esxcli elxnet Commands

Command Description Options Help
elxnet dbgmask get Gets Debug Mask of an elxnet nic
--pcidevname | -p
PCI SBDF address for an elxnet NIC. The address can be found in the "PCI Device" column of the `esxcli network nic list' command. (required)
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elxnet dbgmask set Sets Debug Mask of an elxnet nic
--mask | -m
DebugMask value in 8 digit Hex (Ex: 0x00000101), DRIVER: 0x1, UPLINK: 0x2, QUEUE: 0x4, INTR: 0x8, MCC: 0x10, TX: 0x20, RX: 0x40, MGMT: 0x80, WORKER: 0x100, SRIOV: 0x200, EVENT: 0x400, VLAN: 0x800, VXLAN: 0x1000 (required)
--pcidevname | -p
PCI SBDF address for an elxnet NIC. The address can be found in the "PCI Device" column of the `esxcli network nic list' command. (required)
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elxnet regdump get Gets regdump (FAT dump) of an elxnet nic
--filepath | -f
Absolute file path (must begin with "/") to copy register dump. File will be generated on the target ESXi machine in case of remote esxcli invocations. (required)
--pcidevname | -p
PCI SBDF address for an elxnet NIC. The address can be found in the "PCI Device" column of the `esxcli network nic list' command. (required)
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elxnet stats get Displays private stats of an elxnet nic
--pcidevname | -p
PCI SBDF address for an elxnet NIC. The address can be found in the "PCI Device" column of the `esxcli network nic list' command. (required)
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elxnet vib get Displays the name of the VIB that provided this esxcli plugin
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