Recursive Traversal

Use a SelectionSpec to apply a TraversalSpec to the results of its own traversal. To use a recursive filter construction, create a SelectionSpec that specifies the name of a TraversalSpec and add it to the named TraversalSpec selection set. The recursive construction extends inventory traversal beyond the paths directly represented by TraversalSpec objects.

You can use recursive traversal on any inventory objects that can be nested. See Inventory Hierarchies and ServiceInstance for a general representation of the structure of an inventory. For example, on a vCenter Server, folders can nest to arbitrary depths. To describe a traversal path through a succession of folders, you can add a SelectionSpec to the Folder TraversalSpec. The SelectionSpec must reference the TraversalSpec. Recursive TraversalSpec and SelectionSpec shows a representation of a TraversalSpec and its associated SelectionSpec for nested folder traversal.

Figure 1. Recursive TraversalSpec and SelectionSpec
In Traversal Spec, Select Set points to Selection Spec.