To allocate resources to an organization, you need to create an organization virtual data center (vDC). When the demands of the organization change, you can modify or remove the organization vDC.

Verify that you are connected to a vCloud Director server as a provider administrator.

Verify that at least one enabled provider vDC is available on the server.


Create a new organization vDC using the Pay As You Go model for resource allocation.

$myOrg = Get-Org -Name 'MyOrg1'
$myPVdc = Get-ProviderVdc -Name 'MyProvidervDC'
New-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgvDC' -AllocationModelPayAsYouGo -Org $myOrg -ProviderVdc $myPVdc -VMCPUCoreMHz 1000

To create the organization vDC, vCloud Director PowerCLI uses a default configuration based on the selected resource allocation model.

VMMaxCount is set to 100

NetworkMaxCount is set to 1024

The vDC is automatically enabled

Thin provisioning is disabled

Fast provisioning is disabled

NicMaxCount is set to $null (unlimited)

MemoryGuaranteedPercent is set to 100

CpuGuaranteedPercent is set to 0


Modify the vCPU speed setting for the virtual machines in the organization vDC.

Get-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgVdc' | Set-OrgVdc -VMCpuCoreMhz 2000

Enable fast provisioning for the virtual machines in the organization vDC.

Get-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgVdc' | Set-OrgVdc -UseFastProvisioning $true

Disable and remove the new organization vDC.

Get-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgVdc' | Set-OrgVdc -Enabled $false | Remove-OrgVdc