
Specification for a VDC template using the AllocationPool allocation model.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<AllocationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType xmlns="">
    <NicQuota> xs:int </NicQuota>
    <VmQuota> xs:int </VmQuota>
    <ProvisionedNetworkQuota> xs:int </ProvisionedNetworkQuota>
        <Gateway href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
                name="xs:string" status="xs:int">
            <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
            <Description> xs:string </Description>
                <Task href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
                        name="xs:string" status="xs:string" operation="xs:string" operationName="xs:string"
                        serviceNamespace="xs:string" startTime="xs:dateTime" endTime="xs:dateTime" expiryTime="xs:dateTime"
                    <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                    <Description> xs:string </Description>
                    <Tasks> TasksInProgressType </Tasks>
                    <Owner href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                    <Error stackTrace="xs:string" message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string"
                        <TenantError message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string" vendorSpecificErrorCode="xs:string"/>
                    <User href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                    <Organization href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                    <Progress> xs:int </Progress>
                    <Params> ... </Params>
                    <Details> xs:string </Details>
                        <ResultContent> ... </ResultContent>
                <gatewayId> xs:string </gatewayId>
                <VCRef id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                <BackwardCompatibilityMode> xs:boolean </BackwardCompatibilityMode>
                <GatewayBackingConfig> xs:string </GatewayBackingConfig>
                        <Name> xs:string </Name>
                        <DisplayName> xs:string </DisplayName>
                        <Network href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                        <InterfaceType> xs:string </InterfaceType>
                            <Gateway> IpAddressType </Gateway>
                            <Netmask> IpAddressType </Netmask>
                            <IpAddress> IpAddressType </IpAddress>
                                    <StartAddress> IpAddressType </StartAddress>
                                    <EndAddress> IpAddressType </EndAddress>
                            <UseForDefaultRoute> xs:boolean </UseForDefaultRoute>
                        <ApplyRateLimit> xs:boolean </ApplyRateLimit>
                        <InRateLimit> xs:double </InRateLimit>
                        <OutRateLimit> xs:double </OutRateLimit>
                        <UseForDefaultRoute> xs:boolean </UseForDefaultRoute>
                        <IsEnabled> xs:boolean </IsEnabled>
                <HaEnabled> xs:boolean </HaEnabled>
                <UseDefaultRouteForDnsRelay> xs:boolean </UseDefaultRouteForDnsRelay>
                        <SyslogServerIp> IpAddressType </SyslogServerIp>
                <AdvancedNetworkingEnabled> xs:boolean </AdvancedNetworkingEnabled>
        <Network href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
                name="xs:string" status="xs:int">
            <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
            <Description> xs:string </Description>
                <Task href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
                        name="xs:string" status="xs:string" operation="xs:string" operationName="xs:string"
                        serviceNamespace="xs:string" startTime="xs:dateTime" endTime="xs:dateTime" expiryTime="xs:dateTime"
                    <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                    <Description> xs:string </Description>
                    <Tasks> TasksInProgressType </Tasks>
                    <Owner href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                    <Error stackTrace="xs:string" message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string"
                        <TenantError message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string" vendorSpecificErrorCode="xs:string"/>
                    <User href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                    <Organization href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                    <Progress> xs:int </Progress>
                    <Params> ... </Params>
                    <Details> xs:string </Details>
                        <ResultContent> ... </ResultContent>
                <BackwardCompatibilityMode> xs:boolean </BackwardCompatibilityMode>
                        <IsInherited> xs:boolean </IsInherited>
                        <Gateway> IpAddressType </Gateway>
                        <Netmask> IpAddressType </Netmask>
                        <Dns1> IpAddressType </Dns1>
                        <Dns2> IpAddressType </Dns2>
                        <DnsSuffix> xs:string </DnsSuffix>
                        <IsEnabled> xs:boolean </IsEnabled>
                                <StartAddress> IpAddressType </StartAddress>
                                <EndAddress> IpAddressType </EndAddress>
                            <IpAddress> IpAddressType </IpAddress>
                        <SubAllocations href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
                            <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                                <EdgeGateway href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                                        <StartAddress> IpAddressType </StartAddress>
                                        <EndAddress> IpAddressType </EndAddress>
