content library item file: list

Lists all of the files that are stored within a given library item.


HTTP request

GET https://{server}/rest/com/vmware/content/library/item/file


Request Query Parameters:

Name Type Description
bold = required
library_item_id string Identifier of the library item whose files should be listed.


HTTP Status Code: 200


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ns0:List-Result xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">

Response Type:

Name Type Description
bold = required
value info[] The array of all of the files that are stored within the given library item.
value[].checksum_info checksum_info A checksum for validating the content of the file.

This value can be used to verify that a transfer was completed without errors.

Optional. A checksum cannot always be calculated, and the value will be unset if the file does not have content.

value[].checksum_info.algorithm string The checksum algorithm (SHA1, MD5) used to calculate the checksum.

Optional. If not specified the default checksum algorithm is SH_a1.

value[].checksum_info.checksum string The checksum value calculated with content.library.item.file.checksum_info.algorithm.

value[].name string The name of the file.

This value will be unique within the library item for each file. It cannot be an empty string.

value[].size long The file size, in bytes. The file size is the storage used and not the uploaded or provisioned size. For example, when uploading a disk to a datastore, the amount of storage that the disk consumes may be different from the disk file size. When the file is not cached, the size is 0.

value[].cached boolean Indicates whether the file is on disk or not.

value[].version string The version of this file; incremented when a new copy of the file is uploaded.


HTTP Status Code Type Description
404 not_found if library_item_id refers to a library item that does not exist.