vCloud API Elements


Elements (453)

Element Description Since
AclRule Represents an extension service ACL rule. 5.1
AclRuleRecord A single aclRule query result in records format. 5.1
AclRuleReference A single aclRule query result in reference format. 0.9
AclRuleReferences A container for aclRule query results in references format.
AdminAllocatedExternalAddressRecord A single adminAllocatedExternalAddress query result in records format. 1.5
AdminApiDefinitionRecord A single adminApiDefinition query result in records format. 5.1
AdminApiDefinitionReference A single adminApiDefinition query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminApiDefinitionReferences A container for adminApiDefinition query results in references format.
AdminCatalog Represents the admin view of a catalog. 1.5
AdminCatalogItemRecord A single adminCatalogItem query result in records format. 1.5
AdminCatalogRecord A single adminCatalog query result in records format. 1.5
AdminDiskRecord A single adminDisk query result in records format. 5.1
AdminDiskReference A single adminDisk query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminDiskReferences A container for adminDisk query results in references format.
AdminEventRecord A single adminEvent query result in records format. 5.1
AdminEventReference A single adminEvent query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminEventReferences A container for adminEvent query results in references format.
AdminFileDescriptorRecord A single adminFileDescriptor query result in records format. 5.1
AdminFileDescriptorReference A single adminFileDescriptor query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminFileDescriptorReferences A container for adminFileDescriptor query results in references format.
AdminGroupRecord A single adminGroup query result in records format. 1.5
AdminMediaRecord A single adminMedia query result in records format. 1.5
AdminOrg Represents the admin view of an organization. 0.9
AdminOrgNetworkRecord A single adminOrgNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
AdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecord A single adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. 5.1
AdminOrgVdcStorageProfileReference A single adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminOrgVdcStorageProfileReferences A container for adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query results in references format.
AdminServiceOfferingInstanceReference A single adminServiceOfferingInstance query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminServiceOfferingInstanceReferences A container for adminServiceOfferingInstance query results in references format.
AdminServiceRecord A single adminService query result in records format. 5.1
AdminServiceReference A single adminService query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminServiceReferences A container for adminService query results in references format.
AdminShadowVMRecord A single adminShadowVM query result in records format. 1.5
AdminTaskRecord A single adminTask query result in records format. 1.5
AdminUserRecord A single adminUser query result in records format. 1.5
AdminVAppNetworkRecord A single adminVAppNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
AdminVAppRecord A single adminVApp query result in records format. 1.5
AdminVAppTemplateRecord A single adminVAppTemplate query result in records format. 1.5
AdminVMRecord A single adminVM query result in records format. 1.5
AdminVdc Represents the admin view of an organization vDC. 0.9
AdminVdcRecord A single adminOrgVdc query result in records format. 1.5
AdminVdcReference A single adminOrgVdc query result in reference format. 0.9
AdminVdcReferences A container for adminOrgVdc query results in references format.
AdminVdcStorageProfile Represents a storage profile in an organization vDC. 5.1
AdminVmDiskRelationRecord A single adminVMDiskRelation query result in records format. 5.1
AdminVrServer VR server administrative information. 1.0
AdminVrmServer Administrative information about a VRM server. 1.0
AllEULAsAccepted True confirms acceptance of all EULAs in a vApp template. 0.9
AllocatedExternalAddressRecord A single allocatedExternalAddress query result in records format. 1.5
AllocatedIpAddresses A list of information for allocated IP addresses. 5.1
AmqpSettings Represents the settings for the AMQP broker. 1.5
AmqpSettingsTest Represents the result from AMQP settings test. 1.5
ApiDefinition (extension/v1.5) Represents an extension service API definition. 5.1
ApiDefinition (v1.5) Representation of an API definition accessible by all authenticated users. 5.1
ApiDefinitionRecord A single apiDefinition query result in records format. 5.1
ApiDefinitionReference A single apiDefinition query result in reference format. 0.9
ApiDefinitionReferences A container for apiDefinition query results in references format.
