API Description | API Path |
List All Bridge Endpoint ProfilesReturns information about all configured bridge endoint profiles |
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles
Create a Bridge Endpoint ProfileCreates a Bridge Endpoint Profile. Profile contains edge cluster id, indexes of the member nodes, fialover mode and high availability mode for a Bridge EndPoint |
POST /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles
Delete a Bridge Endpoint ProfileDeletes the specified Bridge Endpoint Profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/{bridgeendpointprofile-id}
Get Information about a bridge endpoint ProfileReturns information about a specified bridge endpoint profile. |
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/{bridgeendpointprofile-id}
Update a Bridge Endpoint ProfileModifies a existing bridge endpoint profile. |
PUT /api/v1/bridge-endpoint-profiles/{bridgeendpointprofile-id}
List All Bridge EndpointsReturns information about all configured bridge endoints |
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints
Create a Bridge EndpointCreates a Bridge Endpoint. It describes the physical attributes of the bridge like vlan. A logical port can be attached to a vif providing bridging functionality from the logical overlay network to the physical vlan network. |
POST /api/v1/bridge-endpoints
Delete a Bridge EndpointDeletes the specified Bridge Endpoint. |
DELETE /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/{bridgeendpoint-id}
Get Information about a bridge endpointReturns information about a specified bridge endpoint. |
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/{bridgeendpoint-id}
Update a Bridge EndpointModifies a existing bridge endpoint. |
PUT /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/{bridgeendpoint-id}
Returns statistics of a specified Bridge EndpointGet the statistics for the Bridge Endpoint of the given Endpoint id (endpoint-id) |
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/{endpoint-id}/statistics
Returns status of a specified Bridge EndpointGet the status for the Bridge Endpoint of the given Endpoint id |
GET /api/v1/bridge-endpoints/{endpoint-id}/status
List All DHCP Relay ProfilesReturns information about all dhcp relay profiles. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/relay-profiles
Create a DHCP Relay ProfileCreates a dhcp relay profile. |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/relay-profiles
Delete a DHCP Relay ProfileDeletes the specified dhcp relay profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/relay-profiles/{relay-profile-id}
Read a DHCP Relay ProfileReturns information about the specified dhcp relay profile. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/relay-profiles/{relay-profile-id}
Update a DHCP Relay ProfileModifies the specified dhcp relay profile. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/relay-profiles/{relay-profile-id}
List all DHCP Relay ServicesReturns information about all configured dhcp relay services. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/relays
Create a DHCP Relay ServiceCreates a dhcp relay service. |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/relays
Delete a DHCP Relay ServiceDeletes the specified dhcp relay service. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/relays/{relay-id}
Read a DHCP Relay ServiceReturns the dhcp relay service information. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/relays/{relay-id}
Update a DHCP Relay ServiceModifies the specified dhcp relay service. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/relays/{relay-id}
Get a paginated list of DHCP server profilesGet a paginated list of DHCP server profiles. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/server-profiles
Create a DHCP server profileCreate a DHCP server profile. If no edge member is specified, edge members to run the dhcp servers will be auto-allocated from the edge cluster. |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/server-profiles
Delete a DHCP server profileDelete a DHCP server profile specified by the profile id. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/server-profiles/{profile-id}
Get a DHCP server profileReturn the DHCP profile specified by the profile id. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/server-profiles/{profile-id}
Update a DHCP server profileIf both the edge_cluster_member_indexes in the DhcpProfile are changed in a same PUT API, e.g. change from [a,b] to [x,y], the current DHCP server leases will be lost, which could cause the network crash due to ip conflicts. Hence the suggestion is to change only one member index in one single update, e.g. from [a, b] to [a,y]. Please note, the edge_cluster_id in DhcpProfile can NOT be changed by this PUT operation because all existing DHCP leases will lost. If losing leases is not a problem, a dedicated re-allocation API is suggested to modify the edge-cluster-id, i.e. "POST /api/v1/dhcp/dhcp-profiles/<profileiid>?action=reallocate". Meanwhile, if the edge_cluster_member_indexes was specified currently but now is changed to none (not specified) via a PUT operation, the edge nodes will not be auto-selected from edge cluster. Instead, the previously-allocated edge nodes will continue to be used by the DHCP server. This is because changing both edge nodes of a DHCP server will lose all existing leases. In case re-allocation is required and leases lost is not a problem (or can be recovered), please invoke the reallocate API mentioned above with new DhcpProfile to accomplish the intent. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/server-profiles/{profile-id}
Reallocate edge cluster and members of given DHCP profile.As changing edge-cluster-id of a DhcpProfile by a PUT is disallowed, this re-allocate API is used to modify the edge-cluster-id and members of a given DhcpProfile. Only the edge-cluster-id and the edge-cluster-member-indexes fields will be picked up by this re-allication API. The othere fields in the payload will be ignored. If the edge-cluster-id in the payload DhcpProfile is different from the current edge-cluster-id of the profile, the referencing DHCP server(s) will be re-allocated to the new edge cluster. If the edge-cluster-id is not changed, the referencing DHCP server(s) will be re-allocated to the given edge members in the edge cluster. In this case, this REST API will act same as that of updating a DhcpProfile. If the edge cluster member indexes are provided, they should exist in the given edge cluster. If the indexes are not specified in the DhcpProfile, edge members will be auto-allocated from the given edge cluster. Please note that re-allocating edge-cluster will cause lose of all exisitng DHCP lease information. This API is used only when loosing DHCP leases is not a real problem, e.g. cross-site migration or failover and all client hosts will be reboot and get new IP addresses. |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/server-profiles/{server-profile-id}?action=reallocate
Get a paginated list of DHCP serversList logical DHCP servers with pagination support. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers
Create a DHCP serverCreate a logical DHCP server with v4 and/or v6 servers. |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/servers
Delete a DHCP serverDelete a logical DHCP server specified by server id. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}
Get a DHCP server with v4 and/or v6 serversRetrieve a logical DHCP server specified by server id. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}
Update a DHCP server with v4 and/or v6 serversUpdate a logical DHCP server with new configurations. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}
Get a paginated list of a DHCP server's IP poolsList the ip pools of a logical DHCP server with pagination support. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ip-pools
Create an ip pool for a DHCP serverCreate an ip pool for a local DHCP server |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ip-pools
Delete a DHCP server's IP poolDelete a specific ip pool of a given logical DHCP server. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ip-pools/{pool-id}
Get a DHCP server's IP pool with the specified pool IDReturn a specific ip pool of a given logical DHCP server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ip-pools/{pool-id}
Update a DHCP server's IP poolUpdate a specific ip pool of a given logical DHCP server. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ip-pools/{pool-id}
Get the realized state of a dhcp ip poolReturn realized state information of a dhcp ip pool. After a dhcp ip pool is created or updated, you can invoke this API to get the realization information of the ip pool. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ip-pools/{pool-id}/state
Get a paginated list of a DHCP IPv6 server's IP poolsList the ip pools of a logical DHCP IPv6 server with pagination support. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-ip-pools
Create an ip pool for a DHCP IPv6 serverCreate an ip pool for a local DHCP IPv6 server |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-ip-pools
Delete a DHCP IPv6 server's IP poolDelete a specific ip pool of a given logical DHCP IPv6 server. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-ip-pools/{pool-id}
Get a DHCP IPv6 server's IP pool with the specified pool IDReturn a specific ip pool of a given logical DHCP IPv6 server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-ip-pools/{pool-id}
Update a DHCP IPv6 server's IP poolUpdate a specific ip pool of a given logical DHCP IPv6 server. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-ip-pools/{pool-id}
Get a paginated list of a DHCP IPv6 server's static bindingsReturn a paginated list of a static bindings of a given logical DHCP IPv6 server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-static-bindings
Create a static binding for a DHCP IPv6 serverCreate a static binding for a logical DHCP IPv6 server. |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-static-bindings
Delete a static binding for DHCP IPv6 serverDelete a specific static binding of a given logical DHCP IPv6 server. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-static-bindings/{binding-id}
Get a DHCP IPv6 server's static binding with the specified binding IDReturn a specific static binding of a given logical DHCP IPv6 server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-static-bindings/{binding-id}
Update a DHCP IPv6 server's static bindingUpdate a specific static binding of a given local DHCP IPv6 server. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/ipv6-static-bindings/{binding-id}
Delete a single DHCP lease entry specified by ip and mac.Delete a single DHCP lease entry specified by ip and mac. The DHCP server matches the DHCP lease with the given ip address and the mac address. The matched lease entry will be deleted. If no lease matches, the request is ignored. The DHCP lease to be deleted will be removed by the system from both active and standby node. The system will report error if the DHCP lease could not be removed from both nodes. If the DHCP lease could not be removed on either node, please check the DHCP server status. Once the DHCP server status is UP, please invoke the deletion API again to ensure the lease gets deleted from both nodes. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/leases
Get specific leases of a given dhcp serverGet specific leases of a given dhcp server. As a dhcp server could manage millions of leases, the API has to limit the number of the returned leases via two mutually-excluded request parameters, i.e. "pool_id" and "address". Either a "pool_id" or an "address" can be provided, but not both in a same call. If a "pool_id" is specified, the leases of the specific pool are returned. If an "address" is specified, only the lease(s) represented y this address is(are) returned. The "address" can be a single IP, an ip-range, or a mac address. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/leases
Get the realized state of a dhcp serverReturn realized state information of a dhcp server. After a dhcp server is created or updated, you can invoke this API to get the realization information of the server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/state
Get a paginated list of a DHCP server's static bindingsReturn a paginated list of a static bindings of a given logical DHCP server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/static-bindings
Create a static binding for a DHCP serverCreate a static binding for a logical DHCP server. |
POST /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/static-bindings
Delete a static bindingDelete a specific static binding of a given logical DHCP server. |
DELETE /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/static-bindings/{binding-id}
Get a DHCP server's static binding with the specified binding IDReturn a specific static binding of a given logical DHCP server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/static-bindings/{binding-id}
Update a DHCP server's static bindingUpdate a specific static binding of a given local DHCP server. |
PUT /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/static-bindings/{binding-id}
Get the realized state of a dhcp static bindingReturn realized state information of a dhcp static binding. After a dhcp static binding is created or updated, you can invoke this API to get the realization information of the static binding. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/static-bindings/{binding-id}/state
Get DHCP statistics with given dhcp server idReturns the statistics of the given dhcp server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/statistics
Get DHCP service status with given dhcp server idReturns the service status of the given dhcp server. |
GET /api/v1/dhcp/servers/{server-id}/status
Get a paginated list of DNS forwardersGet a paginated list of DNS forwarders. |
GET /api/v1/dns/forwarders
Create a DNS forwaderCreate a DNS forwader upon a logical router. There is only one DNS forwarder can be created upon a given logical router. |
POST /api/v1/dns/forwarders
Delete a specific DNS forwarderDelete a specific DNS forwarder. |
DELETE /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}
Retrieve a DNS forwarderRetrieve a DNS forwarder. |
GET /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}
Clear the current cache of the DNS forwarder.Clear the current cache of the DNS forwarder. |
POST /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}?action=clear_cache
Enable the DNS forwarder.Enable the DNS forwarder if the forwarder is currently disabled. If the DNS forwarder is already enabled, the forwarder will not be re-enabled. Please note, once a DNS forwarder is disabled then enabled, the previous DNS forwarder statistics counters will be reset. |
POST /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}?action=enable
Disable the DNS forwarder.Disable the DNS forwarder if the forwarder is currently enbled. If the DNS forwarder is already disabled, the forwarder will not be re-disabled. Please note, once a DNS forwarder is disabled then enabled, the previous DNS forwarder statistics counters will be reset. |
POST /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}?action=disable
Update a specific DNS forwarderUpdate a specific DNS forwarder. |
PUT /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}
Get the recent failed DNS queriesReturn the given count of recent failed DNS queries from DNS forwarder. Since the DNS forwarder is running in Acitve/Standby HA mode on transport nodes, the given count of queries will be returned from each nodes. Hence the total queries returned could be doubled. If no count is specified, 100 recent failed queries are returned. If the recent failures is less than the given count, all the failures will be returned. The maximum count is 1,000. |
GET /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}/failed-queries
Resolve a given address via the DNS forwarderQuery the nameserver for an ip-address or a FQDN of the given an address optionally using an specified DNS server. If the address is a fqdn, nslookup will resolve ip-address with it. If the address is an ip-address, do a reverse lookup and answer fqdn(s). |
GET /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}/nslookup
Get the realized state of a DNS forwarderReturn the realized state information of a DNS forwarder. After a DNS forwarder was created or updated, you can invoke this API to check the realization state of the forwarder. |
GET /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}/state
Get statistics of given dns forwarderReturns the statistics of the given dns forwarder specified by forwarder id. |
GET /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}/statistics
Get current status of the given DNS forwarderReturns the current status of the given DNS forwarder. |
GET /api/v1/dns/forwarders/{forwarder-id}/status
Read All IPV6 DADProfilesReturns all IPv6 DADProfiles. |
GET /api/v1/ipv6/dad-profiles
Create a new DADProfileAdds a new DADProfile |
POST /api/v1/ipv6/dad-profiles
Delete DAD ProfileDelete DADProfile |
DELETE /api/v1/ipv6/dad-profiles/{dad-profile-id}
Read specified IPV6 DADProfileReturns information about specified IPv6 DADProfile. |
GET /api/v1/ipv6/dad-profiles/{dad-profile-id}
Update DADProfileUpdate DADProfile. |
PUT /api/v1/ipv6/dad-profiles/{dad-profile-id}
Read All IPV6 NDRA ProfilesReturns all IPv6 NDRA Profiles. |
GET /api/v1/ipv6/nd-ra-profiles
Create a new NDRA ProfileAdds a new NDRAProfile |
POST /api/v1/ipv6/nd-ra-profiles
Delete NDRA ProfileDelete NDRAProfile |
DELETE /api/v1/ipv6/nd-ra-profiles/{nd-ra-profile-id}
Read specified IPV6 NDRA ProfileReturns information about specified IPv6 NDRA Profile. |
GET /api/v1/ipv6/nd-ra-profiles/{nd-ra-profile-id}
Update NDRA ProfileUpdate NDRAProfile |
PUT /api/v1/ipv6/nd-ra-profiles/{nd-ra-profile-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer application profilesRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer application profiles. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/application-profiles
Create a load balancer application profileCreate a load balancer application profile. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/application-profiles
Delete a load balancer application profileDelete a load balancer application profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/application-profiles/{application-profile-id}
Retrieve a load balancer application profileRetrieve a load balancer application profile. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/application-profiles/{application-profile-id}
Update a load balancer application profileUpdate a load balancer application profile. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/application-profiles/{application-profile-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer client-ssl profilesRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer client-ssl profiles. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/client-ssl-profiles
