You can use the findRelation operation to locate the children of a particular object.

The findRelation operation returns an array of FinderResult objects that correspond to the children of a particular object.

You must have created a connection to the Orchestrator Web services endpoint in your Web service client application class.


Create an array of FinderResult objects by calling the findRelation operation on an object.

FinderResult[] results = vsoWebControl.findRelation("VC:ComputeResource", 
    "vcenter/domain-s114", "getResourcePool()", "username", "password");

The preceding example returns an array of FinderResult objects that match the following criteria.

The parent element is of the type VC:ComputeResource.

The parent element's ID is vchost/domain-s114.

The returned children are related to the parent by the getResourcePool relation, defined by the Orchestrator vCenter Server 4 plug-in.


Extract the results from a FinderResult object.

To show, interpret, or process the results in the FinderResult objects that the find operation returns, you must convey these results to the Web service application.

The following example shows how to extract the results returned in a FinderResult object.

public static void displayFinderResult(FinderResult finderResult) {
  if (finderResult != null) {
    System.out.println("Finder result is of type '" 
      + finderResult.getType() 
      + "', id '" + finderResult.getId() 
      + "' and uri '" 
      + finderResult.getDunesUri() + "'");
    System.out.println("And has properties :");
    Property[] props = finderResult.getProperties();
    if (props != null) {
      for (int ii = 0; ii < props.length; ii++) {
          System.out.println("\t" + props[ii].getName() + "=" 
            + props[ii].getValue());

The example defines an internal method, displayFinderResult, which takes a FinderResult object and obtains and shows its type, ID, the URI at which it is located, and its properties. You can use the URI to set arguments when starting or answering workflows. The getType, getId, getProperties and getDunesUri methods are defined by the FinderResult object.

You found objects in the Orchestrator server that the Web service client can access and and run workflows upon.

Implement Web service operations in the client application to find workflows in the Orchestrator server.