ApiDefinitions Represents a list of extension service API definitions. 5.1
ApiExtensibility Lists links to API extensibility operations and entities. 5.1
ApiFilter Represents an extension service API filter as a UrlPattern or a ResponseContentType. 5.1
ApiFilterRecord A single apiFilter query result in records format. 5.1
ApiFilterReference A single apiFilter query result in reference format. 0.9
ApiFilterReferences A container for apiFilter query results in references format.
ApiFilters Container for extension service API filters. 5.1
AuditEvent Audit event 5.6
AuthorizationCheckParams Parameters for an authorization check request. 5.1
AuthorizationCheckResponse Response to an authorization check request. 5.1
BlockingTask Describes a blocking task request. 1.5
BlockingTaskOperationParams Parameters to POST with a blocking task action. 1.5
BlockingTaskOperations List of operation names. 1.5
BlockingTaskRecord A single blockingTask query result in records format. 1.5
BlockingTaskReference A single blockingTask query result in reference format. 0.9
BlockingTaskReferences (extension/v1.5) Container for query results returned in references format.
BlockingTaskReferences (v1.5) A container for blockingTask query results in references format.
BlockingTaskSettings Represents the settings related to blocking tasks. 1.5
BlockingTaskUpdateProgressParams Parameters to update a blocking task with a new timeout. 1.5
BrandingSettings Information used to customize the vCloud Director Web console. 1.5
BundleUploadParams Parameters for initializing an upload session for an extension service localization bundle. 5.1
BundleUploadSocket Upload information for an extension service localization bundle. 5.1
CaptureVAppParams Parameters for a captureVapp request. 0.9
Catalog Represents the user view of a Catalog object. 0.9
CatalogItem Contains a reference to a VappTemplate or Media object and related metadata. 0.9
CatalogItemRecord A single catalogItem query result in records format. 1.5
CatalogItemReference A single adminCatalogItem, catalogItem query result in reference format. 0.9
CatalogItemReferences A container for adminCatalogItem, catalogItem query results in references format.
CatalogRecord A single catalog query result in records format. 1.5
CatalogReference A single catalog, adminCatalog query result in reference format. 0.9
CatalogReferences A container for catalog, adminCatalog query results in references format.
CatalogSettings Catalog settings for this cloud 5.5
CellRecord A single cell query result in records format. 1.5
CertificateUpdateParams Parameters for certificate update. 5.1
CertificateUploadSocket Upload socket for certificate. 5.1
CloneMediaParams Parameters required by a cloneMedia request. 0.9
CloneVAppParams Parameters for a clonevApp request. 0.9
CloneVAppTemplateParams Parameters for a cloneVappTemplate request. 0.9
ComplianceResult Represents the results of a GET /vApp/vm-{id}/complianceResult request. 5.1
ComposeVAppParams Represents vApp composition parameters. 0.9
ConditionRecord A single condition query result in records format. 5.1
ControlAccessParams Specifies access controls for a resource. 0.9
CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParams Parameters for a copyCatalogItem or moveCatalogItem request. 5.5
CreateSnapshotParams Parameters for a createSnapshot request. 5.1
CreateVdcParams Parameters for creating an organization vDC. 5.1
CurrentUsage A collection of simple metrics representing real time usage statistics 5.6
CurrentUsageSpec Specifies which current usage metrics to retrieve 5.6
CustomizationSection Represents a vApp template customization settings. 1.0
Datastore Represents datastore object. 1.5
DatastoreProviderVdcRelationRecord A single datastoreProviderVdcRelation query result in records format. 1.5
DatastoreRecord A single datastore query result in records format. 1.5
DatastoreReference A single datastore query result in reference format. 0.9
DatastoreReferences (v1.5) A container for datastore query results in references format.
