Some PowerCLI features support only Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.

To add support for other guest operating systems, you can use the scripts that are located in the Scripts folder of the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module's folder or you can add your own custom scripts. The default location of the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module's folder is \Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VMware.VimAutomation.Core\version_number\Scripts.

When adding new scripts, use the following file naming guidelines.

Scripts that extend the operating system support for Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Get-VMGuestRoute, New-VMGuestRoute, and Remove-VMGuestRoute must follow the file-naming convention CmdletName_OSIdentifier, where OSIdentifier is the guest family or the guest ID as returned by Get-VMGuest, and CmdletName is the cmdlet name written without a hyphen, for example GetVMGuestRoute.


Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Get-VMGuestRoute, New-VMGuestRoute, and Remove-VMGuestRoute are deprecated. You can use Invoke-VMGuestScript instead.

Scripts that extend the operating system support for resizing the hard disk by using Set-HardDisk must follow the file naming convention GuestDiskExpansion_OSIdentifier, where OSIdentifier is the guest family or the guest ID (as returned by Get-VMGuest).