string No none 5.7 The external IP address assigned to one of the gateway's uplinks, the one that was assigned at the time of its creation. Yes Yes
gatewayBackingConfig string No none 5.7 The gateway Backing Config: "compact" or "full". Yes Yes
numberOfExternalIpAddressesAllocated int No none 5.7 The number of external IP addresses in the gateway's IP sub-allocation pools. This may or may not include the IP addresses assigned to the gateway's uplinks. Yes Yes
numberOfExternalIpAddressesUsed int No none 5.7 The number of external IP addresses in the gateway's IP sub-allocation pools that are being used in the gateway rules (e.g. firewall, NAT rules). Yes Yes
vdcId string No none 5.7 The ID of the VDC this gateway belongs to. Yes Yes
vdcName string No none 5.7 The name of the VDC this gateway belongs to. Yes Yes


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
Link LinkType No none 5.7 Contains a link to an operation associated with a specific relation type.
Metadata MetadataType No 5.1