PowerCLI Reference



This cmdlet modifies the configuration of a virtual CD drive.


Set-CDDrive [-CD] <CDDrive[]> [-Connected <Boolean>] [-HostDevice <String>] [-IsoPath <String>] [-NoMedia] [-StartConnected <Boolean>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

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Detailed Description

This cmdlet updates a virtual CD drive. If an ISO location is provided, sets the CD to point to the ISO. Changes the StartConnected and Connected flags if StartConnected and/or Connected is set. If NoMedia parameter is set to $true, removes the CD drive's media backing and disconnects it. Note that the Connected parameter can be specified only if the corresponding virtual machine is powered on.


NameTypeDescriptionRequired?Pipeline InputDefault Value
CDCDDrive[]Specifies the virtual CD drive you want to configure.trueTrue (ByValue)
ConfirmSwitchParameterIf the value is $true, indicates that the cmdlet asks for confirmation before running. If the value is $false, the cmdlet runs without asking for user confirmation.falseFalse
ConnectedBooleanIndicates that the virtual CD drive is connected after its creation. This parameter can be specified only if the corresponding virtual machine is powered on.falseFalse
HostDeviceStringSpecifies the path to the CD drive on the host which backs this virtual CD drive. Do not use this parameter when the ISOPath and NoMedia parameters are specified.falseFalse
IsoPathStringSpecifies the datastore path to the ISO (CD image) file that backs the virtual CD drive. Do not use this parameter when the HostDevice and NoMedia parameters are specified.falseFalse
NoMediaSwitchParameterIndicates that you want to detach from the CD drive any type of connected media - ISO from datastore or host device. Do not use this parameter when the ISOPath or HostDevice parameters are specified.falseFalse
StartConnectedBooleanIndicates that the virtual CD drive starts connected when the virtual machine associated with it powers on.falseFalse
WhatIfSwitchParameterIndicates that the cmdlet is run only to display the changes that would be made and actually no objects are modified.falseFalse

Return Type

Zero or more modified CDDrive objects



-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

$cd = New-CDDrive -VM VM -ISOPath "[sof-20666-esx:storage1] ISO\testISO.iso"

Set-CDDrive -CD $cd -NoMedia

Creates a CD drive on the VM virtual machine and attaches testISO.iso, previously uploaded. Then disconnects the ISO.

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