Some vCloud Director scripts are compatible with vCloud Air. To run compatible scripts, you must verify that you are connected to a vCloud Air data center or compute instance.

For information about connecting to a vCloud Air data center, see Retrieve vApps from a Data Center. For information about connecting to a vCloud Air compute instance, see Retrieve vApps from a Compute Instance.

The following vCloud Director sample scripts are compatible with vCloud Air.

Import a vApp Template from the Local Storage

Create a vApp Template from a vApp

Create and Modify a vApp

Manage Virtual Machines with vApps

Manage Virtual Machines and Their Guest Operating Systems

Retrieve a List of the Internal and External IP Addresses of Virtual Machines in vApps

Create and Manage Access Control Rules

Filter and Retrieve vApp Networks

Create vApp Networks for a Selected vApp

Modify or Remove vApp Networks