vCloud API User Types

User Types

User Types (348)

Type Description Since
EdgeGatewayExternalConnectionListType A description of a set of external gateways. 5.7
EdgeGatewaySummaryType Summary Information for a specific Edge Gateway
ExternalIpAddressActionListType A description of a set of external IP addresses allocation and deallocation actions against a gateway. 5.7
AbsoluteTimeType Specifies an absolute time in UTC 5.6
AbstractVAppType Represents a base type for VAppType and VmType. 0.9
AccessSettingType Controls access to the resource. 0.9
AccessSettingsType A list of access settings for a resource. 0.9
AffinityRuleType Represents the base type for affinity and anti-affinity rules. 20.0
AllocatedIpAddressType Represents an information for allocated IP address 5.1
AllocatedIpAddressesType A list of information for allocated IP addresses. 5.1
ApiDefinitionType Representation of an API definition accessible by all authenticated users. 5.1
ApiExtensibilityType Lists links to API extensibility operations and entities. 5.1
AuditEventType Audit event 5.6
AvailableNetworksType Container for references to available organization vDC networks. 0.9
BootOptionsType Allows you to specify boot options for this virtual machine. 21.0
CapabilitiesType Collection of supported hardware capabilities. 1.5
CapacityType Represents the capacity of a given resource. 0.9
CapacityWithUsageType Represents a capacity and usage of a given resource. 0.9
CaptureVAppParamsType Parameters for a captureVapp request. 0.9
CatalogItemType Contains a reference to a VappTemplate or Media object and related metadata. 0.9
CatalogItemsType Container for references to catalog items. 0.9
CatalogType Represents the user view of a Catalog object. 0.9
CertificateUpdateParamsType Parameters for certificate update. 5.1
CertificateUploadSocketType Upload socket for certificate. 5.1
CloneMediaParamsType Parameters required by a cloneMedia request. 0.9
CloneVAppParamsType Parameters for a clonevApp request. 0.9
CloneVAppTemplateParamsType Parameters for a cloneVappTemplate request. 0.9
ComplianceResultType Represents the results of a GET /vApp/vm-{id}/complianceResult request. 5.1
ComposeVAppParamsType Represents vApp composition parameters. 0.9
ComputeCapacityType Represents vDC compute capacity. 0.9
ContainerType Container for query result sets.
ControlAccessParamsType Specifies access controls for a resource. 0.9
CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParamsType Parameters for a copyCatalogItem or moveCatalogItem request. 5.5
CreateSnapshotParamsType Parameters for a createSnapshot request. 5.1
CurrentUsageSpecType Specifies which current usage metrics to retrieve 5.6
CurrentUsageType A collection of simple metrics representing real time usage statistics 5.6
CustomizationSectionType Represents a vApp template customization settings. 1.0
DefaultStorageProfileSection_Type Name of the storage profile that will be specified for this virtual machine. 5.1
DeployVAppParamsType Parameters to a deploy vApp request. 0.9
DhcpPoolServiceType Represents DHCP pool service. 5.1
DhcpServiceType Represents a DHCP network service.
DiskAttachOrDetachParamsType Parameters for attaching or detaching an independent disk. 5.1
DiskCreateParamsType Parameters for creating or updating an independent disk. 5.1
DiskType Represents an independent disk. 5.1
EdgeGatewayFormFactorType Allows a user to change the size of the gateway 11.0
EntityLinkType Extends EntityReference type by adding relation attribute. 1.5
EntityReferenceType A reference to a vCloud entity. 1.5
EntityType Basic entity type in the vCloud object model. 0.9
ErrorType The standard error message type used in the vCloud REST API. 0.9
EventPropertiesType List of event-specific properties. 5.6
EventType Parameters for creating an event. 5.1
ExternalNatIpMapType Maps source site external NAT IP addresses to destination site external NAT IP addresses. 5.5
ExternalNatIpMapType/Entry 5.5
ExternalSubjectType A reference to a user or group managed by an identity provider configured for use in this organization. 11.0
FileDescriptorType Represents a file required by an extension API definition. 5.1
FileType Represents a file to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). 0.9
FileUploadParamsType Parameters for initializing file upload session. 5.1
FileUploadSocketType Parameters for initiating file upload. 5.1
FilesListType Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). 0.9
FirewallIpAddressType A valid IPv4 address or "Any". 0.9
FirewallRuleType Represents a firewall rule. 0.9
FirewallServiceType Represents a network firewall service.