Create a load balancer client-ssl profileCreate a load balancer client-ssl profile. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/client-ssl-profiles
Delete a load balancer client-ssl profileDelete a load balancer client-ssl profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/client-ssl-profiles/{client-ssl-profile-id}
Retrieve a load balancer client-ssl profileRetrieve a load balancer client-ssl profile. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/client-ssl-profiles/{client-ssl-profile-id}
Update a load balancer client-ssl profileUpdate a load balancer client-ssl profile. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/client-ssl-profiles/{client-ssl-profile-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer monitorsRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer monitors. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/monitors
Create a load balancer monitorCreate a load balancer monitor. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/monitors
Delete a load balancer monitorDelete a load balancer monitor. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/monitors/{monitor-id}
Retrieve a load balancer monitorRetrieve a load balancer monitor. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/monitors/{monitor-id}
Update a load balancer monitorUpdate a load balancer monitor. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/monitors/{monitor-id}
Read load balancer node usage summaryAPI is used to retrieve the load balancer node usage summary for all nodes. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/node-usage-summary
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer persistence profilesRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer persistence profiles. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/persistence-profiles
Create a load balancer persistence profileCreate a load balancer persistence profile. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/persistence-profiles
Delete a load balancer persistence profileDelete a load balancer persistence profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/persistence-profiles/{persistence-profile-id}
Retrieve a load balancer persistence profileRetrieve a load balancer persistence profile. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/persistence-profiles/{persistence-profile-id}
Update a load balancer persistence profileUpdate a load balancer persistence profile. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/persistence-profiles/{persistence-profile-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer poolsRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer pools. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/pools
Create a load balancer poolCreate a load balancer pool. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/pools
Delete a load balancer poolDelete a load balancer pool. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/pools/{pool-id}
Retrieve a load balancer poolRetrieve a load balancer pool. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/pools/{pool-id}
Add, remove, or modify load balancer pool membersFor ADD_MEMBERS, pool members will be created and added to load balancer pool. This action is only valid for static pool members. For REMOVE_MEMBERS, pool members will be removed from load balancer pool via IP and port in pool member settings. This action is only valid for static pool members. For UPDATE_MEMBERS, pool members admin state will be updated. This action is valid for both static pool members and dynamic pool members. For dynamic pool members, this update will be stored in customized_members field in load balancer pool member group. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/pools/{pool-id}
Update a load balancer poolUpdate a load balancer pool. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/pools/{pool-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer rulesRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer rules. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/rules
Create a load balancer ruleCreate a load balancer rule. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/rules
Delete a load balancer ruleDelete a load balancer rule. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/rules/{rule-id}
Retrieve a load balancer ruleRetrieve a load balancer rule. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/rules/{rule-id}
Update a load balancer ruleUpdate a load balancer rule. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/rules/{rule-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer server-ssl profilesRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer server-ssl profiles. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/server-ssl-profiles
Create a load balancer server-ssl profileCreate a load balancer server-ssl profile. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/server-ssl-profiles
Delete a load balancer server-ssl profileDelete a load balancer server-ssl profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/server-ssl-profiles/{server-ssl-profile-id}
Retrieve a load balancer server-ssl profileRetrieve a load balancer server-ssl profile. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/server-ssl-profiles/{server-ssl-profile-id}
Update a load balancer server-ssl profileUpdate a load balancer server-ssl profile. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/server-ssl-profiles/{server-ssl-profile-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer servicesRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer services. When logical_router_id is specified in request parameters, the associated load balancer services which are related to the given logical router returned. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services
Create a load balancer serviceCreate a load balancer service. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/services
Delete a load balancer serviceDelete a load balancer service. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}
Retrieve a load balancer serviceRetrieve a load balancer service. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}
Update a load balancer serviceUpdate a load balancer service. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}
Read the debug information of the load balancer serviceAPI to download below information which will be used for debugging and troubleshooting. 1) Load balancer service 2) Load balancer associated virtual servers 3) Load balancer associated pools 4) Load balancer associated profiles such as persistence, SSL, application. 5) Load balancer associated monitors 6) Load balancer associated rules |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/debug-info
Get the statistics of load balancer poolReturns the statistics of the given load balancer pool by given load balancer serives id and load balancer pool id. Currently, only realtime mode is supported. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/pools/{pool-id}/statistics
Get the status of load balancer poolReturns the status of the given load balancer pool by given load balancer serives id and load balancer pool id. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/pools/{pool-id}/status
Get the statistics list of load balancer poolsReturns the statistics list of load balancer pools in given load balancer service. Currently, only realtime mode is supported. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/pools/statistics
Get the status list of load balancer poolsReturns the status list of load balancer pools in given load balancer service. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/pools/status
Get the statistics of load balancer serviceReturns the statistics of the given load balancer service. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/statistics
Get the status of the given load balancer serviceReturns the status of the given load balancer service. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/status
Read the usage information of the given load balancer serviceAPI to fetch the capacity and current usage of the given load balancer service. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/usage
Get the statistics of the given load balancer virtual serverReturns the statistics of the load balancer virtual server by given load balancer serives id and load balancer virtual server id. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/virtual-servers/{virtual-server-id}/statistics
Get the status of the load balancer virtual serverReturns the status of the virtual server by given load balancer serives id and load balancer virtual server id. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/virtual-servers/{virtual-server-id}/status
Get the statistics list of virtual serversReturns the statistics list of virtual servers in given load balancer service. Currently, only realtime mode is supported. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/virtual-servers/statistics
Get the status list of virtual servers in given load balancer serviceReturns the status list of virtual servers in given load balancer service. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/services/{service-id}/virtual-servers/status
