Finding Error Code Documentation
For a list of Virtual Disk API error codes, see the online reference guide Introduction to the VixDiskLib API:
Windows – C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit\doc\intro.html
Linux – /usr/share/doc/vmware-vix-disklib/intro.html
In a Web browser, click the Error Codes link in the upper left frame, and click any link in the lower left frame. The right-hand frame displays an alphabetized list of error codes, with explanations.
Association With VIX API Errors
The Virtual Disk API shares many errors with the VIX API, which explains the VIX prefix. The error codes for the VIX API are likely to be the same, or almost the same as, a comparable release of the VDDK.
For information about the VIX API, including its online reference guide to functions and error codes, see the developer support section of the VMware Web site:
Interpreting Errors Codes
A VIX error is a 64-bit value. A value of VIX_OK indicates success, but otherwise (if there is an error), several bit regions in the 64-bit value might be set. The least significant 16 bits are set to the error code described for VIX errors. More significant bit fields might be set to other values.
As for the VIX API, use the macro VIX_ERROR_CODE(err) to mask off bit fields not used by the VDDK.