Enum - ClusterVmComponentProtectionSettingsStorageVmReaction(vim.cluster.VmComponentProtectionSettings.StorageVmReaction)

vSphere API 6.0

Enum Description

The VM policy settings that determine the response to storage failures.

Enum Constants

clusterDefault VM will use the cluster default setting. This option is only meaningful for per-VM settings.
disabled VM Component Protection service will not monitor or react to the component failure. This setting does not affect other vSphere HA services such as Host Monitoring or VM Health Monitoring.
restartAggressive VM Component Protection service protects VMs aggressively. With this setting, the service will terminate an affected VM even if it can't determine that capacity exists to restart the VM.
restartConservative VM Component Protection service protects VMs conservatively. With this setting, when the service can't determine that capacity is available to restart a VM, it will favor keeping the VM running.
warning VM Component Protection service will monitor component failures but will not restart an affected VM. Rather it will notify users about the component failures. This setting does not affect other vSphere HA services such as Host Monitoring or VM Health Monitoring.

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