GatewayBackingRefType Provides information to access edge gateway via VC 7.0
GatewayConfigurationType Gateway Configuration. 5.1
GatewayDhcpServiceType Represents Gateway DHCP service. 5.1
GatewayFeaturesType Represents edge gateway services. 5.1
GatewayInterfaceType Gateway Interface configuration. 5.1
GatewayInterfacesType A list of Gateway Interfaces. 5.1
GatewayIpsecVpnEndpointType Represents an IPSec VPN endpoint. 5.1
GatewayIpsecVpnServiceType Represents gateway IPsec VPN service. 5.1
GatewayIpsecVpnTunnelType Represents an IPSec VPN tunnel. 5.1
GatewayNatRuleType Represents the SNAT and DNAT rules. 5.1
GatewayType Represents a gateway. 5.1
GuestCustomizationSectionType Represents a guest customization settings. 1.0
HistoricUsageSpecType Specifies which historic usage metrics to retrieve 5.6
HistoricUsageType A collection of time-based metrics representing historic usage statistics 5.6
IdentifiableResourceType The base type for all resource types which contain an id attribute. 0.9
InstantiateOvfParamsType Represents vApp instantiation from OVF parameters
InstantiateOvfPropertyType Represents an OVF property value assignment. 5.5
InstantiateVAppParamsType Represents vApp instantiation parameters. 0.9
InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType Represents vApp template instantiation parameters. 0.9
InstantiateVmHardwareCustomizationParamsType Hardware parameter customization applied to a virtual machine in a vApp when instantiated. 5.5
InstantiateVmParamsType Instantiation parameters for a VM in a vApp. 5.5
InstantiationParamsType Container for ovf:Section_Type elements that specify vApp configuration on instantiate, compose, or recompose. 0.9
IpAddressType A valid IPv4 address or "Any". 0.9
IpAddressesType A list of IP addresses. 0.9
IpRangeType Represents a range of IP addresses, start and end inclusive. 0.9
IpRangesType Represents a list of IP ranges. 0.9
IpScopeType Specify network settings like gateway, network mask, DNS servers, IP ranges, etc. 0.9
IpScopesType Represents a list of IP scopes. 5.1
IpsecVpnLocalPeerType Gives more details of local peer end point. 1.5
IpsecVpnManagedPeerType Gives more details of peer end point. 1.5
IpsecVpnPeerType Gives more details of peer end point. 1.5
IpsecVpnRemotePeerType Gives more details of remote peer end point. 1.5
IpsecVpnServiceType Represents an IPSec-VPN network service. 1.5
IpsecVpnSubnetType Represents subnet details. 5.1
IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeerType Gives more details of third party peer end point. 1.5
IpsecVpnTunnelType Represents details of an IPSec-VPN tunnel. 1.5
IpsecVpnUnmanagedPeerType Gives more details of peer end point not managed by vCloud Director. 1.5
KeystoreUpdateParamsType Parameters for keystore update. 5.1
KeystoreUploadSocketType Upload socket for keystore. 5.1
LBPersistenceType Represents persistence type for a load balancer service profile. 5.1
LBPoolHealthCheckType Represents a service port health check list. 5.1
LBPoolMemberType Represents a member in a load balancer pool. 5.1
LBPoolServicePortType Represents a service port in a load balancer pool. 5.1
LBVirtualServerServiceProfileType Represents service profile for a load balancing virtual server. 5.1
LeaseSettingsSectionType Represents vApp lease settings. 0.9
LinkType Extends reference type by adding relation attribute. 0.9
LoadBalancerPoolType Represents a load balancer pool. 5.1
LoadBalancerServiceType Represents gateway load balancer service. 5.1
LoadBalancerVirtualServerType Represents a load balancer virtual server. 5.1
LocalityParamsType Locality parameters provide a hint that may help optimize placement of a VM with respect to another VM or an independent disk. 5.1
MediaInsertOrEjectParamsType Parameters for an insertMedia or ejectMedia request. 0.9
MediaType Represents a Media object. 0.9
MetadataBooleanValue One of: 1, 0, true, false 5.1
MetadataDateTimeValue UTC format. 5.1
MetadataDomainTagType A value of SYSTEM places this MetadataEntry in the SYSTEM domain. 5.1
MetadataNumberValue A signed 8-byte integer. 5.1
MetadataStringValue UTF-8 character set. 5.1
MetadataType User-defined metadata associated with with an object. 1.5
MetadataTypedValue One of:
MksTicketType A ticket and connection information for accessing the console of a VM. 5.5
NatOneToOneBasicRuleType Represents the NAT basic rule for one to one mapping of internal and external IP addresses from a network. 0.9
NatOneToOneVmRuleType Represents the NAT rule for one to one mapping of VM NIC and external IP addresses from a network. 0.9
NatPortForwardingRuleType Represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between internal IP/port and external IP/port. 0.9
NatRuleType Represents a NAT rule. 0.9
NatServiceType Represents a NAT network service.