DatastoreReferences (extension/v1.5) Collection of datastore references. 1.5
DefaultStorageProfileSection Name of the storage profile that will be specified for this virtual machine. 5.1
DeployVAppParams Parameters to a deploy vApp request. 0.9
DhcpService DHCP service settings
Disk Represents an independent disk. 5.1
DiskAttachOrDetachParams Parameters for attaching or detaching an independent disk. 5.1
DiskCreateParams Parameters for creating or updating an independent disk. 5.1
DiskRecord A single disk query result in records format. 5.1
DiskReference A single disk query result in reference format. 0.9
DiskReferences A container for disk query results in references format.
DiskSpecParams ReplicationGroup VM Disk specification parameter. 1.0
DvSwitchRecord A single dvSwitch query result in records format. 1.5
EdgeGateway Represents a gateway. 5.1
EdgeGatewayRecord A single edgeGateway query result in records format. 5.1
EdgeGatewayReference A single edgeGateway query result in reference format. 0.9
EdgeGatewayReferences A container for edgeGateway query results in references format.
EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration Represents edge gateway services. 5.1
EditRecoveryDetailsParams An operation parameter used to update the recovery capabilities of a VDC. 1.0
EmailSettings Represents system email settings. 1.5
Entity Basic entity type in the vCloud object model. 0.9
EntityReferences Container for references to entities. 5.1
Error The standard error message type used in the vCloud REST API. 0.9
Event Parameters for creating an event. 5.1
EventRecord A single event query result in records format. 1.5
ExtensionServices List of references to registered extension services. 5.1
ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParams Configuration parameters for a catalog that has an external subscription. 5.5
ExternalLocalizationRecord A single externalLocalization query result in records format. 5.1
ExternalNetwork Represents the admin view of an external network. 1.0
FailbackReplicationGroup Failback replication group. 3.0
FailoverParams Failover operation parameter. 1.0
File Represents a file to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). 0.9
FileDescriptor (extension/v1.5) Represents an extension service API definition file. 5.1
FileDescriptor (v1.5) Represents a file required by an extension API definition. 5.1
FileDescriptorRecord A single fileDescriptor query result in records format. 5.1
FirewallService Firewall service settings
FromCloudTunnelReference A single fromCloudTunnel query result in reference format. 0.9
FromCloudTunnelReferences A container for fromCloudTunnel query results in references format.
GatewayDhcpService Gateway DHCP service settings 5.1
GatewayIpsecVpnService Gateway Ipsec VPN service settings 5.1
GeneralOrgSettings Represents general settings for an organization. 1.5
GeneralSettings General system settings. 1.5
Group Represents a group in this organization. 0.9
GroupRecord A single group query result in records format. 1.5
GroupReference A single group, adminGroup query result in reference format. 0.9
GroupReferences A container for group, adminGroup query results in references format.
GuestCustomizationSection Represents a guest customization settings. 1.0
HistoricUsage A collection of time-based metrics representing historic usage statistics 5.6
HistoricUsageSpec Specifies which historic usage metrics to retrieve 5.6
Host Read only representation of one host in a vSphere server. 1.0
HostRecord A single host query result in records format. 1.5
HostReference A single host query result in reference format. 0.9
HostReferences A container for host query results in references format.
