System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Nodes > Transport Node Status

Read status of a transport node


URI Path(s):
Request Headers:
Query Parameters:
Request Body:

Example Request:

GET https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/transport-nodes/07cd4582-189c-11e7-b77f-7f1dfdccba5e/status

Successful Response:

Response Code:
200 OK
Response Headers:
Content-type: application/json
Response Body:

Example Response:

{ "control_connection_status" : { "degraded_count" : 0, "down_count" : 0, "up_count" : 1, "status" : "UP" }, "tunnel_status" : { "down_count" : 0, "up_count" : 0, "status" : "DOWN", "bfd_status" : { "bfd_admin_down_count" : 0, "bfd_up_count" : 0, "bfd_init_count" : 0, "bfd_down_count" : 0 }, "bfd_diagnostic" : { "echo_function_failed_count" : 0, "no_diagnostic_count" : 0, "path_down_count" : 0, "administratively_down_count" : 0, "control_detection_time_expired_count" : 0, "forwarding_plane_reset_count" : 0, "reverse_concatenated_path_down_count" : 0, "neighbor_signaled_session_down_count" : 0, "concatenated_path_down_count" : 0 } }, "pnic_status" : { "degraded_count" : 0, "down_count" : 0, "up_count" : 2, "status" : "UP" }, "threat_status": { "status": "NORMAL" }, "agent_status": { "status": "UP", "up_count: 2 "down_count": 0, "agents": [ { "name": "NSX_AGENT", "stauts": "UP" }, { "name": "NSX_NESTDB", "stauts": "UP" } ] }, "node_status": { "last_heartbeat_timestamp": 1446675283540, "lcp_connectivity_status": "UP", "mpa_connectivity_status": "UP", "system_status": { "mem_used": 2551264, "system_time": 1446649452000, "file_systems": [ { "file_system": "root", "total": 32768, "used": 476, "type": "ramdisk", "mount": "/" }, { "file_system": "etc", "total": 28672, "used": 220, "type": "ramdisk", "mount": "/etc" }, { "file_system": "opt", "total": 32768, "used": 1040, "type": "ramdisk", "mount": "/opt" }, { "file_system": "var", "total": 49152, "used": 1196, "type": "ramdisk", "mount": "/var" }, { "file_system": "tmp", "total": 262144, "used": 24136, "type": "ramdisk", "mount": "/tmp" }, { "file_system": "hostdstats", "total": 302080, "used": 2072, "type": "ramdisk", "mount": "/var/lib/vmware/hostd/stats" } ], "load_average": [ 0.17000000178813934, 0.17000000178813934, 0.15000000596046448 ], "swap_total": 0, "mem_cache": 0, "cpu_cores": 16, "source": "cached", "mem_total": 25119208, "swap_used": 0, "uptime": 7213000 }, "last_sync_time": 1473837914408, "mpa_connectivity_status_details": "Client is responding to heartbeats", "software_version": "", "host_node_deployment_status": "INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL", "lcp_connectivity_status_details": [ { "control_node_ip": "", "failure_status": "UNKNOWN_FAILURE_STATUS", "status": "UP" } ], "inventory_sync_paused": false }, "mgmt_connection_status" : "UP", "node_uuid" : "07cd4582-189c-11e7-b77f-7f1dfdccba5e", "status" : "DOWN" } { "node_uuid" : "2955ca9e-1ae2-11ec-8882-000c29d3873a", "node_display_name" : "TN-202", "status" : "UP", "pnic_status" : { "status" : "UP", "up_count" : 3, "down_count" : 0, "degraded_count" : 0 }, "mgmt_connection_status" : "UP", "control_connection_status" : { "status" : "UP", "up_count" : 1, "down_count" : 0, "degraded_count" : 0 }, "tunnel_status" : { "bfd_status" : { "bfd_admin_down_count" : 0, "bfd_down_count" : 0, "bfd_init_count" : 0, "bfd_up_count" : 2 }, "bfd_diagnostic" : { "no_diagnostic_count" : 2, "control_detection_time_expired_count" : 0, "echo_function_failed_count" : 0, "forwarding_plane_reset_count" : 0, "path_down_count" : 0, "concatenated_path_down_count" : 0, "administratively_down_count" : 0, "reverse_concatenated_path_down_count" : 0, "neighbor_signaled_session_down_count" : 0 }, "status" : "UP", "up_count" : 2, "down_count" : 0 }, "node_status" : { "last_heartbeat_timestamp" : 1632232006193, "mpa_connectivity_status" : "UP", "mpa_connectivity_status_details" : "Client is responding to heartbeats", "lcp_connectivity_status" : "UP", "lcp_connectivity_status_details" : [ { "control_node_ip" : "", "status" : "UP" } ], "host_node_deployment_status" : "NODE_READY", "software_version" : "", "system_status" : { "cpu_cores" : 4, "dpdk_cpu_cores" : 2, "non_dpdk_cpu_cores" : 2, "disk_space_total" : 201349856, "disk_space_used" : 7870872, "file_systems" : [ { "file_system" : "udev", "mount" : "/dev", "total" : 1865364, "type" : "devtmpfs", "used" : 0 }, { "file_system" : "tmpfs", "mount" : "/run", "total" : 796292, "type" : "tmpfs", "used" : 6632 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/sda2", "mount" : "/", "total" : 19554540, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 3298112 }, { "file_system" : "tmpfs", "mount" : "/dev/shm", "total" : 3981444, "type" : "tmpfs", "used" : 3760 }, { "file_system" : "tmpfs", "mount" : "/run/lock", "total" : 5120, "type" : "tmpfs", "used" : 0 }, { "file_system" : "tmpfs", "mount" : "/sys/fs/cgroup", "total" : 