
General system settings.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<GeneralSettings xmlns="" xmlns:vcloud_v1.5="" href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
    <vcloud_v1.5:Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
    <AbsoluteSessionTimeoutMinutes> xs:int </AbsoluteSessionTimeoutMinutes>
    <ActivityLogDisplayDays> xs:int </ActivityLogDisplayDays>
    <ActivityLogKeepDays> xs:int </ActivityLogKeepDays>
    <AllowOverlappingExtNets> xs:boolean </AllowOverlappingExtNets>
    <ConsoleProxyExternalAddress> xs:string </ConsoleProxyExternalAddress>
    <HostCheckDelayInSeconds> xs:int </HostCheckDelayInSeconds>
    <HostCheckTimeoutSeconds> xs:int </HostCheckTimeoutSeconds>
    <InstallationId> xs:int </InstallationId>
    <IpReservationTimeoutSeconds> xs:int </IpReservationTimeoutSeconds>
        <vcloud_v1.5:SyslogServerIp1> vcloud_v1.5:IpAddressType </vcloud_v1.5:SyslogServerIp1>
        <vcloud_v1.5:SyslogServerIp2> vcloud_v1.5:IpAddressType </vcloud_v1.5:SyslogServerIp2>
    <LoginNameOnly> xs:boolean </LoginNameOnly>
    <PrePopDefaultName> xs:boolean </PrePopDefaultName>
    <QuarantineEnabled> xs:boolean </QuarantineEnabled>
    <QuarantineResponseTimeoutSeconds> xs:int </QuarantineResponseTimeoutSeconds>
    <RestApiBaseHttpUri> xs:string </RestApiBaseHttpUri>
    <RestApiBaseUri> xs:string </RestApiBaseUri>
    <RestApiBaseUriPublicCertChain> xs:string </RestApiBaseUriPublicCertChain>
    <SessionTimeoutMinutes> xs:int </SessionTimeoutMinutes>
    <ShowStackTraces> xs:boolean </ShowStackTraces>
    <SyncStartDate> xs:dateTime </SyncStartDate>
    <SyncIntervalInHours> xs:long </SyncIntervalInHours>
    <SystemExternalHttpAddress> xs:string </SystemExternalHttpAddress>
    <SystemExternalAddress> xs:string </SystemExternalAddress>
    <SystemExternalAddressPublicCertChain> xs:string </SystemExternalAddressPublicCertChain>
    <TenantPortalExternalHttpAddress> xs:string </TenantPortalExternalHttpAddress>
    <TenantPortalExternalAddress> xs:string </TenantPortalExternalAddress>
    <TenantPortalPublicCertChain> xs:string </TenantPortalPublicCertChain>
    <TransferSessionTimeoutSeconds> xs:int </TransferSessionTimeoutSeconds>
    <VerifyVcCertificates> xs:boolean </VerifyVcCertificates>
    <VcTruststorePassword> xs:string </VcTruststorePassword>
    <VcTruststoreContents> xs:hexBinary </VcTruststoreContents>
    <VcTruststoreType> xs:string </VcTruststoreType>
    <VmrcVersion> xs:string </VmrcVersion>
    <VerifyVsmCertificates> xs:boolean </VerifyVsmCertificates>
    <ElasticAllocationPool> xs:boolean </ElasticAllocationPool>
    <AdvancedNetworkingEnabled> xs:boolean </AdvancedNetworkingEnabled>
    <AdvancedNetworkingDfwApiUrl> xs:string </AdvancedNetworkingDfwApiUrl>
    <AdvancedNetworkingDfwUiUrl> xs:string </AdvancedNetworkingDfwUiUrl>
    <AdvancedNetworkingGatewayApiUrl> xs:string </AdvancedNetworkingGatewayApiUrl>
    <AdvancedNetworkingGatewayUiUrl> xs:string </AdvancedNetworkingGatewayUiUrl>
    <MaxVdcQuota> xs:int </MaxVdcQuota>
    <SubInterfacesEnabled> xs:boolean </SubInterfacesEnabled>
    <VmDiscoveryEnabled> xs:boolean </VmDiscoveryEnabled>
    <AllowFipsModeForEdgeGateways> xs:boolean </AllowFipsModeForEdgeGateways>


Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
href anyURI No always 1.5 The URI of the entity.
type string No always 1.5 The MIME type of the entity.


