Data Object - DesktopSummaryData

Property of
See also
AccessGroupId, FarmId, GlobalEntitlementId, VirtualCenterId
Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

Core attributes of a desktop instance.

Data Object Properties


Name Type Description

Unique name for the desktop

Desktop display name.

Determines if the desktop is enabled

Determines if the desktop is in the process of being deleted.

Type of desktop.
  • This property will be one of:
    Value Description
    "AUTOMATED"An automated desktop creates virtual machines cloned from a base template or snapshot.
    "MANUAL"A manual machine desktop allows selection of existing virtual machines and addition to the desktop of available machines to connect to.
    "RDS"An RDS Desktop Desktop.

Source of machines.
  • This property will be one of:
    Value Description
    "VIRTUAL_CENTER"Virtual center virtual machines managed as view machines. This option is valid for Automated and Manual Desktop. In case of Automated Desktop, these refer to Full Virtual Machines that are created from a vCenter Server template.
    "VIEW_COMPOSER"View composer linked clones managed as view machines. They share the same base image and use less storage space than full virtual machines. The user profile for linked clones can be redirected to persistent disks that will be unaffected by OS updates and refreshes. This option is only valid for Automated Desktop.
    "INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE"Instant clone engine created 'instant clones' managed as view machines. Instant clone engine uses vmfork technology to create the instant clones, these clones take very less time for provisioning. Instant clones have many similarities to linked clones like :-
    • Both instant and linked clones share the same base image and use less storage space than full virtual machines.
    • The user profile for both types clones can be redirected to persistent disks that will be unaffected by OS updates and refreshes.
    This option is only valid for Automated Desktop.
    "UNMANAGED"Non-vCenter Server virtual machines managed as view machines. These can include physical computers, non-vCenter Server virtual machines, and blade PCs. This option is only valid for Manual Desktops.
    "RDS"This option is only valid for RDS Desktops.

User assignment scheme.
  • This property will be one of:
    Value Description
    "DEDICATED"With dedicated assignment, a user returns to the same machine at each session.
    "FLOATING"With floating assignment, a user may return to one of the available virtual machines for the next session.

View access groups can organize the desktops in your organization. They can also be used for delegated administration. For RDS Desktop, this has to be same as that of the corresponding Farm.

Global entitlement for this desktop. This member will be null if not set or caller does not have global read permissions.
  • This property need not be set.

Virtual Center server.
  • This property need not be set.

Determines if provisioning is enabled
  • This property need not be set.

Number of machines in the desktop. The machines may be queried using the query service for Machine. This field does not apply to RDS desktops. The RDS servers associated with an RDS desktop may be queried using the query service for RDSServer.

Number of sessions. The sessions may be queried using the query service for Session.

EntityId of Farm that is associated with the Machine. This value is populated only when it is an RDS Desktop, and optional otherwise.
  • This property need not be set.