vSphere PowerCLI Reference



This cmdlet modifies the specified SCSI controllers.


Set-ScsiController [-ScsiController] <ScsiController[]> [-BusSharingMode <ScsiBusSharingMode>] [-Type <ScsiControllerType>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

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Detailed Description

This cmdlet modifies the specified SCSI controllers. Set-ScsiController cannot set both the Type and BusSharing parameters at the same time. First run the cmdlet to set the type and then run it again to configure the bus sharing mode.


NameTypeDescriptionRequired?Pipeline InputDefault Value
ScsiControllerScsiController[]Specifies the SCSI controller you want to modify.truetrue (ByValue)
BusSharingModeScsiBusSharingModeSpecifies the bus sharing mode of the SCSI controller. The valid values are NoSharing, Physical, and Virtual.falsefalse
ConfirmSwitchParameterIf the value is $true, indicates that the cmdlet asks for confirmation before running. If the value is $false, the cmdlet runs without asking for user confirmation.falsefalse
TypeScsiControllerTypeSpecifies the type of the SCSI controller. The valid values are ParaVirtual, VirtualBusLogic, VirtualLsiLogic, and VirtualLsiLogicSAS.falsefalse
WhatIfSwitchParameterIndicates that the cmdlet is run only to display the changes that would be made and actually no objects are modified.falsefalse

Return Type

Zero or more modified ScsiController objects



-------------- Example 1 --------------

Get-ScsiController -VM VM | Set-ScsiController -BusSharingMode Physical

Configures the bus sharing mode of the SCSI controllers of a virtual machine to Physical mode.

-------------- Example 2 --------------

$scsiController = Get-HardDisk -VM VM | Select -First 1 | Get-ScsiController

Set-ScsiController -ScsiController $scsiController -Type VirtualLsiLogic

Changes the type of the SCSI controller of the first hard disk of the VM virtual machine to VirtualLsiLogic.

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