IdSpec A collection of identifiers of various elements, for example VMs or disks, in a ReplicationGroup. 1.0
IdSpecDisk A disk identifiers' specification. 1.0
IdSpecDisks A collection of IdSpecDisksTypes. 1.0
IdSpecs A collection of IdSpecType-s. 1.0
ImportMediaParams Represents parameters to import media from vSphere. 1.5
ImportVmAsVAppParams Parameters to import a virtual machine as a vApp. 1.0
ImportVmAsVAppTemplateParams Parameters to import a virtual machine as a vApp template. 1.0
ImportVmIntoExistingVAppParams Parameters to import a virtual machine into an existing VApp. 1.5
InstantiateOvfParams Represents vApp instantiation from OVF parameters
InstantiateOvfProperty Represents an OVF property value assignment. 5.5
InstantiateVAppTemplateParams Represents vApp template instantiation parameters. 0.9
InstantiateVdcTemplateParams A basic type used to pass arguments to the instantiate VDC template operation, this provides a name and optional description for a VDC instantiated from a template. 5.7
InstantiateVmParams Instantiation parameters for a VM in a vApp. 5.5
IpsecVpnLocalPeer Gives more details of local peer end point. 1.5
IpsecVpnPeer This is the root type for all Ipsec-VPN peers. 1.5
IpsecVpnRemotePeer Gives more details of remote peer end point. 1.5
IpsecVpnService Ipsec Vpn service settings 1.5
IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer Gives more details of third party peer end point. 1.5
KerberosSettings Global Kerberos settings. 5.1
KeystoreUpdateParams Parameters for keystore update. 5.1
KeystoreUploadSocket Upload socket for keystore. 5.1
LdapSettings Defines the hostname and connection details for system LDAP service. 1.5
LeaseSettingsSection Represents vApp lease settings. 0.9
License This is used by the API to update and retrieve site license specific information. 1.5
Link Extends reference type by adding relation attribute. 0.9
LoadBalancerService Load Balancer service settings 5.1
LookupServiceParams Parameters for a register or unregister Lookup Service request. 5.1
LookupServiceSettings Information that allows vCloud Director to connect to a vSphere lookup service. 5.1
ManageVrServerParams An operation parameter used when registering VR Server out of the tenant vCenter inventory. 1.0
Media Represents a Media object. 0.9
MediaInsertOrEjectParams Parameters for an insertMedia or ejectMedia request. 0.9
MediaRecord A single media query result in records format. 1.5
MediaReference A single media, adminMedia query result in reference format. 0.9
MediaReferences A container for media, adminMedia query results in references format.
Metadata User-defined metadata associated with with an object. 1.5
MigrateParams Parameters that control virtual machine migration. 5.1
MksTicket A ticket and connection information for accessing the console of a VM. 5.5
MoveReplicationGroupParams 2.0
NatService NAT service settings
NetworkAssignment Maps a network name specified in a Vm to the network name of a vApp network defined in the VApp that contains the Vm 0.9
NetworkConfigSection Container for vApp networks. 0.9
NetworkConnection Represents a network connection in the virtual machine. 0.9
NetworkConnectionSection Container for the network connections of this virtual machine. 0.9
NetworkMapping Represents a mapping from an OVF source network to a vCloud target network. 5.5
NetworkPoolRecord A single networkPool query result in records format. 1.5
NetworkPoolReference A single networkPool query result in reference format. 0.9
NetworkPoolReferences A container for networkPool query results in references format.
NetworkRecord A single externalNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
NetworkReference A single externalNetwork query result in reference format. 0.9
NetworkReferences A container for externalNetwork query results in references format.
NetworkService This is the root of the substitution group for network services.
NetworkServiceInsertion Information about a network service that has been inserted 5.1
Notification vCloud Director AMQP notification in XML format. 5.1
NotificationsSettings Represents the settings related to Notifications. 1.5
Org Represents the user view of a vCloud Director organization. 0.9
OrgAssociationMember A reference to another organization 5.6
OrgAssociations Container for OrgAssociationType 5.6
OrgEmailSettings Represents the email settings for an organization. 0.9
OrgFederationSettings Represents federation settings for identity federation. 5.1
OrgGuestPersonalizationSettings Represents default guest personalization settings for an organization. 5.1
OrgLdapSettings Represents LDAP connection settings for this organization. 1.5
OrgList Represents a list of organizations. 0.9
OrgNetworkRecord A single orgNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
OrgNetworkReference A single orgNetwork, adminOrgNetwork query result in reference format. 0.9
OrgNetworkReferences A container for orgNetwork, adminOrgNetwork query results in references format.
OrgOperationLimitsSettings Represents operation limits settings for an organization. 5.1
OrgPasswordPolicySettings Represents password policy settings for this organization. 1.5
OrgRecord A single organization query result in records format. 1.5
OrgReference A single organization query result in reference format. 0.9
OrgReferences A container for organization query results in references format.
