To help you get started with VMware PowerCLI, this documentation provides a set of scripts that illustrate basic and advanced tasks in cloud administration.

To run cmdlets on a vCloud Director server and perform administration or monitoring tasks, you must establish a connection to the server.

Organizations provide resources to a group of users and set policies that determine how users can consume those resources. Create and manage organizations for each group of users that requires its own resources, policies, or both.

To allocate resources to an organization, you need to create an organization virtual data center (vDC). When the demands of the organization change, you can modify or remove the organization vDC.

To generate reports about organization vDC networks, you need to retrieve the respective organization vDC networks. You can use search criteria to filter the results returned by Get-OrgVdcNetwork.

To make an OVF package from your local storage available to other cloud users, you can import the package and save it as a vApp template in a catalog.

Creating vApp templates from vApps in the cloud might minimize future efforts for cloning vApps. You can use the templates later to create new vApps that are based on the source vApp.

To make a virtual machine from the underlying vSphere infrastructure available to your vCloud Director server, you can import it and save it as a vApp.

You can use vApp templates to instantiate vApps. After creating the vApp, you can modify its settings to minimize the consumption of computing and storage resources.

For a large-scale approach to administration, you can start, stop, or restart virtual machines or their guest operating systems by running cmdlets on the associated vApps.

For a targeted approach to administration, you can use the CIVM and CIVMGuest cmdlets to handle lifecycle operations for one or more virtual machines.

When managing vApps in the cloud, you might need to obtain information about the NIC settings of the associated virtual machines.

By defining access control rules you can assign levels of access to separate users, user groups, or everyone in the organization. You can define access control rules for catalogs and vApps.

To generate reports about vApp networks, you need to retrieve the respective vApp networks. You can use search criteria to filter the results returned by Get-CIVAppNetwork.

To define how the virtual machines in a vApp connect to each other and access other networks, you need to create a vApp network. When creating the vApp network, you can select the settings for the network, or adopt them from an organization policy.

Based on the type of the vApp network, you can configure various network settings, such as DNS, static IP pools, and firewalls. If you no longer need a vApp network, you can remove it.