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
AbsoluteSessionTimeoutMinutes int Yes always 1.5 Minutes after which a client session times out even when it is active.
ActivityLogDisplayDays int Yes always 1.5 Days of logged activities to be displayed to the users.
ActivityLogKeepDays int Yes always 1.5 Days of logged activities to keep in the system.
AdvancedNetworkingDfwApiUrl string No always 7.0 REST API URL for Advanced Networking distributed firewall.
AdvancedNetworkingDfwUiUrl string No always 7.0 Web interface URL for Advanced Networking distributed firewall.
AdvancedNetworkingEnabled boolean No always 7.0 True if Advanced Networking has been enabled for this system.
AdvancedNetworkingGatewayApiUrl string No always 7.0 REST API URL for Advanced Networking Edge Gateway.
AdvancedNetworkingGatewayUiUrl string No always 7.0 Web interface URL for Advanced Networking Edge Gateway.
AllowFipsModeForEdgeGateways boolean No always 30.0 True if it is ok to enable FIPS mode on edge gateways
AllowOverlappingExtNets boolean Yes always 1.5 True to allow creation of multiple external networks on the same LAN segment.
ConsoleProxyExternalAddress string No always 1.5 Use this address to access the console proxy from the public side of a firewall or load-balancer.
Leave empty to clear the address.
ElasticAllocationPool boolean No always 1.5 Controls elasticity in Organization VDCs whose AllocationModel is AllocationPool. When set to true, Organization VDCs with this model can use resource pools from all clusters available to the backing Provider VDC. When set to false, these Organization VDCs are restricted to a single resource pool. By default, this flag is set to false restricting AllocationPool Organization VDCs to a single resource pool.
HostCheckDelayInSeconds int Yes always 1.5 Interval between host status checks, in seconds.
HostCheckTimeoutSeconds int Yes always 1.5 Number of seconds to wait for a response from a host before marking it as hung or down.
InstallationId int No none 1.5 The vCloud Director installation Id. An integer in the range 0 - 63.
IpReservationTimeoutSeconds int Yes always 1.5 Number of seconds to keep released IP addresses on hold before making them available for allocation again. This is typically set to 2 hours to allow old entries to expire from client ARP tables.
Link LinkType No none 1.5 A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
LoginNameOnly boolean Yes always 1.5 REMOVED_VERSION_15_51
MaxVdcQuota int No always 6.0 Maximum number of VDCs allowed in this organization. A value of -1 means there is no maximum. A value of 0 means this organization cannot create any VDCs. This value is used to initialize VdcQuota in the OrgGeneralSettings of a new organization.
PrePopDefaultName boolean Yes always 1.5 Pre-populate default configuration and virtual machine name.
QuarantineEnabled boolean Yes always 1.5 True if uploads should be quarantined.
QuarantineResponseTimeoutSeconds int Yes always 1.5 The length of time, in seconds, before a quarantined transfer is flagged as Timed Out.
RestApiBaseHttpUri string No always 5.6 Base REST API URL for HTTP connections from the public side of a firewall, load-balancer, or proxy.
Leave empty to clear the address.
RestApiBaseUri string No always 1.5 Base REST API URL for HTTPS connections from the public side of a firewall, load-balancer, or proxy.
Leave empty to clear the address.
RestApiBaseUriPublicCertChain string No always 5.6 SSL public certificate chain for the RestApiBaseUri. If you specify an address in RestApiBaseUri, you must place the certificate chain for that address here. The certificate chain must consist of zero or more PEM-encoded X.509 certificates.
SessionTimeoutMinutes int Yes always 1.5 Number of minutes to timeout client session.
ShowStackTraces boolean Yes always 1.5 Boolean flag to turn on/off the display of exception stack traces.
SubInterfacesEnabled boolean No always 11.0 A value of true enables use of subinterfaces when creating organization VDC networks in this organization.
SyncIntervalInHours long Yes always 1.5 LDAP sync repeats interval time in hours.
SyncStartDate dateTime Yes always 1.5 Number of minutes to timeout client session.
SyslogServerSettings SyslogServerSettingsType Yes always 1.5 Default syslog server settings for networks. If logging is configured for firewall rules, the logs will be directed to these syslog servers. If you change these values, you must synchronize the syslog server settings for each vApp network or Edge Gateway in the system by running its syncSyslogServerSettings action.
SystemExternalAddress string No always 1.5 URL for VCD Web Console HTTPS connections from the public side of a firewall, load-balancer, or proxy.
Leave empty to clear the address.
SystemExternalAddressPublicCertChain string No always 5.6 SSL public certificate chain for SystemExternalAddress. If you specify an address in SystemExternalAddress, you must place the certificate chain for that address here. The certificate chain must consist of zero or more PEM-encoded X.509 certificates.
SystemExternalHttpAddress string No always 5.6 URL for VCD Web Console HTTP connections from the public side of a firewall, load-balancer, or proxy.
Leave empty to clear the address.
TenantPortalExternalAddress string No always 27.0 URL for TenantPortal HTTPS connections from the public side of a firewall, load-balancer, or proxy.
Leave empty to clear the address.
TenantPortalExternalHttpAddress string No always 27.0 URL for TenantPortal HTTP connections from the public side of a firewall, load-balancer, or proxy.
Leave empty to clear the address.
TenantPortalPublicCertChain string No always 27.0 SSL public certificate chain for TenantPortalExternalAddress. If you specify an address in TenantPortalExternalAddress, you must place the certificate chain for that address here. The certificate chain must consist of zero or more PEM-encoded X.509 certificates.
TransferSessionTimeoutSeconds int Yes always 1.5 Transfer sessions time out in this number of seconds.
VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 1.5 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services.
VcTruststoreContents hexBinary No always 1.5 vCenter truststore bytes (if used).
VcTruststorePassword string No always 1.5 Password for the vCenter truststore, if used. If empty or no password is passed then no update is performed.
VcTruststoreType string Yes always 1.5 vCenter truststore type (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12).
VerifyVcCertificates boolean Yes always 1.5 Boolean flag to apply a strict trust check to vCenter certificates.
VerifyVsmCertificates boolean No always 1.5 Boolean flag to apply a strict trust check to vShield Manager certificates.
VmDiscoveryEnabled boolean No always 27.0 True if discovery of vCenter VMs is enabled for this installation.
VmrcVersion string No none 1.5 VMRC version.


CRUD Operation Description Since Deprecated
read GET /admin/extension/settings/general Retrieve other system settings. 1.5
as input PUT /admin/extension/settings/general Update other system settings. 1.5