OrgSettings Container for this organization's settings. 1.5
OrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettings Represents default vAppTemplate lease policies for this organization. 1.5
OrgVdcNetwork Represents an Org vDC network in the vCloud model. 5.1
OrgVdcNetworkRecord A single orgVdcNetwork query result in records format. 5.1
OrgVdcNetworkReference A single orgVdcNetwork query result in reference format. 0.9
OrgVdcNetworkReferences A container for orgVdcNetwork query results in references format.
OrgVdcRecord A single orgVdc query result in records format. 1.5
OrgVdcReference A single orgVdc query result in reference format. 0.9
OrgVdcReferences A container for orgVdc query results in references format.
OrgVdcResourcePoolRelationRecord A single orgVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. 1.5
OrgVdcStorageProfileRecord A single orgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. 5.1
OrgVdcStorageProfileReference A single orgVdcStorageProfile query result in reference format. 0.9
OrgVdcStorageProfileReferences A container for orgVdcStorageProfile query results in references format.
OrganizationResourcePoolSet Represents a set of resource pools that back an organization vDC. 1.5
Orgs Represents a list of organizations. 5.5
Owner Represents the owner of this entity. 1.5
PairVcWithVdcParams An operation parameter used when pairing vCenter Server site with vCloud Org VDC. 1.0
Peer Generic VR peer resource type common for vCenter Server and VCD peer sites. 1.0
PortgroupRecord A single portgroup query result in records format. 1.5
PrepareHostParams Parameters for preparing an ESX/ESXi host. 0.9
ProductSectionList Container for all ProductSection elements in a VAppTemplate, VApp, or Vm object.
ProviderVdc Represents a Provider vDC. 0.9
ProviderVdcMergeParams A list of Provider vDCs to merge with the target Provider vDC. 5.1
ProviderVdcResourcePoolRelationRecord A single providerVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. 1.5
ProviderVdcStorageProfile Represents a Provider vDC storage profile. 5.1
ProviderVdcStorageProfileRecord A single providerVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. 5.1
ProviderVdcStorageProfileReference A single providerVdcStorageProfile query result in reference format. 0.9
ProviderVdcStorageProfileReferences A container for providerVdcStorageProfile query results in references format.
ProviderVdcStorageProfiles Container for references to storage profiles associated with a Provider vDC. 5.1
PublishCatalogParams Parameters required when sharing a catalog with other organizations. 0.9
PublishExternalCatalogParams Configuration parameters for a catalog that is published externally. 5.5
QueryList Container for the list of typed queries available to the requesting user.
QueryResultRecords Container for query results in records format. 1.5
RasdItemsList Represents a list of RASD items specifying a group of related DMTF Resource Allocation Setting Data properties of this virtual machine. 0.9
RecomposeVAppParams Parameters for a recompose vApp request. 1.0
ReconfigureReplicationGroupParams Deprecated. 1.0
Record Base element for a single record from query result in records format.
Reference A reference to a resource. 0.9
References Container for query results returned in references format.
RegisterVAppParams Represents vApp registration parameters. 5.5
RegisterVimServerParams Represents parameters to register a vCenter server. 0.9
RelocateParams Parameters to be used for virtual machine relocation. 1.5
ReplicationGroup ReplicationGroup. 1.0
ReplicationGroupDetails Additional information about the ReplicationGroup. 1.0
ReplicationGroupInstanceList 2.0
ReplicationGroupSpecParams A ReplicationGroup specification parameter used to configure new replications or to reconfigure existing replications. 1.0
ReplicationInfo Information about VR server. 1.0
ResourceClass Represents a resource class defined by an external service. 5.1
ResourceClassAction Defines the HTTP methods allowed on a URL pattern associated with an extension service resource class. 5.1
ResourceClassActionRecord A single resourceClassAction query result in records format. 5.1
ResourceClassActionReference A single resourceClassAction query result in reference format. 0.9
ResourceClassActionReferences A container for resourceClassAction query results in references format.
