An extension to an existing object workspace must specify the target extension point in the extension definition and provide a data object of type com.vmware.ui.views.ViewSpec.

The following table describes the properties that you provide for the com.vmware.ui.views.ViewSpec extension data object by using the <object> element in your extension definition.






The name of the data view that appears as a title where appropriate in the user interface. For example, the string can be the name of the second-level tab or the portlet title. The value of the <name> property can be a hard-coded string or a dynamic resource included in your plug-in module. In Example: Example Portlet Extension for Host Summary Tab, the portlet title is hard-coded as My Summary Portlet.



The Flex class for your data view extension that appears at the user interface location corresponding to the extension point that you specify. You must set the value of the className attribute of the <componentClass> element to the fully qualified name of the Flex view class. If you implement the view by using the HTML bridge, specify the HtmlView container class. For more information about the HtmlView container class, see Properties of the HtmlView Extension Object.

The following example extension definition adds a data view to the workspace for Host objects. In the example, the <extendedPoint> element references the extension point for the Summary tab, The extension appears as a portlet under the Summary tab for Host objects. The <object> element defines a data object of type com.vmware.ui.views.ViewSpec.

<extension id="mySolution.myPlugin.MySummaryPortlet">
        <name>My Summary Portlet</name>
        <componentClass className="com.mySolution.myPlugin.MyPortletVi­ew"/>