Defining Alarms Using the AlarmSpec Data Object

The AlarmSpec data object has properties for all aspects of an Alarm, including its expression and the action to take when the expression evaluates to true. The following properties define the alarm; see the API Reference for a complete list.

  • action – Action to initiate when the Alarm becomes active. Specify one of the Action subtypes. See Specifying Alarm Actions.
  • actionFrequency – Number of seconds that the Alarm remains in the state required to initiate the specified action.
  • expression – One or more AlarmExpression data objects combined in a way that evaluates to a true-false expression. See Specifying Alarm Trigger Conditions with AlarmExpression.
  • setting – Tolerance and frequency limits for the Alarm defined in the AlarmSetting data object. AlarmSetting contains two integer properties:
    • reportingFrequency, which specifies the number of seconds between activation of an alarm. Use 0 to specify that the alarm can activate as frequently as required.
    • toleranceRange, which specifies the acceptable range (measured in hundredth percentage) above and below the specified value defined in a MetricAlarmExpression.