ResourceClassRecord A single resourceClass query result in records format. 5.1
ResourceClassReference A single resourceClass query result in reference format. 0.9
ResourceClassReferences A container for resourceClass query results in references format.
ResourceEntity Base type that represents a resource entity such as a vApp template or virtual media. 0.9
ResourcePoolList Represents a list of available resource pools that have not been assigned to any vDCs (provider or org). 1.0
ResourcePoolRecord A single resourcePool query result in records format. 1.5
ResourcePoolVMRecord A single resourcePoolVmList query result in records format. 5.1
Right Represents a right. 0.9
RightRecord A single right query result in records format. 1.5
RightReference A single right query result in reference format. 0.9
RightReferences A container for right query results in references format.
RightRefs Container for ReferenceType elements that reference the predefined RightType objects. 5.1
Role A named collection of rights. 0.9
RoleRecord A single role query result in records format. 1.5
RoleReference A single role query result in reference format. 0.9
RoleReferences A container for role query results in references format.
RuntimeInfoSection VMware Tools and other runtime information for this virtual machine. 1.5
ScreenTicket The ticket for accessing the console of a VM. 0.9
Service (extension/v1.5) Represents an extension service. 5.1
Service (v1.5) Public representation of an external service. 5.1
ServiceExtensionReference A single serviceExtension query result in reference format. 0.9
ServiceExtensionReferences A container for serviceExtension query results in references format.
ServiceLink Represents a service link defined by an extension service. 5.1
ServiceLinkRecord A single serviceLink query result in records format. 5.1
ServiceLinkReference A single serviceLink query result in reference format. 0.9
ServiceLinkReferences A container for serviceLink query results in references format.
ServiceLinks A list of service links for extension services. 5.1
ServiceOfferingInstanceReference A single serviceOfferingInstance query result in reference format. 0.9
ServiceOfferingInstanceReferences A container for serviceOfferingInstance query results in references format.
ServiceOfferingReference A single serviceOffering query result in reference format. 0.9
ServiceOfferingReferences A container for serviceOffering query results in references format.
ServiceRecord A single service query result in records format. 5.1
ServiceReference A single service query result in reference format. 0.9
ServiceReferences A container for service query results in references format.
ServiceResource Represents an instance of resource class defined by an extension service. 5.1
ServiceResourceRecord A single serviceResource query result in records format. 5.1
ServiceResourceResourceReference A single serviceResource query result in reference format. 0.9
ServiceResourceResourceReferences A container for serviceResource query results in references format.
Session Represents a vCloud Session. 1.5
ShadowVMReferences A container for shadow VM reference elements.
ShieldManager Represents credentials to a vShield Manager server. 0.9
Snapshot Represents a virtual machine snapshot. 5.1
SnapshotSection Represents information about vApp and virtual machine snapshots. 5.1
SspiKeytabUpdateParams Parameters for SSPI keytab update. 5.1
SspiKeytabUploadSocket Upload socket for SSPI keytab. 5.1
StaticRoutingService Static Routing service settings 1.5
StrandedItem Represents the stranded item. 5.1
StrandedItemRecord A single strandedItem query result in records format. 5.1
StrandedItemReference A single strandedItem query result in reference format. 0.9
StrandedItemReferences A container for strandedItem query results in references format.
StrandedUserRecord A single strandedUser query result in records format. 1.5
SupportedOperatingSystemsInfo Operating systems available for use on virtual machines owned by this organization. 5.1
SupportedVersions HCS server supported versions type. 1.0
SwitchVrServerParams An operation parameter used when changing the VR Server of a ReplicaitonGroup. 1.0
SyslogServerSettings Allows a user to configure syslog server settings for the gateway 5.11
SystemPasswordPolicySettings Represents the settings related to Password Policy. 1.5
SystemSettings Represents system-level settings. 1.5
Task Represents an asynchronous operation in vCloud Director. 0.9
TaskPrototype Describes an asynchronous operation to be performed by vCloud Director extension. 6.0
TaskRecord A single task query result in records format. 1.5
TaskReference A single task, adminTask query result in reference format. 0.9
TaskReferences A container for task, adminTask query results in references format.
