PowerCLI Reference



This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the virtual machine.


Set-VM [-VM] <VirtualMachine[]> [-AlternateGuestName <String>] [-CoresPerSocket <Int32>] [-DrsAutomationLevel {Disabled | FullyAutomated | Manual | PartiallyAutomated | AsSpecifiedByCluster}] [-GuestId <String>] [-HAIsolationResponse {AsSpecifiedByCluster | PowerOff | DoNothing | Shutdown}] [-HardwareVersion <String>] [-HARestartPriority {Disabled | Low | Medium | High | ClusterRestartPriority | Lowest | Highest}] [-MemoryGB <Decimal>] [-MemoryMB <Int64>] [-Name <String>] [-Notes <String>] [-NumCpu <Int32>] [-OSCustomizationSpec <OSCustomizationSpec>] [-RunAsync] [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-Version {Unknown | v4 | v7 | v8 | v9 | v10 | v11 | v12 | v13 | v14}] [-VMSwapFilePolicy {WithVM | Inherit | InHostDatastore}] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-VM [-VM] <VirtualMachine[]> -DisableEncryption [-RunAsync] [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-VM [-VM] <VirtualMachine[]> [-DrsAutomationLevel {Disabled | FullyAutomated | Manual | PartiallyAutomated | AsSpecifiedByCluster}] [-HAIsolationResponse {AsSpecifiedByCluster | PowerOff | DoNothing | Shutdown}] [-HARestartPriority {Disabled | Low | Medium | High | ClusterRestartPriority | Lowest | Highest}] [-Name <String>] [-OSCustomizationSpec <OSCustomizationSpec>] [-RunAsync] [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-Snapshot <Snapshot>] [-VMSwapFilePolicy {WithVM | Inherit | InHostDatastore}] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-VM [-VM] <VirtualMachine[]> [-Name <String>] [-RunAsync] [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-ToTemplate] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-VM [-VM] <VirtualMachine[]> [-PromoteDisks] [-RunAsync] [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-VM [-VM] <VirtualMachine[]> [-RunAsync] [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-SkipHardDisks] [-StoragePolicy <StoragePolicy>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [-KeyProvider <KmsCluster>] [<CommonParameters>]

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Detailed Description

This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the virtual machine. If the OSCustomizationSpec parameter is used, the cmdlet customizes the virtual machine according to the specification. In addition, the cmdlet allows you to revert a virtual machine to a snapshot and convert a virtual machine to a template.


NameTypeDescriptionRequired?Pipeline InputDefault Value
VMVirtualMachine[]Specifies the virtual machine that you want to configure.trueTrue (ByValue)
AlternateGuestNameStringSpecifies the full name of the guest OS for the virtual machine if the value of the GuestID parameter is set to otherGuest or otherGuest64.falseFalse
ConfirmSwitchParameterIf the value is $true, indicates that the cmdlet asks for confirmation before running. If the value is $false, the cmdlet runs without asking for user confirmation.falseFalse
CoresPerSocketInt32Specifies the number of virtual CPU cores per socket.falseFalse
DisableEncryptionSwitchParameterIndicates that you want to decrypt the specified virtual machine.trueFalse
DrsAutomationLevelDrsAutomationLevelSpecifies a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) automation level. The valid values are FullyAutomated, Manual, PartiallyAutomated, AsSpecifiedByCluster, and Disabled. Passing values to this parameter through a pipeline is deprecated and will be disabled in a future release. Specifying this parameter is only supported when the virtual machine is inside a cluster. Otherwise, an error appears.falseFalse
GuestIdStringSpecifies the guest operating system of the virtual machine. The valid values for specific ESX versions are listed in the description of the VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier enumeration type in the vSphere API Reference available at http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/. Depending on the hardware configuration of the host, some of the guest operating systems might be inapplicable.falseFalse
HAIsolationResponseHAIsolationResponseIndicates whether the virtual machine should be powered off if a host determines that it's isolated from the rest of the compute resource. The valid values are AsSpecifiedByCluster, PowerOff, and DoNothing. Passing values to this parameter through a pipeline is deprecated and will be disabled in a future release. Specifying this parameter is only supported when the virtual machine is inside a cluster. Otherwise, an error appears.falseFalse
HardwareVersionStringSpecifies the version to which you want to upgrade the virtual machine. You cannot downgrade to an earlier version.falseFalse
HARestartPriorityHARestartPrioritySpecifies the virtual machine High Availability (HA) restart priority. The valid values are Disabled, Low, Medium, High, and ClusterRestartPriority. VMware HA is a feature that detects failed virtual machines and automatically restarts them on alternative ESX hosts. Passing values to this parameter through a pipeline is deprecated and will be disabled in a future release. Specifying this parameter is only supported when the virtual machine is inside a cluster. Otherwise, an error appears.falseFalse
KeyProviderKmsClusterSpecifies the key provider that you want to use for the encryption key while encrypting the specified virtual machine. If StoragePolicy is not specified, the default encryption storage policy "VM Encryption Policy" is used.falseFalse
MemoryGBDecimalSpecifies the memory size in gigabytes (GB).falseFalse
MemoryMBInt64This parameter is obsolete. Use MemoryGB instead. Specifies the memory size in megabytes (MB).falseFalse
NameStringSpecifies a new name for the virtual machine.falseFalse
NotesStringProvides a description for the virtual machine. The alias of this parameter is Description.falseFalse
NumCpuInt32Specifies the number of virtual CPUs.falseFalse
OSCustomizationSpecOSCustomizationSpecSpecifies a customization specification you want to apply to the virtual machine. This works only in 32-bit mode.falseFalse
PromoteDisksSwitchParameterPromotes virtual machine disks. You can use this parameter to promote a linked clone virtual machine to a full clone.falseFalse
RunAsyncSwitchParameterIndicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task object. For more information about the RunAsync parameter, run "help About_RunAsync" in the VMware PowerCLI console.falseFalse
ServerVIServer[]Specifies the vCenter Server systems on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is given to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of the Connect-VIServer cmdlet.falseFalse
SkipHardDisksSwitchParameterIndicates that the StoragePolicy or encryption (KeyProvider) is applied to vmhome only.falseFalse
SnapshotSnapshotSpecifies a snapshot whose state you want to apply to the virtual machine.falseTrue (ByValue)
StoragePolicyStoragePolicySpecifies the StoragePolicy that you want to attach to the specified virtual machine. If the StoragePolicy is an encryption policy, the virtual machine is encrypted. Otherwise, the virtual machine is decrypted, if it's encrypted before the cmdlet, and attached with the new StoragePolicy.falseFalse
ToTemplateSwitchParameterIndicates that you want to convert the virtual machine to a template.falseFalse
VersionVMVersionThis parameter is deprecated. Use 'HardwareVersion' parameter instead. Specifies the version to which you want to upgrade the virtual machine. The valid values are v4, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, and v14. You cannot downgrade to an earlier version.falseFalse
VMSwapFilePolicyVMSwapfilePolicySpecifies the swapfile placement policy. The following values are valid:

InHostDataStore - stores the swapfile in the datastore specified by the VMSwapfileDatastoreID property of the virtual machine host. If the VMSwapfileDatastoreID property is not set or indicates a datastore with insufficient free space, the swapfile is stored in the same directory as the virtual machine. This setting might degrade the vMotion performance.

WithVM - stores the swapfile in the same directory as the virtual machine.
WhatIfSwitchParameterIndicates that the cmdlet is run only to display the changes that would be made and actually no objects are modified.falseFalse

Return Type

Zero or more modified VirtualMachine objects or the newly created Template objects


Applying customization specs works only in 32-bit mode. Encrypt a virtual machine needs to meet several requirements: 1) The virtual machine is powered off 2) The virtual machine has no snapshot 3) The virtual machine isn't a linked cloned VM


-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

$template = Get-VM VM | Set-VM -ToTemplate -Name VMTemplate

Converts the VM virtual machine to a template and stores the template in the $template variable.

-------------------------- Example 2 --------------------------

Get-VM -Location ResourcePool01 | Set-VM -MemoryGB 2 -NumCPU 2

Upgrades the memory and CPU count of the virtual machines in ResourcePool01.

-------------------------- Example 3 --------------------------

Set-VM -VM VM -HardwareVersion vmx-07

Upgrades the virtual hardware version of the VM virtual machine.

-------------------------- Example 4 --------------------------

$snapshot = Get-Snapshot -VM $vm -Name "Initial state"

Set-VM -VM $vm -Snapshot $snapshot

Reverts the VM virtual machine to the "Initial state" snapshot.

-------------------------- Example 5 --------------------------

$spec = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name FinanceDepartmentSpec;

Set-VM -VM $vm -OSCustomizationSpec $spec

Applies a customization specification on the specified virtual machines.

-------------------------- Example 6 --------------------------

Set-VM $vm -Name "Web Server" -GuestID winNetStandardGuest -Description "Company's web server"

Changes the name, description, and guest ID of the specified virtual machine.

-------------------------- Example 7 --------------------------

$keyprovider = Get-KeyProvider | select -first 1
Set-VM $vm -KeyProvider $keyprovider

Encrypts the whole virtual machine stored in $vm including its VM Home and all its valid hard disks.

-------------------------- Example 8 --------------------------

$storagepolicy = Get-SpbmStoragePolicy | select -first 1
Set-VM $vm -StoragePolicy $storagepolicy -SkipHardDisks

Attaches the $storagepolicy to the VM Home of the $vm virtual machine: - If the $storagepolicy is an encryption policy, the VM Home of the $vm virtual machine is encrypted or re-encrypted with the new policy.

- If the $storagepolicy is a non-encryption policy, the VM Home of the $vm virtual machine is decrypted (if it was encrypted before this cmdlet, and it has no encrypted disks) and attached with the new policy.

-------------------------- Example 9 --------------------------

Set-VM $vm -DisableEncryption

Decrypts the whole virtual machine stored in $vm including its VM Home and all its valid hard disks.

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