A plug-in package is a ZIP archive file that contains all of the plug-in modules in your extension solution along with a package manifest.

The package manifest describes deployment information for each plug-in module using XML metadata. The vSphere Web Client Extension Manager uses this metadata to install and deploy each plug-in module in the plug-in package.

To create a plug-in package, you must create a ZIP archive file with the following structure:

At the root level, add a plugin-package.xml file to the root folder.

At the root level, add a plugins folder.

Inside the plugins folder, add one or more WAR files containing the plug-in UI modules.

Inside the plugins folder, add zero or more JAR files, one for each Java service component created for your plug-in.

Inside the plugins folder, add zero or more JAR files, one for each third party Java library used by your plug-in.

You can use any text or XML editor to create the plugin-package.xml file.


Each WAR file or JAR file must contain an OSGi-compliant META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file that describes the bundle.