The vSphere Client development kit contains the same extension points for creating Summary tab views as the vSphere Web Client SDK.

The Summary tab view contains a header view displayed at the top of the main workspace, and an extension point for the HTML portlet views under the header view. The extension point that you can use for adding views to the Summary tab is <namespace>.summaryViews. Use the generic com.vmware.vsphere.client.htmlbridge.HtmlView class to describe your Summary view extension.

You can add also a portlet to the Summary tab of a vSphere object by using the HTML-specific extension point. This extension point is used in hybrid plug-ins that provide portlet view implementations visible in both Web applications. For more information about how to create hybrid plug-ins, see Hybrid Plug-Ins.

The following example instantiates the Summary tab template for a custom object called ChassisB. The Summary view extension uses the .

   <!-- Chassis summary view -->
   <extension id="com.vmware.samples.chassisb.SummaryView">
         <componentClass className="com.vmware.vsphere.client.htmlbridge.HtmlView">

After you create a Summary tab for your custom object workspace by using the Summary tab extension point, you can add portlet data views to the Summary tab. You create portlet views at the <namespace>.summarySectionViews.html extension point by using the generic HtmlView component class. For more information about the properties of this generic class, see Properties of the HtmlView Extension Object.

If you use the default <namespace>.summarySectionViews extension point that the Summary tab template creates, the HTML-based portlets are displayed inside a separate pop-up modal dialog. The link to the dialog is generated in the portlet area of the Summary tab. You can use the mouse to move around the portlets but you cannot change their size.

Starting with vSphere 6.5, the HTML platform of the vSphere Client allows you to creates portlets that display their content directly in the Summary tab.

The following example creates a portlet in the Summary view of a host.

   <extension id="">
         <componentClass className="com.vmware.vsphere.client.htmlbridge.HtmlView">
                  <dialogTitle>WSSDK Summary Sample</dialogTitle>