Each vSphere object type’s object workspace provides a set of extension points. Each extension point corresponds to a specific data view, such as the Summary tab view or the Configure tab view. Every object workspace extension point requires a data object of type com.vmware.ui.views.ViewSpec.

Most object workspace extension points follow the format vsphere.core.${objectType}.${view}. The ${objectType} placeholder corresponds to the type of vSphere object, and the ${view} placeholder corresponds to the specific view. For example, the extension point vsphere.core.cluster.manageViews is the extension point for the Configure tab view for Cluster objects. The following names are valid ${objectType} values.

cluster: ClusterComputeResource object

datacenter: Datacenter object

dscluster: StoragePod object

dvs: DistributedVirtualSwitch object

dvPortgroup: DistributedVirtualPortgroup object

folder: Folder object

host: HostSystem object

hp: HostProfile object

network: Network object

resourcePool: ResourcePool object

datastore: Datastore object

vApp: VirtualApp object

vm: VirtualMachine object

template: Virtual Machine template object


Adds an HTML portlet to the Summary tab view.

Requires a data object of type ViewSpec with available properties:

name - user-visible name of the global view.

icon - (optional) 18x18 portlet icon resource ID.


url - relative URL to the HTML page that loads the view content.

dialogTitle - portlet title.

dialogSize - portlet width and height.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Summary page.


<extension id="com.vmware.samples.vspherewssdk.vm.summary2">
         <dialogTitle>WSSDK Summary Sample</dialogTitle>


Adds a sub-view category to the Monitor tab view.

Requires a data object of type CategorySpec with available properties:

label - user-visible name of the Monitor view category.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Monitor page


<extension id="com.vmware.samples.vspherewssdk.vm.monitor.category">
      <label>WSSDK Category</label>


Adds a sub-view to the Monitor tab view.

Requires a data object of type ViewSpec with available properties:

name - user-visible name of the Monitor view.

categoryUid - (optional) ID of the category this Monitor view belongs to.


url - relative URL to the HTML page that loads the view content.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Monitor page


<extension id="com.vmware.samples.vspherewssdk.vm.monitor">
      <name>Monitor view</name>


Adds a sub-view category to the Configure tab view.

Requires a data object of type CategorySpec with available properties:

label - user-visible name of the Configure view category.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Configure page


<extension id="com.vmware.samples.vspherewssdk.vm.manage.category">
      <label>WSSDK Category</label>


Adds a sub-view to the Configure tab view.

Requires a data object of type ViewSpec with available properties:

name - user-visible name of the Configure view.

categoryUid - (optional) ID of the category this Configure view belongs to.


url - relative URL to the HTML page that loads the view content.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Configure page


<extension id="com.vmware.samples.vspherewssdk.vm.manage">
      <name>Configure view</name>



Creates a new relation between object types, either vSphere objects or custom objects

Requires a data object of type ObjectRelationSetSpec with available properties:

type - vSphere/Custom object type.

relationViewId - ID of a view that can display object relations.

conditionalProperty - (optional) property name to introduce additional constraints on the object type for a relation.

Note: To test for "false" use the negation operator "!" in front of the property name.


id - relation ID

label - user-visible label of the relation.

icon - 18x18 relation icon resource ID.

listViewId - ID of a view that can display relation items.

relation - (optional) property name wrapped into a RelationalConstraint.

inverseRelation - (optional) property name used to check if an object applies to the relation.

conditionalProperty - (optional) property name wrapped into a PropertyConstraint.

Note: To test for "false" use the negation operator "!" in front of the property name.

targetType - (optional) target type name used in any kind of Constraint.

constraint - (optional) general constraint used in case of relations that cannot be expressed in terms of targetType, relation and conditionalProperty

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → {related object type} in case of single relation; {vSphere object} → More objects in case of multiple relations.


<extension id="com.vmware.samples.relateditems.specs.host">
            <label>Chassis relation</label>



Adds a view under the Performance second-level tab of the Monitor tab view.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Monitor → Performance



Adds a view under the Settings second-level tab of the Configure tab view.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Configure → Settings



Adds a view to the Alarm Definitions element in the Issues second-level tab of the Configure tab view.

Accessibility: {vSphere object} → Monitor → Alarm Definitions



Creates a new column in the list of vSphere objects of type ${objectType} in the object workspace.

Requires a data object of type com.vmware.ui.lists.ColumnSetContainer.

Note: Only the XML representation is supported.

Accessibility: {vSphere object list}