Helper Classes for C# Sample Applications in the Web Services SDK

The C# sample applications included with the vSphere Web Services SDK include C# helper classes that handle the details of creating sessions, obtaining session tokens, saving the session token as a string to a file, and reusing the session. The Microsoft .NET Web services implementation uses the Cookie class to handle the session information from the server.

The helper classes (listed in the following table) handle command-line input such as common parameters, server name, and other details. These helper classes are located in the unpacked C# version of the SDK download, in this location:

C# Helper Classes


AppUtils Functional Description
AppUtil.cs Convenient methods you can use to handle user input from command line. Catches errors (faults). Logs output to console.
AppUtil.csproj Convenient methods you can use to handle user input from command line., built to run on versions of Microsoft Visual Studio that were released before 2008.
ArgumentHandlingException.cs Convenient methods you can use to handle exceptions.
CertPolicy.cs Convenient methods you can use to customize certificate error messages.
ClientUtil.cs Convenient methods you can use to handle user input from command line. Catches errors (faults). Logs output to console.
CustomSecurity.cs Convenient methods you can use to override the SOAP security filter.
CustomSecurityAssertionBearer.cs Convenient methods you can use to create a custom policy assertion that applies security to a SOAP message exchange.
Log.cs Convenient methods you can use to create a log file or send log output to the console.
OptionSpec.cs Helper class for handling default and custom command-line arguments.
PropertyManager.cs Convenient methods you can use to listen for Property Manager updates.
ServiceUtil.cs Wrapper methods for the vimService methods (the local proxy code methods) for API 2.0 and prior releases.
SvcConnection.cs Convenient methods you can use to create a Web service connection handler.
TrustAllCertificatePolicy.cs Creates an instance of local proxy for connecting to the server, and obtains managed object references to several needed managed objects— ServiceInstance, ServiceContent, rootFolder.
VersionUtil.cs Convenient methods you can use to retrieve the namespace and API version.
VMUtils.cs Convenient methods you can use to create a virtual machine configuration spec.