New-VICredentialStoreItem [-Host] <String> [-User] <String> [[-Password] <String>] [[-File] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]Related Commands
Online VersionDetailed Description
This cmdlet creates a new entry in the credential store. If there is an existing entry for the specified host and user, it is overwritten. If the credential store file does not exist, it is created (along with its directory if needed). If no file is specified, the item is created in the default credential store file %APPDATA%\VMware\credstore\vicredentials.xml. Credential store items for vCloud Director servers must contain user name and organization in the following format: user_name:organization_name, where both names are lower-cased.Parameters
Return Type
The newly created VICredentialStoreItem objectNotes
This cmdlet is not supported on the Core edition of PowerShell.Examples
-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------
New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host -User Admin -Password pass
Adds a new item in the default credential store file.