arrayIndependentProvider | xsd:boolean |
Indicates if this provider is independent of arrays.
Default value for this flag is false, which means this provider supports
arrays. Arrays will be queried for this provider during sync. If this flag
is set to true, arrays will not be synced for this provider and array
related API will not be invoked on this provider.
Since SMS API 6.5
certificate | xsd:string |
Provider certificate
certificateExpiryDate | xsd:string |
Provider certificate expiry date.
Since SMS API 5.0
certificateStatus | xsd:string |
Provider certificate status
This field holds values from sms.Provider.VasaProviderInfo#CertificateStatus
Since SMS API 5.0
failoverGroupId | xsd:string |
Unique identifier of a VASA HA group. Providers should report this
identifier to utilize HA feature supported by vSphere. Different providers
reporting the same failoverGroupId will be treated as an HA
group. Failover/failback will be done within one group.
Since SMS API 6.5
lastSyncTime | xsd:string |
Time stamp to indicate when last sync operation was completed
maxBatchSize | xsd:long |
Maximum number of elements in batch APIs that the VASA Provider can support.
This value is common to all batch APIs supported by the provider. However,
for each specific API, the provider may still throw or return TooMany
fault in which a different value of maxBatchSize can be specified.
If the value is not specified (zero) or invalid (negative), client will
assume there's no common limit for the number of elements that can be
handled in all batch APIs.
Since SMS API 6.5
namespace | xsd:string |
Namespace to categorize storage capabilities provided by
arrays managed by the provider
needsExplicitActivation | xsd:boolean |
Indicates the type of deployment supported by the provider.
If true, it is an active/passive deployment and the provider needs to be
activated explicitly using activateProviderEx() VASA API.
If false, it is an active/active deployment and provider does not need any
explicit activation to respond to VASA calls.
Since SMS API 5.0
priority | xsd:int |
Priority level of the provider within a VASA HA group. For a stand-alone
provider which does not participate in VASA HA, this field will be ignored.
The priority value is an integer with valid range from 0 to 255.
Since SMS API 6.5
providerId | xsd:string |
Provider identifier reported by the provider which is unique within
the provider namespace.
Since SMS API 4.0
relatedStorageArray | RelatedStorageArray[] |
List containing mapping between storage arrays reported by the provider
and information such as whether the provider is considered active for them.
Since SMS API 4.0
retainVasaProviderCertificate | xsd:boolean |
Indicate whether the provider wants to retain its certificate after bootstrapping.
If true, SMS will not provision a VMCA signed certificate for the provider
and all certificate life cycle management workflows are disabled for this provider certificate.
If false, SMS will provision a VMCA signed certificate for the provider and
all certificate life cycle management workflows are enabled for this provider certificate.
Since SMS API 5.0
serviceLocation | xsd:string |
Service location for the VASA endpoint that SMS is using
to communicate with the provider.
Since SMS API 5.0
status | xsd:string |
The operational state of VASA Provider.
statusFault | LocalizedMethodFault |
A fault that describes the cause of the current operational status.
Since SMS API 6.5
supportedProfile | xsd:string[] | Deprecated.
As of SMS API 3.0, use supportedProfile
List of supported profiles
supportedProviderProfile | xsd:string[] |
List of supported profiles at provider level. Must be one of the string
values from * sms.provider.VasaProviderInfo#ProviderProfile.
Since SMS API 4.0
supportedVendorModelMapping | SupportedVendorModelMapping[] |
List containing mapping between the supported vendorID and
corresponding modelID
type | xsd:string |
Type of this VASA provider.
This field will be equal to one of the values of sms.provider.VasaProviderInfo#Type.
Since SMS API 6.5
url | xsd:string |
Provider URL
vasaVersion | xsd:string |
Supported VASA(vStorage APIs for Storage Awareness) version
Properties inherited from SmsProviderInfo |
description, name, uid, version |
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |