HCXNetworkProfile - Object
- Property of
- HCXComputeProfile
- Parameter to
- New-HCXComputeProfile, Set-HCXServiceMesh, Set-HCXComputeProfile, Set-HCXNetworkProfile, Remove-HCXNetworkProfile, New-HCXServiceMesh, New-HCXComputeProfileNetwork
- Returned by
- New-HCXComputeProfileNetwork, Get-HCXNetworkProfile
- Extended by
- HCXComputeProfileNetwork
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | String | |
Id | String | |
NetworkBacking | HCXNetworkBacking | |
MTU | Integer | |
NetworkIpRange | String[] | |
PrefixLength | String | |
Gateway | String | |
PrimaryDNS | String | |
SecondryDNS | String | |
DNSSuffix | String | |
ComputeProfileId | String | |
ServiceMeshId | String | |
L3TenantManaged | Boolean | |
InterconnectNetworkType | InterconnectNetworkType | |
StaticRoute | HCXStaticRoute | |
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