Retrieve a list of supported SSL ciphers and protocolsRetrieve a list of supported SSL ciphers and protocols. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/ssl/ciphers-and-protocols
Read load balancer usage for the given nodeAPI is used to retrieve the usage of load balancer entities which include current number and remaining number of credits, virtual Servers, pools, pool Members and different size of LB services from the given node. Currently only Edge node is supported. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/usage-per-node/{node-id}
Retrieve a paginated list of load balancer virtual serversRetrieve a paginated list of load balancer virtual servers. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers
Create a load balancer virtual serverCreate a load balancer virtual server. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers
Create a load balancer virtual server with rulesIt is used to create virtual servers, the associated rules and bind the rules to the virtual server. To add new rules, make sure the rules which have no identifier specified, the new rules are automatically generated and associated to the virtual server. If the virtual server need to consume some existed rules without change, those rules should not be specified in this array, otherwise, the rules are updated. |
POST /api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers?action=create_with_rules
Delete a load balancer virtual serverDelete a load balancer virtual server. |
DELETE /api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers/{virtual-server-id}
Retrieve a load balancer virtual serverRetrieve a load balancer virtual server. |
GET /api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers/{virtual-server-id}
Update a load balancer virtual server with rulesIt is used to update virtual servers, the associated rules and update the binding of virtual server and rules. To add new rules, make sure the rules which have no identifier specified, the new rules are automatically generated and associated to the virtual server. To delete old rules, the rules should not be configured in new action, the UUID of deleted rules should be also removed from rule_ids. To update rules, the rules should be specified with new change and configured with identifier. If there are some rules which are not modified, those rule should not be specified in the rules list, the UUID list of rules should be specified in rule_ids of LbVirtualServer. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers/{virtual-server-id}?action=update_with_rules
Update a load balancer virtual serverUpdate a load balancer virtual server. |
PUT /api/v1/loadbalancer/virtual-servers/{virtual-server-id}
List All Logical PortsReturns information about all configured logical switch ports. Logical switch ports connect to VM virtual network interface cards (NICs). Each logical port is associated with one logical switch. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports
Create a Logical PortCreates a new logical switch port. The required parameters are the associated logical_switch_id and admin_state (UP or DOWN). Optional parameters are the attachment and switching_profile_ids. If you don't specify switching_profile_ids, default switching profiles are assigned to the port. If you don't specify an attachment, the switch port remains empty. To configure an attachment, you must specify an id, and optionally you can specify an attachment_type (VIF or LOGICALROUTER). The attachment_type is VIF by default. |
POST /api/v1/logical-ports
Delete a Logical PortDeletes the specified logical switch port. By default, if logical port has attachments, or it is added to any NSGroup, the deletion will be failed. Option detach could be used for deleting logical port forcibly. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}
Get Information About a Logical PortReturns information about a specified logical port. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}
Update a Logical PortModifies an existing logical switch port. Parameters that can be modified include attachment_type (LOGICALROUTER, VIF), admin_state (UP or DOWN), attachment id and switching_profile_ids. You cannot modify the logical_switch_id. In other words, you cannot move an existing port from one switch to another switch. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}
Get MAC table of a logical port with a given port id (lport-id)Returns MAC table of a specified logical port. If the target transport node id is not provided, the NSX manager will ask the controller for the transport node where the logical port is located. The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported. MAC table retrieval is not supported on logical ports that are attached to a logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}/mac-table
Get MAC table of a logical port with a given port id (lport-id)Returns MAC table in CSV format of a specified logical port. If the target transport node id is not provided, the NSX manager will ask the controller for the transport node where the logical port is located. The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported. MAC table retrieval is not supported on logical ports that are attached to a logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}/mac-table?format=csv
Get realized state & location of a logical portReturns transport node id for a specified logical port. Also returns information about all address bindings of the specified logical port. This includes address bindings discovered via various snooping methods like ARP snooping, DHCP snooping etc. and addressing bindings that are realized based on user configuration. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}/state
Get Statistics for Logical Port of a Given Port ID (lport-id)Returns statistics of a specified logical port. If the logical port is attached to a logical router port, query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}/statistics
Get Operational Status for Logical Port of a Given Port ID (lport-id)Returns operational status of a specified logical port. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports/{lport-id}/status
Get Operational Status Summary of All Logical Ports in the SystemReturns operational status of all logical ports. The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported. Pagination is not supported for this API. The query parameters "cursor", "sort_ascending", "sort_by", "page_size" and "included_fields" will be ignored. |
GET /api/v1/logical-ports/status
List Logical Router PortsReturns information about all logical router ports. Information includes the resource_type (LogicalRouterUpLinkPort, LogicalRouterDownLinkPort, LogicalRouterLinkPort, LogicalRouterLoopbackPort, LogicalRouterCentralizedServicePort); logical_router_id (the router to which each logical router port is assigned); and any service_bindings (such as DHCP relay service). The GET request can include a query parameter (logical_router_id or logical_switch_id). |
GET /api/v1/logical-router-ports
Create a Logical Router PortCreates a logical router port. The required parameters include resource_type (LogicalRouterUpLinkPort, LogicalRouterDownLinkPort, LogicalRouterLinkPort, LogicalRouterLoopbackPort, LogicalRouterCentralizedServicePort); and logical_router_id (the router to which each logical router port is assigned). The service_bindings parameter is optional. |
POST /api/v1/logical-router-ports
Delete a Logical Router PortDeletes the specified logical router port. You must delete logical router ports before you can delete the associated logical router. To Delete Tier0 router link port you must have to delete attached tier1 router link port, otherwise pass "force=true" as query param to force delete the Tier0 router link port. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}
Read Logical Router PortReturns information about the specified logical router port. |
GET /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}
Update a Logical Router PortModifies the specified logical router port. Required parameters include the resource_type and logical_router_id. Modifiable parameters include the resource_type (LogicalRouterUpLinkPort, LogicalRouterDownLinkPort, LogicalRouterLinkPort, LogicalRouterLoopbackPort, LogicalRouterCentralizedServicePort), logical_router_id (to reassign the port to a different router), and service_bindings. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}
Get the ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) for the Logical Router Port of the given idReturns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) for the Logical Router Port of the given id, on a node if a query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is given. The transport_node_id parameter is mandatory if the router port is not uplink type. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}/arp-table
Get the ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) for the Logical Router Port of the given idReturns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) in CSV format for the Logical Router Port of the given id, on a node if a query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is given. The transport_node_id parameter is mandatory if the router port is not uplink type. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}/arp-table?format=csv