NatVmRuleType Represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between VM NIC/port and external IP/port. 0.9
NetworkAssignmentType Maps a network name specified in a Vm to the network name of a vApp network defined in the VApp that contains the Vm 0.9
NetworkConfigSectionType Container for vApp networks. 0.9
NetworkConfigurationType The configurations applied to a network. 0.9
NetworkConnectionSectionType Container for the network connections of this virtual machine. 0.9
NetworkConnectionType Represents a network connection in the virtual machine. 0.9
NetworkFeaturesType Represents features of a network.
NetworkMappingType Represents a mapping from an OVF source network to a vCloud target network. 5.5
NetworkServiceInsertionType Information about a network service that has been inserted 5.1
NetworkServiceType This is the root of the substitution group for network services.
NetworkType Represents a Network in the vCloud model. 0.9
NicIpMapType VM's with NICs that are connected directly to a VDC network and where the NICs have manually assigned IP addresses needs to be mapped to a valid IP address within the IP range of the destination site's VDC network. 5.5
NicIpMapType/Entry 5.5
OperatingSystemFamilyInfoType Represents an operating system family. 5.1
OperatingSystemInfoType Information about an individual operating system. 5.1
OrgListType Represents a list of organizations. 0.9
OrgType Represents the user view of a vCloud Director organization. 0.9
OrgVdcNetworkType Represents an Org vDC network in the vCloud model. 5.1
OvfToVdcNetworkMapType Map from OVF to Org networks. 5.5
OvfToVdcNetworkMapType/Entry 5.5
OwnerType Represents the owner of this entity. 1.5
ParamsType A basic type used to specify request parameters. 0.9
PhasesType An extensibility phase represents a point in a workflow where control can be passed to an extension. 16.0
ProductSectionListType Container for all ProductSection elements in a VAppTemplate, VApp, or Vm object.
PropertyType Contains key/value pair as property. 0.9
PublishCatalogParamsType Parameters required when sharing a catalog with other organizations. 0.9
QueryListType Container for the list of typed queries available to the requesting user.
QueryResultAclRuleRecordType Type for a single aclRule query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAdminAllocatedExternalAddressRecordType Type for a single adminAllocatedExternalAddress query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminApiDefinitionRecordType Type for a single adminApiDefinition query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAdminCatalogItemRecordType Type for a single adminCatalogItem query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminCatalogRecordType Type for a single adminCatalog query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminDiskRecordType Type for a single adminDisk query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAdminEventRecordType Type for a single adminEvent query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAdminFileDescriptorRecordType Type for a single adminFileDescriptor query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAdminGroupRecordType Type for a single adminGroup query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminMediaRecordType Type for a single adminMedia query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminOrgNetworkRecordType Type for a single adminOrgNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType Type for a single adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAdminRoleRecordType Type for a single adminRole query result in records format. 27.0
QueryResultAdminServiceRecordType Type for a single adminService query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAdminShadowVMRecordType Type for a single adminShadowVM query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminTaskRecordType Type for a single adminTask query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminUserRecordType Type for a single adminUser query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminVAppNetworkRecordType Type for a single adminVAppNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminVAppRecordType Type for a single adminVApp query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminVAppTemplateRecordType Type for a single adminVAppTemplate query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminVMRecordType Type for a single adminVM query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminVdcRecordType Type for a single adminOrgVdc query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultAdminVmDiskRelationRecordType Type for a single adminVMDiskRelation query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultAllocatedExternalAddressRecordType Type for a single allocatedExternalAddress query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultApiDefinitionRecordType Type for a single apiDefinition query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultApiFilterRecordType Type for a single apiFilter query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultBlockingTaskRecordType Type for a single blockingTask query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultCatalogItemRecordType Type for a single catalogItem query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultCatalogRecordType Type for a single catalog query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultCellRecordType Type for a single cell query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultConditionRecordType Type for a single condition query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultDatastoreProviderVdcRelationRecordType Type for a single datastoreProviderVdcRelation query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultDatastoreRecordType Type for a single datastore query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultDiskRecordType Type for a single disk query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultDvSwitchRecordType Type for a single dvSwitch query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType Type for a single edgeGateway query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultEventRecordType Type for a single event query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultExternalLocalizationRecordType Type for a single externalLocalization query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultFileDescriptorRecordType Type for a single fileDescriptor query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultGroupRecordType Type for a single group query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultHostRecordType Type for a single host query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultMediaRecordType Type for a single media query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType Type for a single networkPool query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultNetworkRecordType Type for a single externalNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultOrgNetworkRecordType Type for a single orgNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultOrgRecordType Type for a single organization query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultOrgVdcNetworkRecordType Type for a single orgVdcNetwork query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultOrgVdcRecordType Type for a single orgVdc query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultOrgVdcResourcePoolRelationRecordType Type for a single orgVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType Type for a single orgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultPortgroupRecordType Type for a single portgroup query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultProviderVdcResourcePoolRelationRecordType Type for a single providerVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType Type for a single providerVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultRecordType Base type for a single record from query result in records format.
QueryResultRecordsType Container for query results in records format. 1.5
QueryResultResourceClassActionRecordType Type for a single resourceClassAction query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultResourceClassRecordType Type for a single resourceClass query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultResourcePoolRecordType Type for a single resourcePool query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultResourcePoolVMRecordType Type for a single resourcePoolVmList query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultRightRecordType Type for a single right query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultRoleRecordType Type for a single role query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultServiceLinkRecordType Type for a single serviceLink query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultServiceRecordType Type for a single service query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultServiceResourceRecordType Type for a single serviceResource query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultStrandedItemRecordType Type for a single strandedItem query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultStrandedUserRecordType Type for a single strandedUser query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultTaskRecordType Type for a single task query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultType Container type for query results in records format. 1.5
QueryResultUserRecordType Type for a single user query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVAppNetworkRecordType Type for a single vAppNetwork query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVAppOrgNetworkRelationRecordType Type for a single vAppOrgNetworkRelation query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVAppOrgVdcNetworkRelationRecordType Type for a single vAppOrgVdcNetworkRelation query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultVAppRecordType Type for a single vApp query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType Type for a single vAppTemplate query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVMRecordType Type for a single vm query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType Type for a single providerVdc query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVchsEdgeGatewayRecordType Type for a single vchsEdgeGateway query result in records format. 5.7
QueryResultVchsOrgVdcNetworkRecordType Type for a single vchsOrgVdcNetwork query result in records format. 5.7
QueryResultVirtualCenterRecordType Type for a single virtualCenter query result in records format. 1.5
QueryResultVmDiskRelationRecordType Type for a single vmDiskRelation query result in records format. 5.1
QueryResultVmGroupVmsRecordType Type for a single vmGroupVms query result in records format. 5.5
QueryResultVmGroupsRecordType Type for a single vmGroups query result in records format. 27.0
RasdItemsListType Represents a list of RASD items specifying a group of related DMTF Resource Allocation Setting Data properties of this virtual machine. 0.9
RecomposeVAppParamsType Parameters for a recompose vApp request. 1.0
ReferenceType A reference to a resource. 0.9
ReferencesType Container for query results returned in references format.
RegisterVAppParamsType Represents vApp registration parameters. 5.5
RelativeTimeType Specifies an earlier time relative to the current time 5.6
RelocateParamsType Parameters to be used for virtual machine relocation. 1.5
RequestOperationParamsType Represents parameters to a request. 1.5
ResourceEntitiesType Container for references to ResourceEntity objects in this vDC. 0.9
ResourceEntityType Base type that represents a resource entity such as a vApp template or virtual media. 0.9
ResourceReferenceType Represents a reference to a resource. 0.9
ResourceType The base type for all objects in the vCloud model. 0.9
ResultType The result of operations. 13.0
RuntimeInfoSectionType VMware Tools and other runtime information for this virtual machine. 1.5
SampleType Represents a data point in a metric series 5.6
ScreenTicketType The ticket for accessing the console of a VM. 0.9
SelectorExtensionType Represents the association between a registered extension and a selector. 16.0
SelectorExtensionsType Represents the collection of selector extensions. 16.0
ServiceType Public representation of an external service. 5.1
SessionType Represents a vCloud Session. 1.5
SimpleMetricType A simple scalar metric value 5.6
SmtpSecureModeType Security protocol to use when connecting to the SMTP server. 11.0
SnapshotSectionType Represents information about vApp and virtual machine snapshots. 5.1
