Data Object - HostMountInfo(

Property of
DatastoreHostMount, HostFileSystemMountInfo, VimVsanHostVsanScsiDisk

Data Object Description

The HostMountInfo data object provides information related to a configured mount point. This object does not include information about the mounted file system. (See HostFileSystemMountInfo.)


Name Type Description

Flag that indicates if the datastore is currently accessible from the host.

For the case of a standalone host, this property has the same value as DatastoreSummary.accessible. You can use the DatastoreSummary property if the HostMountInfo property is not set. The VirtualCenter Server will always make sure the DatastoreSummary property is set correctly.

Since VI API 2.5

Access mode to the underlying file system for this host.

This optional property for inaccessible reason is reported only if a datastore becomes inaccessible as reported by accessible and DatastoreSummary.accessible. The values for inaccessible reason are defined in the enum InaccessibleReason This helps to determine host specific reason for datastore inaccessibility. If the datastore becomes accessible following an inaccessible condition, the property inaccessibleReason will be unset.

Since vSphere API 5.1

The mount state of this mount point. For a discovered volume, which is mounted, this is true. When this value is unset, the default value is true.

Since vSphere API 5.0

The optional property which gives the reason for mount operation failure of NFS datastore. This field is applicable for only those mounts for which retry mount operation is configured. The values for the mount failed reason are defined in the enum MountFailedReason. If mount operation on NFS volume succeeds in the retry, then the property mountFailedReason will be unset.


Local file path where file system volume is mounted, if applicable. This path identifies the file system volume from the point of view of the host.
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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