Set-CDDrive [-CD] <CDDrive[]> [-Connected <Boolean>] [-HostDevice <String>] [-IsoPath <String>] [-NoMedia] [-StartConnected <Boolean>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]Related Commands
Online VersionDetailed Description
This cmdlet updates a virtual CD drive. If an ISO location is provided, sets the CD to point to the ISO. Changes the StartConnected and Connected flags if StartConnected and/or Connected is set. If NoMedia parameter is set to $true, removes the CD drive's media backing and disconnects it. Note that the Connected parameter can be specified only if the corresponding virtual machine is powered on.Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
CD | CDDrive[] | Specifies the virtual CD drive you want to configure. | true | True (ByValue) | |
Confirm | SwitchParameter | If the value is $true, indicates that the cmdlet asks for confirmation before running. If the value is $false, the cmdlet runs without asking for user confirmation. | false | False | |
Connected | Boolean | Indicates that the virtual CD drive is connected after its creation. This parameter can be specified only if the corresponding virtual machine is powered on. | false | False | |
HostDevice | String | Specifies the path to the CD drive on the host which backs this virtual CD drive. Do not use this parameter when the ISOPath and NoMedia parameters are specified. | false | False | |
IsoPath | String | Specifies the datastore path to the ISO (CD image) file that backs the virtual CD drive. Do not use this parameter when the HostDevice and NoMedia parameters are specified. | false | False | |
NoMedia | SwitchParameter | Indicates that you want to detach from the CD drive any type of connected media - ISO from datastore or host device. Do not use this parameter when the ISOPath or HostDevice parameters are specified. | false | False | |
StartConnected | Boolean | Indicates that the virtual CD drive starts connected when the virtual machine associated with it powers on. | false | False | |
WhatIf | SwitchParameter | Indicates that the cmdlet is run only to display the changes that would be made and actually no objects are modified. | false | False |
Return Type
Zero or more modified CDDrive objectsNotes
-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------
$cd = New-CDDrive -VM VM -ISOPath "[sof-20666-esx:storage1] ISO\testISO.iso" Set-CDDrive -CD $cd -NoMedia
Creates a CD drive on the VM virtual machine and attaches testISO.iso, previously uploaded. Then disconnects the ISO.