3981444, "type" : "tmpfs", "used" : 0 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/sda1", "mount" : "/boot", "total" : 967320, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 9616 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/sda3", "mount" : "/os_bak", "total" : 19554540, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 45080 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/mapper/nsx-config", "mount" : "/config", "total" : 19551468, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 53792 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/mapper/nsx-tmp", "mount" : "/tmp", "total" : 3869352, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 15644 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/mapper/nsx-var+dump", "mount" : "/var/dump", "total" : 58503148, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 53272 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/mapper/nsx-config__bak", "mount" : "/config_bak", "total" : 19551468, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 45080 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/mapper/nsx-var+log", "mount" : "/var/log", "total" : 40246552, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 4305092 }, { "file_system" : "/dev/mapper/nsx-image", "mount" : "/image", "total" : 19551468, "type" : "ext4", "used" : 45180 }, { "file_system" : "tmpfs", "mount" : "/run/user/994", "total" : 796288, "type" : "tmpfs", "used" : 0 }, { "file_system" : "tmpfs", "mount" : "/run/user/155", "total" : 796288, "type" : "tmpfs", "used" : 0 } ], "load_average" : [ 1.34, 1.11, 1.05 ], "cpu_usage" : { "highest_cpu_core_usage_dpdk" : 0.31, "avg_cpu_core_usage_dpdk" : 0.21, "highest_cpu_core_usage_non_dpdk" : 25.62, "avg_cpu_core_usage_non_dpdk" : 19.59 }, "edge_mem_usage" : { "system_mem_usage" : 61.9, "swap_usage" : 0.0, "cache_usage" : 31.99, "datapath_total_usage" : 53.34, "datapath_mem_usage_details" : { "datapath_heap_usage" : 66.74, "highest_datapath_mem_pool_usage" : 33.26, "highest_datapath_mem_pool_usage_names" : [ "mbuf_pool_socket_0" ], "datapath_mem_pools_usage" : [ { "name" : "mbuf_pool_socket_0", "description" : "Packet Pool on Socket 0", "usage" : 33.26 }, { "name" : "jumbo_mbuf_pool", "description" : "Packet Pool for Jumbo Frame Used by Ipsec Crypto Device", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "sess_mp_0", "description" : "session mempool for crypto device used by ipsec", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "sp_pktmbuf_pool", "description" : "Datapath Slowpath Packet Pool", "usage" : 0.01 }, { "name" : "fw_mon_msg", "description" : "Stateful Service Sync Message Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfstatepl3", "description" : "Stateful Service State Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pffqdnippl", "description" : "Stateful Service FQDN to IP Map Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pffqdnsyncpl", "description" : "Stateful Service FQDN SYNC Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pffqdndnpl", "description" : "Stateful Service FQDN Internal Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfdnsdnpl", "description" : "Stateful Service FQDN DNS Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfpktpl3", "description" : "Stateful Service Fragmented Packet Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfsyncmbufpl3", "description" : "Stateful Service SYNC Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pf_fp_rule_node", "description" : "Stateful Service Rule Node Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pf_fp_root_rule_node", "description" : "Stateful Service Fastpath Root Table Node Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pf_tb_root_rule_node", "description" : "Stateful Service Root Rule Node Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pf_url_node", "description" : "URL or SNI request string", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfa_intattr_pl3", "description" : "Stateful Service Integer Attribute Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfa_attrconn_pl3", "description" : "Stateful Service Attribute Connection Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfa_ctx_pl3", "description" : "Stateful Service Context Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfa_key_ace_pl3", "description" : "Stateful Service Integer Attribute Key Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "pfa_value_ace_pl3", "description" : "Stateful Service Integer Attribute Value Pool", "usage" : 0.0 }, { "name" : "lb_pkt_pl3", "description" : "Load Balancer Temp Packet Cache Pool", "usage" : 0.0 } ] } }, "mem_cache" : 2547040, "mem_total" : 7962892, "mem_used" : 4929384, "source" : "cached", "swap_total" : 0, "swap_used" : 0, "system_time" : 1632389822000, "uptime" : 160527000 } } }

Required Permissions:




Additional Errors: