vCloud API Extension Queries

Extension Queries

Extension Queries (51)

Type Name Description User Admin System Format Records Result Since Deprecated
aclRule All ACL rules defined in the system by extension services. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AclRuleRecord) 5.1 -
adminAllocatedExternalAddress All allocated external IP addresses in the system and the networks that use them. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (AdminAllocatedExternalAddressRecord) 5.1
adminApiDefinition System Administrator representation of all extension service API definitions. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminApiDefinitionRecord) 5.1 -
adminCatalog All catalogs in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminCatalogRecord) -
adminCatalogItem Catalog items in all catalogs in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminCatalogItemRecord) -
adminDisk All independent disks in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminDiskRecord) 5.1 -
adminEvent All stored event records in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminEventRecord) 5.1 -
adminFileDescriptor System Administrator representation of all API filters defined in the system by extension services. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminFileDescriptorRecord) 5.1 -
adminGroup Groups in all organizations in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminGroupRecord) -
adminMedia All media in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminMediaRecord) -
adminOrgNetwork All organization networks in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminOrgNetworkRecord) 5.1
adminOrgVdc All organization vDCs in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminVdcRecord) -
adminOrgVdcStorageProfile All organization VDC storage profiles in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecord) 5.1 -
adminRole All roles defined in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminRoleRecord) 27.0 -
adminService System Administrator representation of all extension services registered with the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminServiceRecord) 5.1 -
adminShadowVM All shadow VMs in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminShadowVMRecord) -
adminTask All active or recently completed tasks in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminTaskRecord) -
adminUser Users in all organizations in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminUserRecord) -
adminVApp All vApps in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminVAppRecord) -
adminVAppNetwork All vApp networks in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminVAppNetworkRecord) -
adminVAppTemplate All vApp templates in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminVAppTemplateRecord) -
adminVM All VMs in vApps or vApp templates in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (AdminVMRecord) -
adminVMDiskRelation Independent disks in the system that are attached to a VM. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (AdminVmDiskRelationRecord) 5.1 -
apiFilter All API filters defined in the system for extension services. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (ApiFilterRecord) 5.1 -
blockingTask All active blocking tasks in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (BlockingTaskRecord) -
cell All vCloud Director cells supporting this cloud. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (CellRecord) -
condition System alerts for objects that have errors or warnings. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (ConditionRecord) 5.1 -
datastore All datastores in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (DatastoreRecord) -
datastoreProviderVdcRelation All datastores in the system and the Provider vDCs that use them. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (DatastoreProviderVdcRelationRecord) -
dvSwitch All vCenter distributed virtual switches available for use by the system. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (DvSwitchRecord) -
externalLocalization Localization resources for all registered extension services. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (ExternalLocalizationRecord) 5.1 -
externalNetwork External networks in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (NetworkRecord) -
host ESX/ESXi hosts registered to the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (HostRecord) -
networkPool All network pools in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (NetworkPoolRecord) -
orgVdcResourcePoolRelation All resource pools in the system and the organization vDCs that use them. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (OrgVdcResourcePoolRelationRecord) -
portgroup All vCenter portgroups in the system. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (PortgroupRecord) -
providerVdc All provider vDCs in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (VMWProviderVdcRecord) -
providerVdcResourcePoolRelation All resource pools in the system and the Provider vDCs that use them. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (ProviderVdcResourcePoolRelationRecord) -
providerVdcStorageProfile All Provider VDC storage profiles in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (ProviderVdcStorageProfileRecord) 5.1 -
resourceClass All resources classes defined in the system by extension services. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (ResourceClassRecord) 5.1 -
resourceClassAction All resource class actions defined in the system by extension services. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (ResourceClassActionRecord) 5.1 -
resourcePool All resource pools in the system. - - YES records,idrecords QueryResultRecords of (ResourcePoolRecord) -
resourcePoolVmList All VMs in the system and the resource pools they use. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (ResourcePoolVMRecord) 5.1 -
serviceLink All service links defined by extension services. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (ServiceLinkRecord) 5.1 -
serviceResource All service resources defined in the system by extension services. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (ServiceResourceRecord) 5.1 -
strandedItem All stranded items in the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (StrandedItemRecord) 5.1 -
vchsEdgeGateway Summary Information for a specific edge gateway. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (VchsEdgeGatewayRecord) 5.7 -
vchsOrgVdcNetwork Summary Information for a specific Org Vdc Network. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (VchsOrgVdcNetworkRecord) 5.7 -
virtualCenter All vCenter servers registered to the system. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (VirtualCenterRecord) -
vmGroupVms List of all VMs in a VM group and associated container data. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (VmGroupVmsRecord) 5.5 -
vmGroups List of all VM groups in all clusters. - - YES All QueryResultRecords of (VmGroupsRecord) 27.0 -