Get the Realized State of a Logical Router PortReturn realized state information of a logical router port. Any configuration update that affects the logical router port can use this API to get its realized state by passing a request_id returned by the configuration change operation. e.g. Update configuration of logical router ports, dhcp relays, etc. |
GET /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}/state
Get the statistics of a specified logical router port on all or a specified nodeReturns the statistics for the Logical Router Port. If query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is given, only the statistics from the given node for the logical router port will be returned. Otherwise the statistics from each node for the same logical router port will be returned. The transport_node_id is mandatory if the router port is not uplink type. The query parameter "source=cached" will be ignored and it will always return realtime statistics of the logical router port. |
GET /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}/statistics
Get the statistics summary of a specified logical router portReturns the summation of statistics from all nodes for the Specified Logical Router Port. The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-router-ports/{logical-router-port-id}/statistics/summary
List Logical RoutersReturns information about all logical routers, including the UUID, internal and external transit network addresses, and the router type (TIER0 or TIER1). You can get information for only TIER0 routers or only the TIER1 routers by including the router_type query parameter. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers
Create a Logical RouterCreates a logical router. The required parameters are router_type (TIER0 or TIER1) and edge_cluster_id (TIER0 only). Optional parameters include internal and external transit network addresses. |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers
Delete a Logical RouterDeletes the specified logical router. You must delete associated logical router ports before you can delete a logical router. Otherwise use force delete which will delete all related ports and other entities associated with that LR. To force delete logical router pass force=true in query param. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}
Read Logical RouterReturns information about the specified logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}
Re allocate edge node placement of TIER1 service routersAPI to re allocate edge node placement for TIER1 logical router. You can re-allocate service routers of TIER1 in same edge cluster or different edge cluster. You can also place edge nodes manually and provide maximum two indices for HA mode ACTIVE_STANDBY. To re-allocate on new edge cluster you must have existing edge cluster for TIER1 logical router. This will be disruptive operation and all existing statistics of logical router will be remove. |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}?action=reallocate
Reprocesses a logical router configuration and publish updates to controllerReprocess logical router configuration and configuration of related entities like logical router ports, static routing, etc. Any missing Updates are published to controller. |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}?action=reprocess
Update a Logical RouterModifies the specified logical router. Modifiable attributes include the internal_transit_network, external_transit_networks, and edge_cluster_id (for TIER0 routers). |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}
Read the debug information for the logical routerAPI to download below information as text which will be used for debugging and troubleshooting. 1) Logical router sub-components and ports. 2) Routing configuration as sent to central control plane. 3) TIER1 advertised network information. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/debug-info?format=text
List NAT rules of the logical routerReturns paginated list of all user defined NAT rules of the specific logical router. If a rule_type is provided, only the given type of rules will be returned. If no rule_type is specified, the rule_type will be defaulted to NATv4, i.e. only the NATv4 rules will be listed. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules
Add multiple NAT rules in a specific logical routerCreate multiple NAT rules in a specific logical router. The API succeeds only when all rules are accepted and created successfully. Any one validation voilation will fail the API, no rule will be created. The ruleIds of each rules can be found from the responsed message. |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules?action=create_multiple
Add a NAT rule in a specific logical routerAdd a NAT rule in a specific logical router. |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules
Delete a specific NAT rule from a logical routerDelete a specific NAT rule from a logical router |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules/{rule-id}
Get a specific NAT rule from a given logical routerGet a specific NAT rule from a given logical router |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules/{rule-id}
Update a specific NAT rule from a given logical routerUpdate a specific NAT rule from a given logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules/{rule-id}
Get the statistics of a specified logical router NAT RuleReturns the summation of statistics from all nodes for the Specified Logical Router NAT Rule. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules/{rule-id}/statistics
Get the statistics of all rules of the logical routerReturns the summation of statistics for all rules from all nodes for the Specified Logical Router. Also gives the per transport node statistics for provided logical router. The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/nat/rules/statistics
Read the Routing ConfigurationReturns the routing configuration for a specified logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing
Update the Routing ConfigurationModifies the routing configuration for a specified logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing
Read the Advertisement Configuration on a Logical RouterReturns information about the routes to be advertised by the specified TIER1 logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/advertisement
Update the Advertisement Configuration on a Logical RouterModifies the route advertisement configuration on the specified logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/advertisement
Read the Advertisement Rules on a Logical RouterReturns the advertisement rule list for the specified TIER1 logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/advertisement/rules
Update the Advertisement Rules on a Logical RouterModifies the advertisement rules on the specified logical router. The PUT request must include all the rules with the networks parameter. Modifiable parameters are networks, display_name, and description. Set the rules list to empty to delete/clear all rules. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/advertisement/rules
Read the Routing BFD ConfigurationReturns the BFD configuration for all routing BFD peers. This will be inherited | by all BFD peers for LogicalRouter unless overriden while configuring the Peer. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bfd-config
Update the BFD Configuration for BFD peers for routingModifies the BFD configuration for routing BFD peers. Note - the configuration | changes apply only to those routing BFD peers for which the BFD configuration has | not been overridden at Peer level. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bfd-config
Read the BGP Configuration on a Logical RouterReturns information about the BGP configuration on a specified logical router. Information includes whether or not the BGP configuration is enabled, the AS number, and whether or not graceful restart is enabled. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp
Update the BGP Configuration on a Logical RouterModifies the BGP configuration on a specified TIER0 logical router. Modifiable parameters include enabled, graceful_restart, as_number. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp
Paginated list of BGP community lists on a logical routerPaginated list of BGP Community Lists on a Logical Router |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/community-lists
Create a new BGP community list on a logical routerAdd a new BGP Community List on a Logical Router |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/community-lists
Delete a specific BGP community list from a logical routerDelete a specific BGP community list from a Logical Router |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/community-lists/{community-list-id}
Read a specific BGP community list from a logical routerRead a specific BGP community list from a Logical Router |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/community-lists/{community-list-id}
Update a specific BGP community list from a logical routerUpdate a specific BGP community list from a Logical Router |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/community-lists/{community-list-id}
Update a specific BGP community list from a logical routerUpdate a specific BGP community list from a Logical Router |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/communty-lists/{community-list-id}
Paginated list of BGP Neighbors on a Logical RouterPaginated list of BGP Neighbors on a Logical Router |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors
Add a new BGP Neighbor on a Logical RouterAdd a new BGP Neighbor on a Logical Router |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors
Delete a specific BGP Neighbor on a Logical RouterDelete a specific BGP Neighbor on a Logical Router |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{id}
Read a specific BGP Neighbor with password on a Logical RouterRead a specific BGP Neighbor details with password on a Logical Router |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{id}?action=show-sensitive-data
Read a specific BGP Neighbor on a Logical RouterRead a specific BGP Neighbor on a Logical Router |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{id}
Unset/Delete password property on specific BGP Neighbor on Logical RouterUnset/Delete the password property on the specific BGP Neighbor. No other property of the BgpNeighbor can be updated using this API |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{id}
Update a specific BGP Neighbor on a Logical RouterUpdate a specific BGP Neighbor on a Logical Router |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{id}
Get BGP neighbor advertised routesReturns routes advertised by BGP neighbor from all edge transport nodes on which this neighbor is currently enabled. It always returns realtime response. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighbor-id}/advertised-routes
Get BGP neighbor advertised routes in CSV formatReturns routes advertised by BGP neighbor from all edge transport nodes on which this neighbor is currently enabled in CSV format. It always returns realtime response. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighbor-id}/advertised-routes?format=csv
Get BGP neighbor learned routes in CSV formatReturns routes learned by BGP neighbor from all edge transport nodes on which this neighbor is currently enabled in CSV format. It always returns realtime response. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighbor-id}/routes?format=csv
Get BGP neighbor learned routesReturns routes learned by BGP neighbor from all edge transport nodes on which this neighbor is currently enabled. It always returns realtime response. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighbor-id}/routes
Get the status of all the BGP neighbors for the Logical Router of the given idReturns the status of all the BGP neighbors for the Logical Router of the given id. To get BGP neighbors status for the logical router from particular node, parameter "transport_node_id=<transportnode_id>" needs to be specified. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/bgp/neighbors/status
Get FIB table on a specified node for a logical routerReturns the FIB for the logical router on a node of the given transport-node-id. Query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is required. To filter the result by network address, paramter "network_prefix=<a.b.c.d/mask>" needs to be specified. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/forwarding-table
Get FIB table on a specified node for a logical routerReturns the FIB table in CSV format for the logical router on a node of the given transport-node-id. Query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is required. To filter the result by network address, paramter "network_prefix=<a.b.c.d/mask>" needs to be specified. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/forwarding-table?format=csv
Paginated List of IPPrefixListsPaginated List of IPPrefixLists |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/ip-prefix-lists
Add IPPrefixList on a Logical RouterAdds a new IPPrefixList on a Logical Router |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/ip-prefix-lists
Delete a specific IPPrefixList on a Logical RouterDeletes a specific IPPrefixList on the specified logical router. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/ip-prefix-lists/{id}
Get a specific IPPrefixList on a Logical RouterRead a specific IPPrefixList on the specified logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/ip-prefix-lists/{id}
Update a specific IPPrefixList on a Logical RouterUpdate a specific IPPrefixList on the specified logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/ip-prefix-lists/{id}
Read the Redistribution Configuration on a Logical RouterReturns information about configured route redistribution for the specified logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/redistribution
Update the Redistribution Configuration on a Logical RouterModifies existing route redistribution rules for the specified TIER0 logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/redistribution
Read All the Redistribution Rules on a Logical RouterReturns all the route redistribution rules for the specified logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/redistribution/rules
Update All the Redistribution Rules on a Logical RouterModifies all route redistribution rules for the specified TIER0 logical router. Set the rules list to empty to delete/clear all rules. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/redistribution/rules
Paginated List of RouteMapsPaginated List of RouteMaps |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/route-maps
Add RouteMap on a Logical RouterAdds a new RouteMap on a Logical Router |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/route-maps
Delete a specific RouteMap on a Logical RouterDeletes a specific RouteMap on the specified logical router. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/route-maps/{id}
Get a specific RouteMap on a Logical RouterRead a specific RouteMap on the specified logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/route-maps/{id}
Update a specific RouteMap on a Logical RouterUpdate a specific RouteMap on the specified logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/route-maps/{id}
Get route table on a node for a logical routerDeprecated - Please use /logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/routing/routing-table for RIB and /logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/routing/forwarding-table for FIB. Returns the route table in CSV format for the logical router on a node of the given transport-node-id. Query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is required. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/route-table?format=csv
Get route table on a given node for a logical routerDeprecated - Please use /logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/routing/routing-table for RIB and /logical-routers/<logical-router-id>/routing/forwarding-table for FIB. Returns the route table for the logical router on a node of the given transport-node-id. Query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is required. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/route-table
Get RIB table on a specified node for a logical routerReturns the route table(RIB) for the logical router on a node of the given transport-node-id. Query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is required. To filter the result by network address, parameter "network_prefix=<a.b.c.d/mask>" needs to be specified. To filter the result by route source, parameter "route_source=<source_type>" needs to be specified where source_type can be BGP, STATIC, CONNECTED, NSX_STATIC, TIER1_NAT or TIER0_NAT. It is also possible to filter the RIB table using both network address and route source filter together. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/routing-table
Get RIB table on a specified node for a logical routerReturns the route table in CSV format for the logical router on a node of the given transport-node-id. Query parameter "transport_node_id=<transport-node-id>" is required. To filter the result by network address, paramter "network_prefix=<a.b.c.d/mask>" needs to be specified. To filter the result by route source, parameter "route_source=<source_type>" needs to be specified where source_type can be BGP, STATIC, CONNECTED, NSX_STATIC, TIER1_NAT or TIER0_NAT. It is also possible to filter the RIB table using both network address and route source filter together. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/routing-table?format=csv
Paginated List of Static RoutesReturns information about configured static routes, including the network address and next hops for each static route. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes
Add Static Routes on a Logical RouterAdds a new static route on a Logical Router |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes
Delete a specific Static Route on a Logical RouterDeletes a specific static route on the specified logical router. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/{id}
Get a specific Static Route on a Logical RouterRead a specific static routes on the specified logical router. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/{id}
Update a specific Static Route Rule on a Logical RouterUpdate a specific static route on the specified logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/{id}
List static routes BFD PeersReturns information about all BFD peers created on specified logical router for static routes. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/bfd-peers
Create a static hop BFD peerCreates a BFD peer for static route. The required parameters includes peer IP address. |
POST /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/bfd-peers
Delete a specified static route BFD peer cofigured on a specified logical routerDeletes the specified BFD peer present on specified logical router. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/bfd-peers/{bfd-peer-id}
Read a static route BFD peerRead the BFD peer having specified ID. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/bfd-peers/{bfd-peer-id}
Update a static route BFD peerModifies the static route BFD peer. Modifiable parameters includes peer IP, enable flag and configuration of the BFD peer. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/routing/static-routes/bfd-peers/{bfd-peer-id}
Get the Realized State of a Logical Service Router ClusterReturn realized state information of a logical service router cluster. Any configuration update that affects the logical service router cluster can use this API to get its realized state by passing a request_id returned by the configuration change operation. e.g. Update configuration of nat, bgp, bfd, etc. What is a Service Router? When a service cannot be distributed is enabled on a Logical Router, a Service Router (SR) is instantiated. Some examples of services that are not distributed are NAT, DHCP server, Metadata Proxy, Edge Firewall, Load Balancer and so on. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/service-cluster/state
Get the Realized State of a Logical RouterReturn realized state information of a logical router. Any configuration update that affects the logical router can use this API to get its realized state by passing a request_id returned by the configuration change operation. e.g. Update configuration of logical router, static routes, etc. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/state
Get the status for the Logical Router of the given idReturns status for the Logical Router of the given id. |
GET /api/v1/logical-routers/{logical-router-id}/status
List all Logical SwitchesReturns information about all configured logical switches. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches
Create a Logical SwitchCreates a new logical switch. The request must include the transport_zone_id, display_name, and admin_state (UP or DOWN). The replication_mode (MTEP or SOURCE) is required for overlay logical switches, but not for VLAN-based logical switches. A vlan needs to be provided for VLAN-based logical switches. |
POST /api/v1/logical-switches
Delete a Logical SwitchRemoves a logical switch from the associated overlay or VLAN transport zone. By default, a logical switch cannot be deleted if there are logical ports on the switch, or it is added to a NSGroup. Cascade option can be used to delete all ports and the logical switch. Detach option can be used to delete the logical switch forcibly. |
DELETE /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}
Get Logical Switch associated with the provided id (lswitch-id)Returns information about the specified logical switch Id. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}
Update a Logical SwitchModifies attributes of an existing logical switch. Modifiable attributes include admin_state, replication_mode, switching_profile_ids and VLAN spec. You cannot modify the original transport_zone_id. |
PUT /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}
Get MAC Table for Logical Switch of the Given ID (lswitch-id)Returns MAC table of a specified logical switch from the given transport node if a transport node id is given in the query parameter from the Central Controller Plane. The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}/mac-table
Get MAC Table for Logical Switch of the Given ID (lswitch-id)Returns MAC table of a specified logical switch in CSV format from the given transport node if a transport node id is given in the query parameter from the Central Controller Plane. The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}/mac-table?format=csv
Get the realized state associated with provided logical switch idReturns current state of the logical switch configuration and details of only out-of-sync transport nodes. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}/state
Get Statistics for Logical Switch of the Given ID (lswitch-id)Returns statistics of a specified logical switch. The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}/statistics
Get Logical Switch runtime status info for a given logical switchReturns the number of ports assigned to logical switch. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}/summary
Get virtual tunnel endpoint table for logical switch of the given ID (lswitch-id)Returns the virtual tunnel endpoint table of a specified logical switch from the given transport node if a transport node id is given in the query parameter, from the Central Controller Plane. The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}/vtep-table
Get virtual tunnel endpoint table for logical switch of the given ID (lswitch-id)Returns virtual tunnel endpoint table of a specified logical switch in CSV format from the given transport node if a transport node id is given in the query parameter from the Central Controller Plane. The query parameter "source=cached" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/{lswitch-id}/vtep-table?format=csv
List logical switches by realized stateReturns a list of logical switches states that have realized state as provided as query parameter. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/state
Get Status Summary of All Logical Switches in the SystemReturns Operational status of all logical switches. The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/logical-switches/status
Get a paginated list of metadata proxies |
GET /api/v1/md-proxies
Create a metadata proxy |
POST /api/v1/md-proxies
Delete a metadata proxy |
DELETE /api/v1/md-proxies/{proxy-id}
Get a metadata proxy |
GET /api/v1/md-proxies/{proxy-id}
Update a metadata proxy |
PUT /api/v1/md-proxies/{proxy-id}
Get Metadata Proxy status with given proxy id and attached logical switch.Returns the status of the given metadata proxy and attached logical switch. |
GET /api/v1/md-proxies/{proxy-id}/{logical-switch-id}/status
Get Metadata Proxy statistics with given proxy idReturns the statistics of the given metatada proxy. If no logical switch is provided, all staticstics of all the logical switches the proxy was attached will be returned. |
GET /api/v1/md-proxies/{proxy-id}/statistics
List Switching ProfilesReturns information about the system-default and user-configured switching profiles. Each switching profile has a unique ID, a display name, and various other read-only and configurable properties. The default switching profiles are assigned automatically to each switch. |
GET /api/v1/switching-profiles
Create a Switching ProfileCreates a new, custom qos, port-mirroring, spoof-guard or port-security switching profile. You can override their default switching profile assignments by creating a new switching profile and assigning it to one or more logical switches. You cannot override the default ipfix or ip_discovery switching profiles. |
POST /api/v1/switching-profiles
Delete a Switching ProfileDeletes the specified switching profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/switching-profiles/{switching-profile-id}
Get Switching Profile by IDReturns information about a specified switching profile. |
GET /api/v1/switching-profiles/{switching-profile-id}
Update a Switching ProfileUpdates the user-configurable parameters of a switching profile. Only the qos, port-mirroring, spoof-guard and port-security switching profiles can be modified. You cannot modify the ipfix or ip-discovery switching profiles. |
PUT /api/v1/switching-profiles/{switching-profile-id}
Get Counts of Ports and Switches Using This Switching Profile |
GET /api/v1/switching-profiles/{switching-profile-id}/summary
Get statistics for all logical router NAT rules on a transport nodeReturns the summation of statistics for all rules from all logical routers which are present on given transport node. Only cached statistics are supported. The query parameter "source=realtime" is not supported. |
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/{node-id}/statistics/nat-rules
Get IPSec dead peer detection (DPD) profile list resultGet paginated list of all dead peer detection (DPD) profiles. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/dpd-profiles
Create dead peer detection (DPD) profileCreate dead peer detection (DPD) profile. Any change in profile affects all sessions consuming this profile. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/dpd-profiles
Delete dead peer detection (DPD) profileDelete dead peer detection (DPD) profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/dpd-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-dpd-profile-id}
Get IPSec dead peer detection (DPD) profileGet IPSec dead peer detection (DPD) profile. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/dpd-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-dpd-profile-id}
Edit IPSec dead peer detection (DPD) profileEdit IPSec dead peer detection (DPD) profile. |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/dpd-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-dpd-profile-id}
List IKE profilesGet paginated list of all IKE Profiles. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/ike-profiles
Create custom internet key exchange (IKE) ProfileCreate custom internet key exchange (IKE) Profile. IKE Profile is a reusable profile that captures IKE and phase one negotiation parameters. System will be pre provisioned with system owned non editable default IKE profile and suggested set of profiles that can be used for peering with popular remote peers like AWS VPN. User can create custom profiles as needed. Any change in profile affects all sessions consuming this profile. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/ike-profiles
