PowerCLI Reference



This cmdlet retrieves alerts from the specified vRealize Operations Manager server.


Get-OMAlert [[-Name] <String[]>] [-AlertDefinition <OMAlertDefinition[]>] [-AssignedUser <OMUser[]>] [-ControlState <OMAlertControlState[]>] [-Criticality <OMCriticality[]>] [-Impact <OMImpact[]>] [-Resource <OMResource[]>] [-Server <OMServer[]>] [-Status <OMAlertStatus[]>] [-Subtype <OMAlertSubtype[]>] [-Type <OMAlertType[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-OMAlert -Id <String[]> [-Server <OMServer[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

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Online Version

Detailed Description

This cmdlet retrieves alerts from the specified vRealize Operations Manager server.


NameTypeDescriptionRequired?Pipeline InputDefault Value
NameString[]Filters the alerts by name.falseFalse
AlertDefinitionOMAlertDefinition[]Filters the alerts by definition.falseTrue (ByValue)
AssignedUserOMUser[]Filters the alerts by the user who owns the alert.falseTrue (ByValue)
ControlStateOMAlertControlState[]Filters the alerts by the state of user interaction with the alert. For example, the state can be Open, Assigned, or Suspended.falseFalse
CriticalityOMCriticality[]Filters the alerts by level of importance. The possible values are None, Information, Warning, Immediate, Critical, SymptomBased, and Unknown.falseFalse
IdString[]Filters the alerts by ID.trueFalse
ImpactOMImpact[]Filters the alerts by level of urgency. The possible values are Health, Risk, Efficiency, and Unknown.falseFalse
ResourceOMResource[]Filters the alerts by the resource for which the alert was raised.falseTrue (ByValue)
ServerOMServer[]Specifies the vRealize Operations Manager server from which you want to retrieve alerts. The value can be the connection object returned by the Connect-OMServer cmdlet or the object's name, which can be the IP or DNS address of the server machine.falseFalse
StatusOMAlertStatus[]Filters the alerts by current state. The possible values are Active, Inactive, and Unknown.falseFalse
SubtypeOMAlertSubtype[]Filters the alerts by the subtype of the alert.falseFalse
TypeOMAlertType[]Filters the alerts by the type of the alert.falseFalse

Return Type

Zero or more OMAlert objects



-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

$resource = Get-OMResource -Name 'MyResource'
Get-OMAlert -Resource $resource -Status Active

Retrieves all active alerts for a given resource.

-------------------------- Example 2 --------------------------

Get-OMAlert -Criticality Critical -Status Active

Retrieves all active alerts of a specified criticality.

-------------------------- Example 3 --------------------------

$user = Get-OMUser -Name 'MyUser'
Get-OMAlert -AssignedUser $user

Lists all alerts assigned to a specified user.

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