You can use the PowerCLI Datastore Provider to browse datastores from datastore drives.

Verify that you are connected to a vCenter Server system.


Navigate to a folder on the ds: drive.

cd VirtualMachines\XPVirtualMachine

View the files of the folder by running the ls command.


ls is the UNIX style alias of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet.


Rename a file by running the Rename-Item cmdlet or its alias ren.

For example, to change the name of the vmware-3.log file to vmware-3old.log, run:

ren vmware-3.log vmware-3old.log

All file operations apply only on files in the current folder.


Delete a file by running the Remove-Item cmdlet or its alias del.

For example, to remove the vmware-3old.log file from the XPVirtualMachine folder, run:

del ds:\VirtualMachines\XPVirtualMachine\vmware-2.log

Copy a file by running the Copy-Item cmdlet or its alias copy.

copy ds:\VirtualMachines\XPVirtualMachine\vmware-3old.log ds:\VirtualMachines\vmware-3.log

Copy a file to another datastore by running the Copy-Item cmdlet or its alias copy.

copy ds:\Datacenter01\Datastore01\XPVirtualMachine\vmware-1.log ds:\Datacenter01\Datastore02\XPVirtualMachine02\vmware.log

Create a new folder by running the New-Item cmdlet or its alias mkdir.

mkdir -Path ds:\VirtualMachines -Name Folder01 -Type Folder

Download a file from the datastore drive to the local machine by running the Copy-DatastoreItem cmdlet.

Copy-DatastoreItem ds:\VirtualMachines\XPVirtualMachine\vmware-3.log C:\Temp\vmware-3.log

Upload a file from the local machine by running the Copy-DatastoreItem cmdlet.

Copy-DatastoreItem C:\Temp\vmware-3.log  ds:\VirtualMachines\XPVirtualMachine\vmware-3new.log