AlarmExpression Types

By using the appropriate type of AlarmExpression, you can set alarms for different conditions, states, or events.

AlarmExpression Description Example
StateAlarmExpression Specifies thresholds that trigger the alarm. Triggered by a power state change of a virtual machine or state change of a distributed virtual switch.
MetricAlarmExpression Specifies levels at which the alarm changes state. See Using MetricAlarmExpression. Triggered when resource utilization metrics exceed a specified limit.
EventAlarmExpression Specifies a type of event as the basis for the alarm. Triggered by power on or power off events of primary or secondary virtual machines in a fault-tolerant cluster.
EventAlarmComparison Specifies the property of the Event that should trigger the alarm and the operator to use as the basis for comparison.  


Combines one or more instances of the AndAlarmExpression and the OrAlarmExpression data objects into an expression that evaluates to true or false.