vCloud API User Operations

User Operations

User Operations (23)

Operation Description Since
GET /org/{orgId}/failbackreplications Retrieves a page of incoming FailbackReplicationGroups for the specified Organization. 1.0
GET /org/{orgId}/replications Retrieves a page of incoming ReplicationGroups for the specified Organization. 1.0
GET /org/{orgUuid}/enabledForReplicationVdcs Retrieves the VDCs in the specified Organization that are enabled for replication. 1.0
GET /vdc/{vdcId}/failbackreplications Retrieves a page of incoming FailbackReplicationGroups for the specified VDC. 1.0
GET /vdc/{vdcId}/peers Retrieves all VR Peers that are paired with the specified VDC. 1.0
GET /vdc/{vdcId}/recoveryDetails Retrieves information about the recovery capabilities of this VDC. 1.0
GET /vdc/{vdcId}/replications Retrieves a page of incoming ReplicationGroups for the specified VDC. 1.0
GET /vr/failbackreplications/{replicationGroupId} Retrieves information for the specified outgoing FailbackReplicationGroup. 3.0
DELETE /vr/failbackreplications/{replicationGroupId} Removes the specified FailbackReplicationGroup. 3.0
GET /vr/peers/{peerResourceId} Retrieves VR Peer (pairing) information. 1.0
GET /vr/peers/{peerResourceId}/failbackreplications Retrieves a page of incoming FailbackReplicationGroups for the specified VR Peer. 1.0
GET /vr/peers/{peerResourceId}/networkMappings Retrieves the network mappings for the specified VR Peer. 1.0
PUT /vr/peers/{peerResourceId}/networkMappings Updates the network mappings for the specified VR Peer. 1.0
GET /vr/peers/{peerResourceId}/replications Retrieves a page of incoming ReplicationGroups for the specified VR Peer. 1.0
GET /vr/query
GET /vr/replications/{replicationGroupId} Retrieves information for the specified incoming ReplicationGroup. 1.0
DELETE /vr/replications/{replicationGroupId} Removes the specified incoming ReplicaitonGroup. 1.0
POST /vr/replications/{replicationGroupId}/action/failover Performs failover for the incoming ReplicationGroup. 1.0
PUT /vr/replications/{replicationGroupId}/action/setVmConfiguration Updates VM configuration. 2.0
POST /vr/replications/{replicationGroupId}/action/testCleanup Performs test clean-up for the incoming ReplicationGroup. 1.0
POST /vr/replications/{replicationGroupId}/action/testFailover Performs test failover for the specified incoming ReplicationGroup. 1.0
GET /vr/replications/{replicationGroupId}/instances Retrieves the group instances for the specified incoming ReplicationGroup. 2.0
GET /vr/versions This API is not annotated with {@link} because HCS client of every version must be able to call it without error.