Data Object - HostTpmBootSecurityOptionEventDetails(

vSphere API 5.1

Data Object Description

Details of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) event recording kernel security option passed at boot time and currently in effect.

This event type exists to simplify parsing of the security-related information by internal and third-party solutions. Each boot option may be passed to kernel multiple times and/or in different forms. Replicating the parsing logic of the kernel would be neither convinient, nor secure for the client applications.

Each instance of this event reports details of a single security-related boot option, as set in the kernel.


Name Type Description

Security-related options string, reflecting the state of an option set in the kernel.

This string is in the form of a KEY=VALUE pair.

Properties inherited from HostTpmEventDetails
dataHash, dataHashMethod
Properties inherited from DynamicData

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