Prepare a cloud-init Metadata File

Use the following information to prepare your cloud-init metadata file. The metadata file is required for cloud-init.

  • The metadata file is a plain-text file formatted as YAML or JSON.
  • The maximum file size is 512KB.
  • All standard v1 keys are accepted, such as:
    • distro
    • local_hostname
    • platform
    • public_ssh_keys
  • The instance-id key is required. All other keys are optional.
  • For network configuration, both v1 and v2 keys are accepted.
This example shows a metadata file in YAML format that includes a minimal network configuration:
instance-id: cloud-vm-example-1
local hostname: cloud-vm
  version: 2
        name: eth*
      dhcp4: yes
This example shows a metadata file in JSON format that specifies a fixed IP network configuration:
  "instance-id": "cloud-vm-example-2",
  "local-hostname": "cloud-vm",
  "cloud-name": "vSphere",
  "distro": "ubuntu",
  "distro-version": "20.04",
  "distro-release": "focal",
  "network": {
    "version": 2,
    "ethernets": {
      "nics": {
        "match": {
          "name": "eth*"
        "nameservers": {
          "addresses": [""],
          "search": ["", ""]
        "gateway4": "",
        "dhcp4": false,
        "addresses": [ "" ]