Understanding the vSphere Web Client Architecture
The vSphere Web Client architecture consists of a user interface layer and a service layer. Both layers reside on a Web application server, called the Virgo server. Each layer has a role in communicating with the vSphere environment, retrieving data, and presenting that data to the user’s Web browser.
User Interface Layer
The user interface layer consists of an Adobe Flex application that is displayed in the user’s Web browser. The Flex application contains all of the user interface elements with which the user interacts, such as menus, navigation elements, data portlets, and commands. The user can navigate through the various Flex elements in the user interface layer to view data on vSphere objects, send commands, and make changes to the vSphere environment.
The exact configuration of the elements in the user interface layer depends on the unique properties of the vSphere environment and other factors such as the level of privileges each user has.
Service Layer
The service layer is a collection of Java services that run in a framework on the vSphere Web Client application server, called the Virgo server. These Java services communicate with vCenter Server and other parts of the vSphere environment, as well as other remote data sources. The Java services gather monitoring data on the virtual infrastructure, which is in turn displayed to the user by the Flex user interface layer. When the user performs an action from the Flex user interface, such as a management or administration command, the Java services perform that command on the virtual infrastructure.
The vSphere Web Client application server contains a Spring framework that manages communication between the user interface layer and the service layer.
vSphere Web Client Architecture