Data Object - VsanResourceCheckDataPersistenceResult(vim.vsan.ResourceCheckDataPersistenceResult)

vSAN API 7.3

Data Object Description

The resource check component result for vSphere Data Persistence Platform.


Name Type Description

Amount of data that will rebuild asynchronously after queried operation is performed.

Persistent service instances that are predicted to become inaccessible after queried operation is performed. Instance names are constructed as follows service:namespace:instance where:
  • service: Name of the peristent service.
  • namespace: Name of the instance namespace.
  • instance: Instance name given to the respective service instance while creating it.


Persistent service instances that will lead to rebuild on a different entity, these instances will have reduced availability as long as the data is rebuilt. The data may be rebuilt syncronously or asyncronously depending on the service. Instance names are constructed as follows service:namespace:instance where:
  • service: Name of the peristent service.
  • namespace: Name of the instance namespace.
  • instance: Instance name given to the respective service instance while creating it.


Persistent service instances that are predicted to have reduced availability after queried operation is performed. Instance names are constructed as follows service:namespace:instance where:
  • service: Name of the peristent service.
  • namespace: Name of the instance namespace.
  • instance: Instance name given to the respective service instance while creating it.

Properties inherited from VsanResourceCheckComponentResult
Properties inherited from VsanResourceCheckResult
capacityThreshold, dataToMove, dataToResync, faultDomains, health, inaccessibleObjects, messages, nonCompliantObjects, status, timestamp
Properties inherited from EntityResourceCheckDetails
additionalRequiredCapacity, capacity, components, isNew, maxComponents, name, postOperationCapacity, postOperationUsedCapacity, usedCapacity, uuid
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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