TasksList A list of tasks. 0.9
TestFailoverParams Test failover operation parameter. 1.0
ToCloudTunnelReference A single toCloudTunnel query result in reference format. 0.9
ToCloudTunnelReferences A container for toCloudTunnel query results in references format.
TrustStoreUpdateParams Parameters for updating the truststore. 5.1
TrustStoreUploadSocket Upload socket for the truststore. 5.1
UndeployVAppParams Parameters to an undeploy vApp request. 0.9
UpdateProviderVdcStorageProfiles Parameters for request to add or remove Provider vDC storage profiles. 5.1
UpdateResourcePoolSetParams Parameters for updating resource pools backing a Provider vDC. 1.5
UpdateRightsParams Parameters for updating right collection. 5.1
UpdateVdcStorageProfiles Parameters for updating storage profiles in an organization vDC. 5.1
UploadVAppTemplateParams Parameters for an uploadVappTemplate request. 0.9
User Represents a local or imported user. 0.9
UserEntityRights Container for EntityRights elements. 5.1
UserRecord A single user query result in records format. 1.5
UserReference A single user, strandedUser, adminUser query result in reference format. 0.9
UserReferences A container for user, strandedUser, adminUser query results in references format.
VApp Represents a vApp. 0.9
VAppLeaseSettings Represents default lease durations and policies for this organization. 0.9
VAppNetwork Represents a vApp network. 1.5
VAppNetworkRecord A single vAppNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
VAppNetworkReference A single vAppNetwork, adminVAppNetwork query result in reference format. 0.9
VAppNetworkReferences A container for vAppNetwork, adminVAppNetwork query results in references format.
VAppOrgNetworkRelationRecord A single vAppOrgNetworkRelation query result in records format. 1.5
VAppOrgNetworkRelationReference A single vAppOrgNetworkRelation query result in reference format. 0.9
VAppOrgNetworkRelationReferences A container for vAppOrgNetworkRelation query results in references format.
VAppOrgVdcNetworkRelationRecord A single vAppOrgVdcNetworkRelation query result in records format. 5.1
VAppOrgVdcNetworkRelationReference A single vAppOrgVdcNetworkRelation query result in reference format. 0.9
VAppOrgVdcNetworkRelationReferences A container for vAppOrgVdcNetworkRelation query results in references format.
VAppRecord A single vApp query result in records format. 1.5
VAppReference A single vApp, adminVApp query result in reference format. 0.9
VAppReferences A container for vApp, adminVApp query results in references format.
VAppTemplate Represents a vApp template. 0.9
VAppTemplateRecord A single vAppTemplate query result in records format. 1.5
VAppTemplateReference A single vAppTemplate, adminVAppTemplate query result in reference format. 0.9
VAppTemplateReferences A container for vAppTemplate, adminVAppTemplate query results in references format.
VCloud Represents the admin view of a cloud. 0.9
VMRecord A single vm query result in records format. 1.5
VMReference A single vm, adminVM, adminShadowVM, resourcePoolVmList query result in reference format. 0.9
VMReferences A container for vm, adminVM, adminShadowVM, resourcePoolVmList query results in references format.
VMWExtension List links to extension operations and entities. 1.0
VMWExternalNetwork External network type. 1.0
VMWExternalNetworkReferences Represents a list of available external networks. 1.0
VMWHostReferences Represents a list of available hosts. 1.0
VMWNetworkPool Base extension network pool type. 1.0
VMWNetworkPoolReferences Represents a list of available network pools. 1.0
VMWProviderVdc Extension representation of provider vDC type. 1.0
VMWProviderVdcParams Parameters to create or update a Provider vDC. 5.1
VMWProviderVdcRecord A single providerVdc query result in records format. 1.5
VMWProviderVdcReference A single providerVdc query result in reference format. 0.9
VMWProviderVdcReferences (extension/v1.5) Represents a list of available provider vDCs. 1.0
VMWProviderVdcReferences (v1.5) A container for providerVdc query results in references format.
VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSet Represents backing resource pool set 1.5
VMWProviderVdcStorageProfile Extension representation of provider vDC storage profile type. 5.1
VMWStorageProfile Represents a vCenter storage profile. 5.1
VMWStorageProfiles Represents a group of vCenter storage profiles. 5.1
VMWVdcTemplate A reference to a VDC template. 5.7
VMWVdcTemplateList Represents a list of VDC templates. 5.7
VMWVdcTemplateReferences Container for query results returned in references format.
VMWVdcTemplates Container for VMWVdcTemplateType 5.7
VMWVimServerReferences List of references to vCenter servers registered to vCloud Director. 1.0
VSphereWebClientUrl Represents the vSphere Web Client URL of a VIM object. 5.1
VcTrustStoreUpdateParams Parameters for updating the vCenter truststore. 5.1
VcTrustStoreUploadSocket Upload socket for vCenter trust store. 5.1
VchsEdgeGatewayRecord A single vchsEdgeGateway query result in records format. 5.7
VchsEdgeGatewayReference A single vchsEdgeGateway query result in reference format. 0.9
VchsEdgeGatewayReferences A container for vchsEdgeGateway query results in references format.
VchsOrgVdcNetworkRecord A single vchsOrgVdcNetwork query result in records format. 5.7
VchsOrgVdcNetworkReference A single vchsOrgVdcNetwork query result in reference format. 0.9
VchsOrgVdcNetworkReferences A container for vchsOrgVdcNetwork query results in references format.
Vdc Represents the user view of an organization vDC. 0.9
VdcReferences List of organization vDCs backed by this Provider vDC. 1.0
VdcServiceOfferingReference A single vdcServiceOffering query result in reference format. 0.9
VdcServiceOfferingReferences A container for vdcServiceOffering query results in references format.
VdcStorageProfile Represents a storage profile in an organization vDC. 5.1
VdcStorageProfileParams Represents the parameters to create a storage profile in an organization vDC 5.1
VdcStorageProfiles Container for references to storage profiles associated with a vDC. 5.1
VdcTemplate A reference to a VDC template. 5.7
VdcTemplateList Represents a list of VDC templates. 5.7
VdcTemplates Container for VdcTemplateType 5.7
VendorServices Vendor services available for service insertion on networks or edge gateways. 5.1
VersionInfo HCS server version information type. 1.0
VimObjectRef Represents the moref and the type of a vSphere object. 0.9
VimServer Represents vCenter server information. 0.9
VirtualCenterRecord A single virtualCenter query result in records format. 1.5
VirtualCenterReference A single virtualCenter query result in reference format. 0.9
VirtualCenterReferences A container for virtualCenter query results in references format.
Vm Represents a virtual machine. 0.9
VmCapabilities Allows you to specify certain capabilities of this virtual machine. 5.1
VmDiskRelationRecord A single vmDiskRelation query result in records format. 5.1
VmObjectRefsList A list of references to virtual machines in vCenter inventory. 1.0
VmPendingQuestion Represents a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). 0.9
VmQuestionAnswer Represents the answer to a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). 0.9
VmServiceOfferingInstanceReference A single vmServiceOfferingInstance query result in reference format. 0.9
VmServiceOfferingInstanceReferences A container for vmServiceOfferingInstance query results in references format.
VmSpecParams A ReplicationGroup VM specification parameter. 1.0
VmVimInfo Represents a vSphere VM information. 1.5
Vms Represents a list of virtual machines. 5.1
VrNetworkMappings VR Peer network mappings specification. 1.0
VrRecoveryDetails Information about the VDC recovery capabilities. 1.0
VrServer VR server information. 1.0
VrServerStatistics VR server statistics. 1.0
VrcsNode VRCS Node. 2.0
VrcsNodes VRCS Nodes. 2.0