Wrong Plug-in URL

The remote plug-in does not display in the vSphere Client user interface.


The plug-in does not appear in the object navigator, but it is listed in the vSphere Client under Admin > Client plugins.


This problem can occur if the plug-in URL is not reachable. The plug-in registration command might have supplied an incorrect value for the extension.url property, which causes deployment to fail.

To verify the cause, use one of the following methods:

  • In the Management UI, find the plug-in in the list under Admin > Client plugins. Next to the list entry, look for a signpost which contains an error message saying that the plug-in failed to download:

    Error downloading plug-in. Make sure that the URL is reachable and the registered thumbprint is correct.

  • If you do not find the signpost, you can search for the sample name in the log file at ​/var/log/vmware/vsphere-ui/logs/vsphere-client-virgo.log​​ to find an error message.​


  1. Connect a web browser to the Managed Object Browser (MOB) of the vCenter Server with which you attempted to register the plug-in.

    The MOB URL is https://vcenter_server_FQDN/MOB.

  2. To view the ServiceContent data object click the content link.
  3. To view the ExtensionManager managed object click the ExtensionManager link.
  4. In the extensionList values, search for the extension key that you used to register the plug-in.

    The more... link enables you to see more of the list of extension keys.

  5. Check that the client.url property is correct.

    Enter the URL in a browser address bar and verify that the browser displays the contents of the plugin.json file.

    If the URL used in the registration command was correct, check the thumbprint by using the topic Troubleshooting: Plug-in Thumbprint Incorrect.

  6. If the URL used in the registration command was incorrect, reregister the plug-in as follows:
    1. Unregister the plug-in.

      You can use the registration tool in the SDK to unregistor a plug-in. For syntax information, see vSphere Client Plug-in Registration Tool.

    2. Repeat the plug-in registration step with the correct URL.