Decision elements are simple Boolean functions that you use to create branches in workflows. Decision elements determine whether the input received matches the decision statement you set. As a function of this decision, the workflow continues its course along one of two possible paths.

Verify that you have a decision element linked to two other elements in the schema in the workflow editor before you define the decision.


Click the Edit icon (Edit icon) of the decision element.

A dialog box that lists the properties of the decision element appears.


Click the Decision tab in the dialog box.


Click the Not Set (NULL) link to select the source input parameter for this decision.

A dialog box that lists all the attributes and input parameters defined in this workflow appears.


Select an input parameter from the list by double-clicking it.


If you did not define the source parameter to which to bind, create it by clicking the Create attribute/parameter in workflow link in the parameter selection dialog box.


Select a decision statement from the drop-down menu.

The statements that the menu proposes are contextual, and differ according to the type of input parameter selected.


Add a value that you want the decision statement to match.

Depending on the input type and the statement you select, you might see a Not Set (NULL) link in the value text box. Clicking this link gives you a predefined choice of values. Otherwise, for example for Strings, this is a text box in which you provide a value.

You defined a statement for the decision element. When the decision element receives the input parameter, it compares the value of the input parameter to the value in the statement and determines whether the statement is true or false.

You must set how the workflow handles exceptions.