vihostupdate - manage software installation packages on an ESX/ESXi host.


 vihostupdate [<connection_options>]
  [ --help |
    --install [--bundle <zip_location>|--metadata <zip_location>] |
    --list [--bundle <zip_location>|--metadata <zip_location>] |
    --query |
    --remove <bulletin> |
    --scan [--bundle <location>|--metadata <zip_location>]]


The vihostupdate command applies software updates to ESX/ESXi images and installs and updates ESX/ESXi extensions such as VMkernel modules, drivers, and CIM providers.

The vihostupdate command works with bulletins. Each bulletin consists of one or more vSphere bundles and addresses one or more issues. A bulletin is considered to be included in another bulletin if every vSphere bundle in the first bulletin meets one of these criteria:

Towards the end of a release cycle, bulletins include a large number of other bulletins. Bulletins are available in bundles and in depots with associated files.

The command supports querying software installed on a host, listing software in a patch, scanning for bulletins that apply to a host, and installing all or selective bulletins in the patch. You can specify a patch by using a bundle ZIP file or the metadata ZIP file of a depot. The depot can be on the remote server, or you can download a bundle ZIP file and use a local depot.

vihostupdate supports https://, http://, and ftp:// downloads. You can specify the protocols in the download URL for the bundle or metadata file.

See the ESXi Upgrade Guide for some additional information. For more information about installing, removing, and updating 3rd-Party extensions in vSphere 4.0, see the Setup Guide. An example is in the EXAMPLES section below.

Important: Do not specify -b or -m more than once. If you do, the command only processes the last file that is specified. You can specify a comma-separated list of bundles with --install but not with other options. That might be necessary if you want to install a VMware bundle and a third-party bundle.


--bulletin | -B <bulletin_list>

Bulletins to install. Use this option together with --bundle or --metadata.

Use a comma-separated list, for example, bulletin1,bulletin2. If this option is not specified, vihostupdate installs all bulletins.

--bundle | -b <location>

Location of the offline bundle. Use either -b or -m but not both. You can specify a list of bundles separated by commas but not spaces. That might be necessary if you want to install a VMware bundle and a third-party bundle. The bundles can be local (e.g. C:\, C:\ or remote (e.g. http://<server>/, http://<server>/


Specifies the target server and authentication information if required. Run vihostupdate --help for a list of all connection options.


Prints a help message for each command-specific and each connection option. Calling the command with no arguments or with --help has the same effect.

--install | -i [--bundle <location> | --metadata <zip_location>]

Installs the host with selective bulletins from the bundle or the depot. Requires either -b or -m, but not both. You can specify this parameter only once.

--list | -l [--bundle <location> | --metadata <zip_location>]

Lists the bulletins in the specified bundle or depot. Requires either -b or -m but not both.

--metadata | -m <zip_location>

Specifies the location of the depot metadata.xml ZIP file that contains information about the update bundle. Use either -b or -m, not both.

--query | -q

Displays all bulletins that are already installed on the host.

--remove | -r <bulletin>

Removes the specified bulletin from the host.

Use this option for removing bulletins that are third-party or VMware extensions. Do NOT remove bulletins that are VMware patches or updates.

--scan | -s [--bundle <location> | --metadata <zip_location>]

Scans the host for the bundle or the depot for applicable bulletins. Requires either -b or -m but not both.


The following examples assume you are specifying connection options, either explicitly or, for example, by specifying the server, user name, and password. Run vihostupdate --help for a list of common options including connection options.

You can update an ESX/ESXi host using bundles by running the following commands in sequence:

  1. Find out which bulletins are installed on your ESX/ESXi host <conn_options --query
  2. Find out which bulletins are available in the bundle <conn_options> --list --bundle http>//<webserver>/
  3. Find out which bulletins in the bundle are applicable to your ESX/ESXi host. <conn_options> --scan --bundle http://<webserver>/
  4. Install all or some bulletins from the bundle on the ESX/ESXi host. The ESX/ESXi host is updated to the specified patch level. <conn_options> --install --bundle http://<webserver>/
  5. If necessary, you can remove individual bulletins. Use this option only for removing bulletins that are third-party or VMware extensions. Do not remove bulletins that are VMware patches or updates. <conn_options> --remove --bulletin bulletin1

You can update your ESX/ESXi host using depots by running the following commands in sequence:

  1. List all bulletins in the depot given the file location. --list --metadata http>//<webserver>/depot/
  2. Scan the depot for bulletins that are applicable to the host. --scan --metadate http://<webserver>/depot/
  3. Install bulletins in the depot on the hos.

You can deploy a third-party bundle that you have downloaded on your web server, for example: <conn_options> --install --bundle https://<3rdParty_webserver>/