Installing the vCLI Package on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
vCLI is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Server, 32 bit and 64 bit. On RHEL, the vSphere SDK for Perl installer prompts you whether you want to install required Perl modules from the installation package or from CPAN. Follow these steps to install the software.
Installing Required Prerequisite Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Prerequisite software on RHEL includes required software and recommended Perl modules.
Required Software
If required software is not installed, the vCLI installer stops. You can install prerequisites using yum, the RHEL package installer (recommended), or from the installation DVD.
For example, if both OpenSSL development libraries, libXML2, and e2fsprogs are missing, type the following at a command prompt:
yum install openssl-devel libxml2-dev e2fsprogs-dev
Recommended Perl Modules
When the installer finishes, it might issue a warning that the version of a module installed on your system does not match the version with which vCLI was tested. Install that version using yum or CPAN to resolve the issue. See Overview of Linux Installation Process for a complete list of modules.
Installing the vCLI Package on RHEL (No Internet Access)
Before you install vCLI, you must remove all previous versions of that software. The process differs from simply uninstalling vCLI.
To remove previous versions of vCLI
Delete existing versions of vSphere-CLI.xxxx.tar.gz and delete the vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib directory.
To install vCLI on RHEL
tar –zxvf VMware-vSphere-CLI-5.X.X-XXXXX.i386.tar.gz
A vmware-vsphere-vcli-distrib directory is created.
/<location>/sudo vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib/
A complete installation process has the following result:
If you accepted the defaults during installation, you can find the installed software in the following locations:
vCLI scripts/usr/bin
vSphere SDK for Perl utility applications/usr/lib/vmware-vcli/apps
vSphere SDK for Perl sample scripts/usr/share/doc/vmware-vcli/samples
See the vSphere SDK for Perl documentation for a reference to all utility applications.
After you install the vCLI, you can test the installation by running a command from the command prompt. See Running Commands on Linux.