You can unregister a plug-in package that you previously registered with a vCenter Server instance.

You can unregister the extension in the following ways:

Use the vSphere API and invoke the unregisterExtension() method of the ExtensionManager managed object to unregister programmatically your extension.

Use the vCenter Managed Object Browser (MOB) interface in your Web browser to delete manually the extension. For more information about how to use the MOB to unregister your extension, see the procedure bellow.


In a Web browser, navigate to the Managed Object Browser of your vCenter Server.



Log in with your vCenter Server credentials.


On the ManagedObjectReference:ExtensionManager page, under Methods, click UnregisterExtension


On the void UnregisterExtension page, in the text box inside the Value column, enter the value for the key property of the Extension data object of your vSphere Web Client extension.


Click Invoke Method to unregister the extension.

Unregistering a plug-in package on vCenter Server does not delete the plug-in package files that are installed locally on the vSphere Web Client server. The files are not used after you unregister the package. To remove the files for cleanup purposes, you must delete the plug-in package files manually.


In the current release of vSphere, any Java services you added are still active after you unregister a plug-in package, and the plug-in might still appear in the vSphere Web Client Plug-In Management view. This behavior is a known issue, and a workaround is to restart the Virgo server.