LBMonitorProfileType (schema) (Deprecated)

Monitor type

There are two types of healthchecks: active and passive.
Passive healthchecks depend on failures in actual client traffic (e.g. RST
from server in response to a client connection) to detect that the server
or the application is down.
In case of active healthchecks, load balancer itself initiates new
connections (or sends ICMP ping) to the servers periodically to check their
health, completely independent of any data traffic.
Currently, active health monitors are supported for HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP
and ICMP protocols.
Name Description Type Notes
LBMonitorProfileType Monitor type

There are two types of healthchecks: active and passive.
Passive healthchecks depend on failures in actual client traffic (e.g. RST
from server in response to a client connection) to detect that the server
or the application is down.
In case of active healthchecks, load balancer itself initiates new
connections (or sends ICMP ping) to the servers periodically to check their
health, completely independent of any data traffic.
Currently, active health monitors are supported for HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP
and ICMP protocols.
string Deprecated
Enum: LBTcpMonitorProfile, LBUdpMonitorProfile, LBIcmpMonitorProfile, LBHttpMonitorProfile, LBHttpsMonitorProfile, LBPassiveMonitorProfile