A Data Provider Adapter must implement the DataProviderAdapter interface in the com.vmware.vise.data.query Java SDK package.

The DataProviderAdapter interface publishes a single method named getData(). Your Data Provider Adapter service must provide an implementation of this method. The Data Service calls the getData() method of your adapter in response to the queries your adapter is registered to process.

Your implementation of the getData() method must accept an object of type com.vmware.vise.data.query.RequestSpec as a parameter, and must return an object of type com.vmware.vise.data.query.Response.

public Response getData(RequestSpec request)

The RequestSpec object parameter to the getData() method contains an array of Data Service query objects. Each query contains a target object and one or more constraints that define the information that the client requests, as well as the expected format for results.

Your getData() method determines what information it must fetch by processing each Data Service query and handling the included constraints. The getData() method must then retrieve that information, through whatever means your data source provides, such as a database query or a remote device method.

Your getData() method must format the retrieved information as a specific result type for each query, and then return those results as an array, packaged in a Response object.