                <ParentNetwork href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                <FenceMode> xs:string </FenceMode>
                <RetainNetInfoAcrossDeployments> xs:boolean </RetainNetInfoAcrossDeployments>
                        <IsEnabled> xs:boolean </IsEnabled>
                    <SyslogServerIp1> IpAddressType </SyslogServerIp1>
                    <SyslogServerIp2> IpAddressType </SyslogServerIp2>
                    <ExternalIp> IpAddressType </ExternalIp>
                <AdvancedNetworkingEnabled> xs:boolean </AdvancedNetworkingEnabled>
                <SubInterface> xs:boolean </SubInterface>
            <ProviderInfo> xs:string </ProviderInfo>
            <EdgeGateway href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                    <IsEnabled> xs:boolean </IsEnabled>
            <IsShared> xs:boolean </IsShared>
                <VimServerRef href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                <MoRef> xs:string </MoRef>
                <VimObjectType> xs:string </VimObjectType>
    <StorageProfile href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
        <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
        <Description> xs:string </Description>
            <Task href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
                    name="xs:string" status="xs:string" operation="xs:string" operationName="xs:string"
                    serviceNamespace="xs:string" startTime="xs:dateTime" endTime="xs:dateTime" expiryTime="xs:dateTime"
                <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                <Description> xs:string </Description>
                <Tasks> TasksInProgressType </Tasks>
                <Owner href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                <Error stackTrace="xs:string" message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string"
                    <TenantError message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string" vendorSpecificErrorCode="xs:string"/>
                <User href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                <Organization href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
                <Progress> xs:int </Progress>
                <Params> ... </Params>
                <Details> xs:string </Details>
                    <ResultContent> ... </ResultContent>
        <Enabled> xs:boolean </Enabled>
        <Units> xs:string </Units>
        <Limit> xs:long </Limit>
        <Default> xs:boolean </Default>
            <Enabled> xs:boolean </Enabled>
            <DiskIopsMax> xs:long </DiskIopsMax>
            <DiskIopsDefault> xs:long </DiskIopsDefault>
            <StorageProfileIopsLimit> xs:long </StorageProfileIopsLimit>
            <DiskIopsPerGbMax> xs:long </DiskIopsPerGbMax>
        <StorageUsedMB> xs:long </StorageUsedMB>
        <IopsAllocated> xs:long </IopsAllocated>
    <CpuAllocationMhz> xs:long </CpuAllocationMhz>
    <MemoryAllocationMB> xs:long </MemoryAllocationMB>
    <CpuGuaranteedPercentage> xs:long </CpuGuaranteedPercentage>
    <VCpuInMhz> xs:long </VCpuInMhz>
    <MemoryGuaranteedPercentage> xs:long </MemoryGuaranteedPercentage>
    <CpuAllocationMhz> xs:long </CpuAllocationMhz>
    <MemoryAllocationMB> xs:long </MemoryAllocationMB>
    <CpuGuaranteedPercentage> xs:long </CpuGuaranteedPercentage>
    <VCpuInMhz> xs:long </VCpuInMhz>
    <MemoryGuaranteedPercentage> xs:long </MemoryGuaranteedPercentage>


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
CpuAllocationMhz long No none 5.7 CPU allocation in Mhz
CpuAllocationMhz long No none 5.7 CPU allocation in Mhz
CpuGuaranteedPercentage long No always 5.7 Percentage of allocated CPU resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool. Value defaults to 100 if the element is empty.
CpuGuaranteedPercentage long No always 5.7 Percentage of allocated CPU resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool. Value defaults to 100 if the element is empty.
GatewayConfiguration VdcTemplateSpecificationGatewayConfigurationType No always 5.7 Defines a gateway and NAT Routed organization VDC network to be created.
MemoryAllocationMB long No none 5.7 Memory allocation in MB
MemoryAllocationMB long No none 5.7 Memory allocation in MB
MemoryGuaranteedPercentage long No always 5.7 Percentage of allocated memory resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool. Value defaults to 100 if the element is empty.
MemoryGuaranteedPercentage long No always 5.7 Percentage of allocated memory resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool. Value defaults to 100 if the element is empty.
NicQuota int Yes always 5.7 Maximum number of virtual NICs allowed in this vDC. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number.
ProvisionedNetworkQuota int Yes always 5.7 Maximum number of network objects that can be deployed in this VDC. Defaults to 0, which means no networks can be deployed.
StorageProfile VdcStorageProfileType Yes always 5.7 A set of name of Storage Profiles, with corresponding limit value, that all Provider VDCs must have, and that are selected at the time of VDC Template instantiation.
VCpuInMhz long No always 5.7 Specifies the clock frequency, in Megahertz, for any virtual CPU that is allocated to a VM. A VM with 2 vCPUs will consume twice as much of this value. Ignored for ReservationPool. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool, and may not be less than 256 MHz. Defaults to 1000 MHz if the element is empty or missing.
VCpuInMhz long No always 5.7 Specifies the clock frequency, in Megahertz, for any virtual CPU that is allocated to a VM. A VM with 2 vCPUs will consume twice as much of this value. Ignored for ReservationPool. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool, and may not be less than 256 MHz. Defaults to 1000 MHz if the element is empty or missing.
VmQuota int No always 5.7 The quota of VMs that can be created in this vDC. Includes VMs in both vApps and vApp templates, deployed, or otherwise. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number.