
Represents connection details for an organization's LDAP service.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<CustomOrgLdapSettingsType xmlns="">
    <HostName> xs:string </HostName>
    <Port> xs:int </Port>
    <IsSsl> xs:boolean </IsSsl>
    <IsSslAcceptAll> xs:boolean </IsSslAcceptAll>
    <Realm> xs:string </Realm>
    <SearchBase> xs:string </SearchBase>
    <UserName> xs:string </UserName>
    <Password> xs:string </Password>
    <AuthenticationMechanism> xs:string </AuthenticationMechanism>
    <GroupSearchBase> xs:string </GroupSearchBase>
    <IsGroupSearchBaseEnabled> xs:boolean </IsGroupSearchBaseEnabled>
    <ConnectorType> xs:string </ConnectorType>
        <ObjectClass> xs:string </ObjectClass>
        <ObjectIdentifier> xs:string </ObjectIdentifier>
        <UserName> xs:string </UserName>
        <Email> xs:string </Email>
        <FullName> xs:string </FullName>
        <GivenName> xs:string </GivenName>
        <Surname> xs:string </Surname>
        <Telephone> xs:string </Telephone>
        <GroupMembershipIdentifier> xs:string </GroupMembershipIdentifier>
        <GroupBackLinkIdentifier> xs:string </GroupBackLinkIdentifier>
        <ObjectClass> xs:string </ObjectClass>
        <ObjectIdentifier> xs:string </ObjectIdentifier>
        <GroupName> xs:string </GroupName>
        <Membership> xs:string </Membership>
        <MembershipIdentifier> xs:string </MembershipIdentifier>
        <BackLinkIdentifier> xs:string </BackLinkIdentifier>
    <UseExternalKerberos> xs:boolean </UseExternalKerberos>


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
AuthenticationMechanism string Yes always 0.9 One of:
SIMPLE (Simple authentication as specified in RFC 2251 and RFC 2829.)
KERBEROS (Kerberos authentication)
MD5DIGEST (Digest MD5 authentication as specified in RFC 2831.)
NTLM (Windows NTLM authentication.)
ConnectorType string Yes always 0.9 Defines LDAP service implementation type. One of:
ACTIVE_DIRECTORY (LDAP service provided by Microsoft Active Directory.)
OPEN_LDAP (LDAP service provided by Open LDAP).
GroupAttributes OrgLdapGroupAttributesType Yes always 0.9 Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a group.
GroupSearchBase string No always 0.9 LDAP group search base.
HostName string No always 0.9 Hostname of the LDAP server.
IsGroupSearchBaseEnabled boolean Yes always 0.9 True if the group search base is enabled.
IsSsl boolean No always 0.9 True if the LDAP service requires an SSL connection.
IsSslAcceptAll boolean No always 0.9 True if the LDAP service accepts all SSL certificates.
Password string No always 0.9 Password for the user identified by UserName. This value is never returned by GET. It is inspected on create and modify. On modify, the absence of this element indicates that the password should not be changed.
Port int Yes always 0.9 Port at which to connect to the LDAP service.
Realm string No always 0.9 LDAP realm to use when looking up users.
SearchBase string No always 0.9 LDAP search base.
UseExternalKerberos boolean No always 5.1 Set to true to use an external Kerberos service.
UserAttributes OrgLdapUserAttributesType Yes always 0.9 Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a user.
UserName string No always 0.9 Username to use when logging in to LDAP, specified using LDAP attribute=value pairs (for example: cn="ldap-admin", c="example", dc="com").
VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 0.9 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services.