vicfg-advcfg - query and modify advanced VMkernel options. Use when instructed by Technical Support.

vicfg-advcfg - enable and disable CIM providers.


 vicfg-advcfg <connection_options>
   [--default <value> |
    --get <path> |
    --get-kernel <boot_parameter> |
    --quiet |
    --help |
    --set <value> <option> |
    --set 0|1 UserVars.CIMEnabled |
    --set 0|1 UserVars.CIMOEMProvidersEnabled |
    --set 0|1 UserVars.CIMCustomProvidersEnabled |
    --set-kernel <value> <boot_parameter> |
    --set-message <message> |
    --vihost <esx_target>]


The vicfg-advcfg command offers a number of low-level advanced options.

Most options are not intended for customer use. You might use this command when VMware Technical Support or a VMware Knowledge Base article instruct you to do so.

You can use the vicfg-advcfg -s option to enable and disable CIM providers.



Specifies the target server and authentication information if required. Run vicfg-advcfg --help for a list of all connection options.

--default | -d <option>

Sets the value of a specific configuration item to the default value defined by the VMkernel. Use this option when VMware Technical Support or a VMware Knowledge Base article instruct you to do so.

--get | -g <config_option>

Gets the value of a configuration option based on its path, and print the value to stdout. Use this option when VMware Technical Support or a VMware Knowledge Base article instruct you to do so.

--get-kernel | -j <boot_param>

Gets the value of a VMkernel boot parameter. Use this option when VMware Technical Support or a VMware Knowledge Base article instruct you to do so.


Prints a help message for each command-specific and each connection option. Calling the script with no arguments or with --help has the same effect.

--quiet | -q

No output to stdout while executing the command.

--set | -s <value> <option>

Sets the value of a configuration option based on its path. Use this option when VMware Technical Support or a VMware Knowledge Base article instruct you to do so.

--set | -s 0|1 UserVars.CIMEnabled

Enables or disables all CIM providers.

--set | -s 0|1 UserVars.CIMOEMProvidersEnabled

Enables or disables OEM CIM providers.

--set | -s 0|1 UserVars.CIMCustomProvidersEnabled

Enables or disables IHV CIM providers.

--set-kernel | -k <value> <boot_param>

Sets the value of a VMkernel boot parameter. Use this option when VMware Technical Support or a VMware Knowledge Base article instruct you to do so.

--set-message | -m <message>

Sets DCUI welcome message (valid for vSphere 4.0 and later). Use this option when VMware Technical Support or a VMware Knowledge Base article instruct you to do so.

--list | -l

Lists all VMkernel advanced config options.

--vihost | -h <esx_target<gt

When you execute a vSphere CLI with the --server option pointing to a vCenter Server System, you can use --vihost to specify the ESX/ESXi host to run the command against.


The following examples assume you are specifying connection options. Run vicfg-advcfg --help for a list of common options including connection options.

Set the value of a specific configuration item given its identifying path and the value to set:

 vicfg-advcfg <conn_options> -s 1 VMkernel.Boot.xapicForce

Get the value of a specific configuration item given its identifying path, and print the value to stdout:

 vicfg-advcfg <conn_options> -g VMkernel.Boot.xapicForce

Set the value of a specific configuration item to the default value defined by the VMkernel:

 vicfg-advcfg <conn_options> -d Irq.RoutingPolicy

Retrieve a VMkernel option:

 vicfg-advcfg <conn_options> --get-kernel assumeCommonBusClock

Set a VMkernel option:

 vicfg-advcfg <conn_options> --set-kernel 1 assumeCommonBusClock

Set a DCUI welcome message

 vicfg-advcfg <conn_options> --set-message "Welcome message"

Enable all CIM providers: <conn_options> -s 1 UserVars.CIMEnabled

Enable OEM CIM providers: <conn_options> -s 1 UserVars.CIMOEMProvidersEnabled

Disable IHV CIM providers: <conn_options> -s 0 UserVars.CIMCustomProvidersEnabled