Developing a simple example workflow demonstrates the most common steps in the workflow development process.

The example workflow that you are about to create starts an existing virtual machine in vCenter Server and sends an email to the administrator to confirm that the virtual machine has started.

The example workflow performs the following tasks:


Prompts the user to select a virtual machine to start.


Prompts the user for an email address to which it can send notifications.


Checks whether the selected virtual machine is already powered on.


Sends a request to the vCenter Server instance to start the virtual machine.


Waits for vCenter Server to start the virtual machine, and returns an error if the virtual machine fails to start or if starting the virtual machine takes too long.


Waits for vCenter Server to start VMware Tools on the virtual machine, and returns an error if the virtual machine fails to start or if starting VMware Tools takes too long.


Verifies that the virtual machine is running.


Sends a notification to the provided email address, informing that the machine has started or that an error occurred.

The ZIP file of Orchestrator examples available for download from the landing page of the Orchestrator documentation contains a complete version of the Start VM and Send Email workflow.

The process for developing the example workflow consists of several tasks.

Before you attempt to develop the simple example workflow, read Key Concepts of Workflows.


You must begin the workflow development process by creating the workflow in the Orchestrator client.


You can create a workflow's schema in the workflow editor. The workflow schema contains the elements that the workflow runs and determines the logical flow of the workflow.


You can emphasize different zones in workflow by adding workflow notes of different colors. Creating different workflow zones helps to make complicated workflow schema easier to read and understand.


In this phase of workflow development, you define the input parameters that the workflow requires to run. For the example workflow, you need an input parameter for the virtual machine to power on, and a parameter for the email address of the person to inform about the result of the operation. When users run the workflow, they will be required to specify the virtual machine to power on and an email address.


You bind a workflow's elements together in the Schema tab of the workflow editor. Decision bindings define how decision elements compare the input parameters received to the decision statement, and generate output parameters according to whether the input parameters match the decision statement.


You can bind a workflow's elements together in the workflow editor. Bindings define how the action elements process input parameters and generate output parameters.


You bind a workflow's elements together in the Schema tab of the workflow editor. Bindings define how the scripted task elements process input parameters and generate output parameters. You also bind the scriptable task elements to their JavaScript functions.


You define exception bindings in the Schema tab in the workflow editor. Exception bindings define how elements process errors.


You can define whether parameters and attributes are read-only constants or writeable variables. You can also set limitations on the values that users can provide for input parameters.


You can set the parameter properties in the workflow editor. Setting the parameter properties affects the behavior of the parameter, and places constraints on the possible values for that parameter.


You create the layout or presentation of the input parameters dialog box in the workflow editor. The input parameters dialog box opens when users run a workflow that needs input parameters to run.


After you create a workflow, you can validate it to discover any possible errors. If the workflow contains no errors, you can run it.