Delete custom IKE ProfileDelete custom IKE Profile. Profile can not be deleted if profile has references to it. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/ike-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-ike-profile-id}
Get IKE ProfileGet custom IKE Profile, given the particular id. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/ike-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-ike-profile-id}
Edit custom IKE ProfileEdit custom IKE Profile. System owned profiles are non editable. |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/ike-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-ike-profile-id}
Get IPSec local endpoint list resultGet paginated list of all local endpoints. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/local-endpoints
Create custom local endpointCreate custom IPSec local endpoint. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/local-endpoints
Delete custom IPSec local endpointDelete custom IPSec local endpoint. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/local-endpoints/{ipsec-vpn-local-endpoint-id}
Get custom IPSec local endpointGet custom IPSec local endpoint. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/local-endpoints/{ipsec-vpn-local-endpoint-id}
Edit custom IPSec local endpointEdit custom IPSec local endpoint. |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/local-endpoints/{ipsec-vpn-local-endpoint-id}
Get IPSecVPNPeerEndpoint List ResultGet paginated list of all peer endpoint. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/peer-endpoints
Create custom peer endpointCreate custom IPSec peer endpoint. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/peer-endpoints
Delete custom IPSec VPN peer endpointDelete custom IPSec VPN peer endpoint. All references are strong references and dependent peer endpoints can not be deleted if being referenced. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/peer-endpoints/{ipsec-vpn-peer-endpoint-id}
Get IPSec VPN peer endpointGet custom IPSec VPN peer endpoint. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/peer-endpoints/{ipsec-vpn-peer-endpoint-id}
Get IPSec VPN peer endpoint with PSKGet custom IPSec VPN peer endpoint with PSK. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/peer-endpoints/{ipsec-vpn-peer-endpoint-id}?action=show-sensitive-data
Edit custom IPSecPeerEndpointEdit custom IPSec peer endpoint. System owned endpoints are non editable. |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/peer-endpoints/{ipsec-vpn-peer-endpoint-id}
Get IPSec VPN service list resultGet paginated list of all IPSec VPN services. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/services
Create VPN serviceCreate VPN service for given logical router. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/services
Delete IPSec VPN serviceDelete IPSec VPN service for given router. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/services/{ipsec-vpn-service-id}
Get IPSec VPN serviceGet IPSec VPN service for given logical router. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/services/{ipsec-vpn-service-id}
Edit IPSec VPN serviceEdit IPSec VPN service for given logical router. |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/services/{ipsec-vpn-service-id}
Get IPSec VPN session list resultGet paginated list of all IPSec VPN sessions. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions
Create new VPN sessionCreate new VPN session. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions
Delete IPSec VPN sessionDelete IPSec VPN session. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{ipsec-vpn-session-id}
Fetch IPSec VPN sessionFetch IPSec VPN session. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{ipsec-vpn-session-id}
Edit IPSec VPN sessionEdit IPSec VPN session. |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{ipsec-vpn-session-id}
Get VPN configuration for the peer siteAPI to download VPN configuration for the peer site. The configuration contains pre-shared key and secret; be careful when sharing or storing it. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{ipsec-vpn-session-id}/peer-config
Get the Realized State of a IPSec VPN SessionReturn realized state information of a ipsec vpn session. Any configuration update that affects the ipsec vpn session can use this API to get its realized state by passing a request_id returned by the configuration change operation. e.g. Update configuration of ipsec vpn session, service, endpoints, profiles, etc. It will return a service disabled error, if the ipsec vpn service associated with the session is disabled. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{ipsec-vpn-session-id}/state
Get IPSec VPN session statisticsGet statistics of a vpn session across all tunnels and IKE session. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{session-id}/statistics
Reset the statistics of the given VPN sessionReset the statistics of the given VPN session. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{session-id}/statistics?action=reset
Get IPSec VPN IKE session statusList status of IPSec session. Query parameter source supports both realtime and cached mode. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/{session-id}/status
VPN session summaryVPN session summary gets summary per vpn sessions and IKE session. Query parameter source supports only cached mode. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/summary
Get IPSecTunnelProfile List ResultGet paginated list of all IPSecTunnelProfiles. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/tunnel-profiles
Create custom IPSec tunnel profileCreate custom IPSec tunnel profile. IPSec tunnel profile is a reusable profile that captures phase two negotiation parameters and tunnel properties. System will be provisioned with system owned non editable default IPSec tunnel profile. Any change in profile affects all sessions consuming this profile. |
POST /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/tunnel-profiles
Delete custom IPSecTunnelProfileDelete custom IPSec Tunnel Profile. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/tunnel-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-tunnel-profile-id}
Get IPSec tunnel profileGet custom IPSec Tunnel Profile. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/tunnel-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-tunnel-profile-id}
Edit custom IPSecTunnelProfileEdit custom IPSec Tunnel Profile. System owned profiles are non editable. |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/ipsec/tunnel-profiles/{ipsec-vpn-tunnel-profile-id}
Get all L2VPN servicesGet paginated list of all L2VPN services |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/services
Create L2VPN serviceCreate L2VPN service for a given logical router |
POST /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/services
Delete a L2VPN serviceDelete a specific L2VPN service. If there are any L2VpnSessions on this L2VpnService, those needs to be deleted first. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/services/{l2vpn-service-id}
Get L2VPN serviceGet a specific L2VPN service |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/services/{l2vpn-service-id}
Edit a L2VPN serviceEdit a specific L2VPN service |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/services/{l2vpn-service-id}
Get all L2VPN sessionsGet paginated list of all L2VPN sessions |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions
Create L2VPN sessionCreate L2VPN session and bind to a L2VPNService |
POST /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions
Delete a L2VPN sessionDelete a specific L2VPN session. If there are any logical switch ports attached to it, those needs to be deleted first. |
DELETE /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/{l2vpn-session-id}
Get a L2VPN sessionGet a specific L2VPN session |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/{l2vpn-session-id}
Edit a L2VPN sessionEdit a specific L2VPN session |
PUT /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/{l2vpn-session-id}
Get peer codes for the L2VpnSessionGet peer codes for the L2VPN session to program the remote side of the tunnel. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/{l2vpn-session-id}/peer-codes
Get L2VPN session remote mac for logical switchGet L2VPN session remote mac for logical switch. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/{session-id}/remote-mac
Get L2VPN session statisticsGet statistics of a L2VPN session. Query parameter source=realtime is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/{session-id}/statistics
Get L2VPN session statusAggregated status of L2VPN session. Query parameter source=realtime|cached is supported. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/{session-id}/status
Get status summary of all existing L2VPN sessions.Load all the existing L2VPN sessions and return the status summary of all L2VPN sessions. Query parameter source supports only cached mode. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/l2vpn/sessions/summary
Cumulative statistics for one IKE service instanceCumulative statistics for one IKE service instance. Query parameter source supports only cached mode. |
GET /api/v1/vpn/services/{service-id}/summary