SnapshotType Represents a virtual machine snapshot. 5.1
SourcedCompositionItemParamType Represents a vApp, vApp template or Vm to include in a composed vApp. 0.9
SourcedVmInstantiationParamsType Represents instantiation parameters. 5.1
SspiKeytabUpdateParamsType Parameters for SSPI keytab update. 5.1
SspiKeytabUploadSocketType Upload socket for SSPI keytab. 5.1
StaticRoutingServiceType Represents Static Routing network service. 1.5
SubAllocationType IP range sub allocated to an edge gateway. 5.1
SubAllocationsType A list of IP addresses that are sub allocated to edge gateways. 5.1
SubnetParticipationType Allows to chose which subnets a gateway can be part of 5.1
SupportedHardwareVersionType Represents a supported virtual hardware version. 1.5
SupportedHardwareVersionsType Contains a list of VMware virtual hardware versions supported in this vDC. 1.5
SupportedOperatingSystemsInfoType Operating systems available for use on virtual machines owned by this organization. 5.1
SyslogServerSettingsType Syslog server settings. 1.5
SyslogServerType Allows a user to configure syslog server settings for the gateway 5.11
TaskOperationListType List of operation names. 1.5
TaskPrototypeType Describes an asynchronous operation to be performed by vCloud Director extension. 6.0
TaskRequestBaseType Base type for blocking tasks. 1.5
TaskType Represents an asynchronous operation in vCloud Director. 0.9
TasksInProgressType A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks. 0.9
TasksListType A list of tasks. 0.9
TenantErrorType The tenant view of the error, when the containing error is an administrator view of the error. 5.7
TenantSyslogServerSettingsType Tenant syslog server settings. 5.11
TimeSeriesMetricType A sequence of metric values measured at specified times 5.6
TimeUnitType An enumeration of time units that can be used to define a relative time 5.6
TrustStoreUpdateParamsType Parameters for updating the truststore. 5.1
TrustStoreUploadSocketType Upload socket for the truststore. 5.1
UndeployVAppParamsType Parameters to an undeploy vApp request. 0.9
UploadVAppTemplateParamsType Parameters for an uploadVappTemplate request. 0.9
VAppChildrenType Container for virtual machines included in this vApp. 0.9
VAppCreationParamsType Represents vApp creation parameters. 0.9
VAppNetworkConfigurationType Represents a vApp network configuration. 0.9
VAppNetworkType Represents a vApp network. 1.5
VAppTemplateChildrenType Container for virtual machines included in this vApp template. 0.9
VAppTemplateType Represents a vApp template. 0.9
VAppType Represents a vApp. 0.9
VCloudExtensibleType A base abstract type for all complex types that support extensions. 0.9
VCloudExtensionType General purpose extension element. 0.9
VdcStorageProfileIopsSettingsType Grouping of IOPs related settings associated with a particular VdcStorageProfile, i.e. 9.0
VdcStorageProfileType Represents a storage profile in an organization vDC. 5.1
VdcStorageProfilesType Container for references to storage profiles associated with a vDC. 5.1
VdcType Represents the user view of an organization vDC. 0.9
VdcsType Represents a list of references to vDCs. 0.9
VendorServicesType Vendor services available for service insertion on networks or edge gateways. 5.1
VendorTemplateAttributesType Information about vendor template attributes 5.1
VendorTemplateType Information about a vendor service template. 5.1
VersionsType (v1.5) Represents a list of API versions supported by an ApiVendor. 5.1
VimObjectRefType (v1.5) Represents the moref and the type of a vSphere object. 22.0
VmAffinityRuleType A VM affinity rule to be applied to two or more VMs. 20.0
VmAffinityRulesType The collection existing VM affinity rules available. 20.0
VmCapabilitiesType Allows you to specify certain capabilities of this virtual machine. 5.1
VmGeneralParamsType A set of overrides to source VM properties to apply to target VM during copying. 5.6
VmPendingQuestionType Represents a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). 0.9
VmQuestionAnswerChoiceType Represents the answer to a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). 0.9
VmQuestionAnswerType Represents the answer to a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). 0.9
VmSelectionType Represents details of an vm+nic+iptype selection. 5.1
VmType Represents a virtual machine. 0.9
VmsType Represents a list of virtual machines. 5.1
VsToVmxMapType Map from OVF Virtual Systems via the BIOS UUID to the datastore location of the replicated VM's files on the destination site. 5.5
VsToVmxMapType/Entry 5.5
MediaTypeMappingType Mapping of a content media type to a xsd complex type. 0.9
SupportedVersionsType List all supported versions. 0.9
VersionInfoType Information for one version of the API. 0.9